Milk, Rice milk or Almond milk?



  • racha2424
    racha2424 Posts: 58 Member
    I do fat free regular milk and Dark chocolate almond milk
  • BobsLittleBird
    BobsLittleBird Posts: 28 Member
    my favorite is coconut milk, but for the sake of calories I drink Silk original almond milk. I think soy milk has a strange flavor. I also really like Organic Valley 1% milk because it is creamier like 2% non organic for some reason. I'm going to pick up a gallon of fat free organic milk today to see if it tastes like 1% of non organic.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 442 Member
    I use the unsweetened almond/coconut milk at home for my protein shakes and cereal. Only 45 calories a cup vs 110 for the 1% our kids mostly drink. My wife uses vanilla soy milk as she is lactose intolerant. That is 70 calories a cup.
  • chicago_dad
    chicago_dad Posts: 357
    Silk 35 calorie almond milk. No brainer.
  • worshipcatz
    worshipcatz Posts: 1 Member
    almond milk, or coconut milk are my personal favourites!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I LOVE unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It's the best!
    Never tried rice milk.
    Regular milk makes me fart, who wants that????
  • Rav3nfan
    Rav3nfan Posts: 24 Member
    I love unsweeted almond milk although I also like soy milk.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I grew up drinking skim milk, but recently bought some Almond milk just to cut down on my dairy a little. I am addicted! I get the unsweetened vanilla. I try very hard to be good about not eating late in the evening, and an 8 oz glass of almond milk is the perfect thing to settle an empty stomach before going to sleep. I also like it in steel cut oats. It might just take the place of my 1/2 gallon of skim. It's THAT good.
  • finz96
    finz96 Posts: 102
    Unsweetened almond milk. Love it!
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    I alternate between fat free milk and unsweetened almond milk. I only use milk for cooking and smoothies, so I'm not all that fussed about it.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Unsweetened almond milk is the best<3 I am curious to try Rice milk though, I have a friend who drinks it and says its good
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    You could have a 'tasting party' sometime--you and some friends each bring a different type of milk (or go to the store, pick out a selection, and then divide the cost evenly), then go home and try each. Taste them at room temperature and then again cold. Put out some fruits and healthy crackers for a snack, and write down what you each think of the different milks. :)

    I know I've done this with other foods--sometimes you want to try something but it's a lot on your own. And what if you don't like a product? But with a larger group to chip in, you have a better chance of SOMEONE liking something. :) If you have leftovers, send them home with everyone. And then you'll know in the future what milk to buy! :D
  • kungfuflyer
    kungfuflyer Posts: 29 Member
    Depends on what your goals are but for cutting calories and taste I would say unsweetened vanila almond milk would is the best.
  • Gitn_Fit
    Gitn_Fit Posts: 40 Member
    Coconut milk here. It makes protein shakes amazing tasting!
  • emma9797
    emma9797 Posts: 36
    And any ideas on hemp milk? Have never drunk it...
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Coconut milk tastes the best in my opinion. Trader Joe's has an awesome one, if you have one near you!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    And any ideas on hemp milk? Have never drunk it...

    I've seen a few people like it, I tried it and found it awful.
  • 3minions
    3minions Posts: 2
    I LOVE vanilla unsweetened almond milk. I first tried it when I became diabetic and didn't want to "pay" carbs for regular milk. I've been a big non-fat/1% milk drinker my whole life, so I was surprised how much I liked it, and that I really didn't miss the regular milk at all! I love it in my smoothies and on cereal.

    I've never been a fan of soy milk---it has a funny, off taste to me, and also added sugar. Rice milk tastes okay, but again, sugar added, which is an obvious no for me.

    I have one question for long-time almond milk drinkers---what does it taste like heated? Since switching off milk over a year ago, it now seems I've become a little lactose intolerant, which I notice whenever I have the occasional latte. Just wondering if anyone has tried almond milk in a latte or such? Thanks! :)
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I like milk (whole, raw, from the farm... YUM), or coconut milk. I usually buy the coconut milk to cook Thai food (my husband LOVES it and we live in a small town with no Thai restaurants) but use what is left on cereal or in my coffee. As a bonus, the coconut milk I normally buy is fortified with a lot of calcium and vitamin D... (Coconut dream unsweetened with added A &D)
  • jagarin85
    jagarin85 Posts: 2
    Almond milk. I get the 40 calorie per serving Almond milk and use it with my protein powder in the morning for breakfast! Yummy. Also tastes amazing with oatmeal!!!:drinker: