This totally creeped me out!!! (photo)



  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    this is so funny.
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i would definitely be flipping out. :indifferent:
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I had a Kid Sister doll when I was a kid (they don't talk). BUT I snuck and watch a Chuckie movie with my older cousins (actually, a cousin who was my age and I watched from the stairs), then I was chronically afraid of Kid Sister (who looks like a girl Chuckie). My Dad kept trying to convince me he could keep her away from me (I'll put her under my pillow, I'll drive her to the dump), but Chuckie NEVER DIES in the movies. Finally, after weeks of waking up crying (I was 7 or 8), I confessed.

    Chuckie still freaks me out! LOL
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Im afraid of teddy ruxpen. I use to have the one with the tape deck in it that use to sing. Well the batteries were out and teddy ruxpen demonically shouted raarrr Rrarrr rwoorrr and his eyes rolled up into his head and the bottom of his face fell off. To this day i refuse to get winter gloves from moms basement. Every now and then ill forget and open the dresser and run screaming upstairs at his cross eyed gaping face lol

    OMG, I LOL'd at this. I'm so sorry it scared you... but thanks for sharing. I nearly busted a gut!
    Lol glad someone enjoyed it. Seriously though. That thing has been locked in a drawer for over 2 decades and I still feel complete horror when I look at teddy ruxpen, face devourer of worlds lol. It was odd though...not sure why he held on to the charge for so long after the batteries were removed...or why it conveniently stopped in back of the head eye roll position...and why his face decided to fall off at that moment lol.

    Ruxpen is evil I tells ya :p woodys just trying to have some fun haha