How can I stop saying TOMORROW?



  • poopoo01
    poopoo01 Posts: 4
    Your not alone, yes I have once AGAIN fell off the wagon and here I go AGAIN to put my big behind (so to speak) back on it. On that note, don't give up and let's try, try AGAIN :smile:
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
    Little steps all add up... Make yourself accountable for EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. Track every item you eat.. And question whether you are really eating for hunger.. boredom.. Or habit. Once you start tracking you will slowly shame yourself out of binging as it looks terrible your food log. Only you can take control and make positive changes for yourself! :)
  • sokizzme
    sokizzme Posts: 4 Member
    I always promise myself (and I'm so sick when I can't do what I promise) to do it today (especilly on weekend that I can stay home have free time all day) but at the end of the day I have an excuse for myself to postpone to tomorrow...

    Like someone already said...tomorrow never come because when it come we said tomorrow again and again and again.

    Just before I write this I'm still on the same mind set (even I'm sit on the yoga mat and typing this comment!!) so I think let's do it just do it and stop saying tomorrow or even "later today"

    I'll start mine now!!!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have been yo-yo ing with weight loss. I will do great for a few days, and today we will not even talk about todays caloric in-take. Let's just say I had one of my random small, but huge binges. Tomorrow is a day to start over, or I will start tomorrow is what I always tell myself. I have gained 13 pounds in 6 months. How can I finally tell myself TODAY, AND NOT TOMORROW?

    Please! I need some motivation : (
    I did that for years. It has to start today. Tomorrow is a trap. Tomorrow never comes. It starts now. Go get some fruit.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    my answer is.. 1. start today by eating better with the next meal. 2. read success stories on mfp 3. get rid of any and all bad stuff in your house and fill it up with good wholesome foods.. that way when you do binge.. you can binge on good stuff and not crappy things. (this is not permission to binge) it's just saying that we all have those days where we want to eat more or what we want and in some cases what we have.. so make it easier on yourself by having good stuff around that you can fall back on.

    and also starting tomorrow.. isn't so bad either as long as you intend to and do it.