One hurtful comment was all it took



  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Wow - some people are so insensitive! You can add me if you like! :)
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    ALWAYS love yourself no matter what....when the chips are down, you're all you have. Add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    Let your haters be your motivators. The insensitive stuff people say sometimes gives you the extra motivation that you need to keep going.

    Judging by your avatar you are beautiful; the only person who is blind is the one who can't see that. Don't ever hate yourself or the way you look. Turn on the lights, look in the mirror, and accept yourself as you are now. Forgive yourself for whatever bad decisions you've made and resolve to live a healthy lifestyle from this point forward.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    ALWAYS love yourself no matter what....when the chips are down, you're all you have. Add me if you like :flowerforyou:
    When the chips are down, I also need more salsa.
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    '...Your will to be free is matched with love secretly,
    And talk will alter your prayer, somehow you find you are there...
    A season's wish will come true, All seasons begin with You...' Jon and Vangelis, I'll Find My Way Home

    Great song and track, deeply spiritual, mentoring, uplifting and motivating, find it and listen to it.

    Your journey is not just about weight loss, weight is only the physical symptom of what is blocking you at a deeper level...

    You are young with a whole lot of life experience ahead to give and to take. Dream yourself a big plan based on your individuality with love at its centre and work hard toward it. Celebrate every small achievement along the path you create and the layers of self doubt and loathing with transform into pearls of wisdom. Your body will recover as your mind is transformed and your soul finds its proper way forward.
    I say all this because I cannot help but feel that there is a lot more going on, the weight issue is skin deep....
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    There's always something that pushes you past your "tipping point." You may very well look back on that hurtful comment as one of the best things that ever happened to you! You can do it!
  • BishopSmurf
    BishopSmurf Posts: 35 Member
    I read your story and want to help you. My wife and I are both on here. She will be a lot more help than i will as to how to do and track everything. I will be a good cheerleader.

    Please add me, and i know that i will be in your ear to help and support you along your way.

    You do need to take on this journey for yourself, not for anyone else. That said i see no reason not to use these hurtful comments and those who spew hate as motivation to get started.

    The hardest life is lifting your butt off the couch. Once you do that you are on your way. Learn what works for you, but don't get stuck not starting because you don't know where to start... start by moving, something is always better than nothing.

    Go get 'em!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Hey hun I feel your pain.... I've been called a fat ***** lately by two people ....
  • Michellerawrrr
    Michellerawrrr Posts: 312 Member
    Take the pain and the anger you feel and tell it to flipp off!! When you workout push yourself as hard as you can and let go of the pain. Look in the mirror with the lights on and love yourself right now in this very moment! You may not like what you see and that's okay, eventually you will. Try to be greatful that your body is allowing you to do many things right now in this moment! :flowerforyou:
  • ravennyx
    ravennyx Posts: 40
    There are people in the world who bring themselves up by on the backs of others. And the thing is as long as we stay bent over they can keep climbing. But once you stand up - for you and on your own - then they can't climb anymore and they start falling. People see them for their true colors because you and your colors are no longer in their shadow.

    So turn on the lights and if the mirror is there it's not going to judge you. And take a good look because as you learn to stand taller - you will want to notice the changes that your body is going through. I started losing when i hit 245 and now that I'm at 196, I'm glad I know where I started and that I can see those differences. Sometimes those are the things that keep me going when I'm having a rough day.

    If you are still interested in friends, let me know. I would be happy to help you as much as I can.

    ^ This is a person of Great Wisdom ^
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    so sorry to hear that...but in the end remember you are doing it for yourself :)
  • Amy_nz
    Amy_nz Posts: 145
    My first thing to say is to do it for you, not her. Show yourself what you are made of. The first thing you need to change is your mindset. Shower with the lights on. Look in the mirror past the weight and see your positives. Start each day noticing something good about yourself. Remember to take it slow and enjoy every new strength, goal and non-scale victory you have along the way.

    What she said!

    Feel free to add me - I started in a similar position (but my goal weight is higher than yours - I suspect I'm a bit taller, plus already my boobies are shrinking and I don't want them to disappear entirely!). All the best!
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I had numerous hurtful comments made by one person to my face that has helped me lose the weight. Thanks to that beyotch, I have lost nearly 40 pounds. I thought about every hurtful comment while working out and it pushed me farther. I actually had the oppurtunity to thank her for her rude comments and told her how much weight I lost. A friend told me later that she started working out after my comments to her.

    In the end, we helped each other out, even though we don't talk to each other anymore. LOL!
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    For you to be called fat is oh so wrong. I know what fat looks like. Your weight? I'm still on my way there. I've actually been as heavy as 288 pounds. I'd lost a full 40 when I joined here in mid April this year. And you get called fat? That girl's something else. You could say she's a real p word. Beauty doesn't just come from the outside, you remember that. She obviously forgot that. Beauty's on the inside too, you just have to work to make it show on the outside. So you keep doing that, and show that dumb girl who's the REAL boss!!! You can add me to your list if you like, I'll do everything I can to help you out when I can, I'm on here daily.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    That which was meant for your harm, you are turning about for your good. Her saying such a thing is inexcusable... But some good has come from it... Like you say, then you can shove it back in her face now.
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    Sometimes getting mad is the thing that gets you motivated. Mostly it is getting happy that will keep you motivated. Challenge yourself to take this opportunity to re-educate yourself and to practise new habits. You can begin by promising yourself you will track your meals and snacks even if you don't like that they didn't end up being perfect. You will learn from each day and you will be aware of things you can do better.

    We are all going through the same process, this is a community that will inspire and support you. Welcome.

    I love your beginning quote! I will put that up in my apartment and move forward with my goals! Thank you! :-)
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I guess all you can do is use it as motivation.

    Looking at your profile I only live over the haywards from you. Lifestyle gym in the hutt does gold coin entry zumba classes on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. I am looking for a highly uncoordinated buddy to go with if you want someone to work out with?!
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    Thank you all so much

    the quote :Sometimes getting mad is the thing that gets you motivated" has inspired me most
  • Laurakbg
    Laurakbg Posts: 66
    UGH! What a nasty person! Do NOT let the *kitten* (or, in this case, the b*tches) get you down! You are cute as pie and you deserve to treat yourself well and to be gentle with yourself. How you feel about yourself is YOUR decision, not some skank's.

    One of our great First Ladies here in the US, Eleanor Roosevelt, once said "no one can humiliate you without your consent." It's worth thinking about.

    Don't be scared. Be badass. Ignore the negativity.

    You can do this.
  • Grissay
    Grissay Posts: 112 Member
    People can be so cruel!

    But you can do this! Not just to show her (sure, that'll feel good ;)) but to show yourself that you can! Just stick to MFP and you'll see yourself shrinking :)