Can you be too heavy to Jog?



  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I ran a unofficial 5k at 300 lbs. I started to add short jogs to my walks around 280-285 lbs. I am not a runner nor have a ever wanted to run before in my life. Im 6'3 and have lost about 85 lbs so far. I am doing C25K right now and tomorrow I will do W2D3. Its been fairly easy for me. Im currently about 255. I started walking in Aug about 3-4 times a week. If you havent, defo check with a doc to make sure they think its safe for you to do. If a week of C25K is hard for you, no shame on repeating a day or even the entire week till it gets a little bit easier.

    Good luck!

    Your killing me with your main profile pic! NOM NOM NOM :wink:
  • TheLittleKittie
    You are amazing for starting jogging, I hope you grow to love it as I did. As others have given good advice, see ur doc and take it steady I won't repeat but just wanted to say - go you!
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I'm 305 and did my first 5k this morning. Look at the New Balance Good Form Running website to learn how to run without injury.
    Congrats again Craig!

    And for what it's worth I did my first two 5Ks at around 360 pounds. I just stay at my pace and make sure I don't overdo it. If you don't already have knee or leg issues I would think you'd be ok but as someone else posted you might want to check with your doc too. Good luck!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I started to run at about your weight. I seem to be ok.
  • stephanierae2804
    Make sure you're fitted with proper running shoes from a running store, and take it easy and listen to your body. When you're jogging, you should be able to talk. I ran my first half marathon at 230 pounds - and I'm 5'4". I'm now down into the 150s and running is my favorite exercise. It wasn't for a long time - I just kept with it.

    When I first started running I did C25k as well, and there were MANY weeks where I wasn't ready to move on, so I repeated weeks. You should repeat weeks until you feel comfortable with them, or just short of comfortable. If you start to have bad aches and pains, then it would be time to see a doctor or take extra rest days.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Anecdotal evidence from others is great, but it just that.... anecdotal. If you're worried about doing damage to your body, the only one who can answer questions specific to YOUR situation is your doctor. You know how they always say..... consult your doctor before beginning a new exercise/diet program.... this is the perfect example. I would suggest scheduling an appointment.
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    Of course you can be too heavy to jog!
    Depending on your cardiovascular capabilities, illness, previous injuries there is definitely a weight you shouldn't be jogging at.

    I'm 24, about 260lbs and I WILL NOT jog! Not until I get to about 230 and even then I'll have to evaluate how my body reacts to the stress.

    Now this isn't to say you can't complete a 5k. I walked my first 5K two days ago. Completed 3.18miles in 69 minutes. I don't care how long it took, I was just very happy to have been able to do it happy in the fact that I will improve on mny time over time.

    All the best,
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    At 262-ish, I'm terrified because my knees already ache sometimes. I figured I would just listen to my body and when the urge hits I would give it a try, little by little. I'm looking forward to starting the program.
  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    good running shoes and sports bra (ladies!) and go at your own pace. I did c25k and it was great. My first 5k race took me 50 mins but I will work on speed when I lose more weight. I'm much faster than when I started, but I would say concentrate on distance and not speed.
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    No one can really give you adequate advice since we're not you. It really depends on what you're comfortable with. You know your body the best.

    Have your knees been giving you problems? Do you have prior injuries? Have you researched proper form in order to run without injuries? Has your doctor taken scans of your knees?

    If you're going to continue the program, and the first and second week were just "okay", then I'd suggest to pay a visit to your doc, get some scans going to make sure everything is okay and then see if they recommend it. If not, the elliptical is a good alternative, like others have mentioned. Good luck! And don't give up! :smile:
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    I started run/walk/jogging well north of 300. I am a little under where you are now (260) and still going strong and getting better and better.

    Start slowly (at any weight) and work your way into it. But hell yes by all means run. It's effective cardio and you WILL lose weight as long as you eat sensibly.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    perhaps you just need to start out slowly, maybe by walking...then as you feel stronger, go a little faster walking and gradually work your way up to jogging slowly and then running?
  • gastankerdriver
    Definitely consult with a doctor first. A guy I used to work with was about 100 pounds overweight and he started running. He was 47 years old. While jogging, he had a massive heart attack and was dead before he hit the pavement.
  • barleespringers
    I started jogging at 275,but it was a walk- jog. I also had a dislocated my knee 3 months before I had started. Nor was I a person that even could run a mile in grade or high school.
    I set small goals and 5 months later I jogged the Chicago 5k Monster Dash, weighing 221 lbs. I jogged it nonstop with a time of 45 minutes. It was slow, but it proved myself, that if one puts their mind to it, they can do whatever they desire.

    Set small goals, I am sure you'll fall in love with it. I did and now, I can jog 7 miles (slowly after my heart attack, not related).

    Good luck and have fun... and listen to your body!
  • ammossrn
    ammossrn Posts: 43
    yes, you can start running at that weight!! i started running months ago at about 25 pounds lighter than you.... it's hard, you'll likely HAVE to stop running to catch your breath before you hurt yourself; however, that being said- i did hurt my foot and have to see a podiatrist. now i have orthotics in my shoes and all is well! added BONUS, my weight loss accelerated when i started running!!!! DO WHAT I DID- START RUNNING!!!!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Definitely consult with a doctor first. A guy I used to work with was about 100 pounds overweight and he started running. He was 47 years old. While jogging, he had a massive heart attack and was dead before he hit the pavement.

    WOW! That's just awful!
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    75 days ago I couldn't run the length of myself with out feeling I was going to die! Last Sunday I ran 5 miles! Start slow, like with a learn to walk program then graduate up to running! Good luck with your goals!:smile:
  • barleespringers
    Definitely consult with a doctor first.

    YES! Do that too!!
  • ammossrn
    ammossrn Posts: 43
    btw, i'm 30 years old. never once ran ever in my life until age 30 after having 2 babies! no other health conditions, just fat :)
    if you're HEALTHY, then yes, do it!
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    I was about that weight when I started running. I did a half-marathon last month, mostly walking, but doing running intervals, too.

    If you want to avoid injury, get some good shoes, watch your form, and do some strength training for your legs so your knees are supported properly.