20pds by XMas who's with me? P90x week 7



  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    You know how some support groups on here do small weekly challenges like focusing on water, crunches, push-ups, more veggies, more fruits, etc., etc.? Anyone interested in having small focuses like this each week? Portion sizes would be a big one for me as well!!!!! :-) Let me know!

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to reduce my appetite some? I have looked up natural appetite supressants like apples, flax seed and more. Any other suggestions? I always feel like I am hungry and I try not to have more than just a small snack. Maybe multi-grain crackers and such.

    Make sure you're getting protein with your meals -- grilled chicken, salmon, eggs, almonds, etc.
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Well did Plyometrics today and ab ripper tonight. Didn't get to the ab ripper last night. Burned some goo and grime!! Today my new shorts I bought a few weeks ago...I had to roll down cause they are too loose! HOLLAR!! I'm doing so much better with my nutrition. Got to do good this weekend. Going to Stone Mountain, Zoo and the Aquarium. I found these great cookies for my evening sweet tooth.. I was surprised they didn't taste like cardboard since some of the Kashi stuff I had does.. They are TLC Kashi cookies the oatmeal and dark chocolate are good and the Happy Trail Mix. They are pretty big cookies calories 130, total fat 5, carbs 21, fiber 4, sugar 7, protein 2. great with a 1/2 cup skim milk..I try not to eat anything that has more than 8g of sugar...So it's hump day.. we are halfway to weigh in. If you aren't doing good, now is the time to turn things around...if you are doing good now is the time to keep your eye on the end..Before I used to do good Monday thru Wednesday..Thursdays I would cheat a little then blow it on the weekend and start this crazy cycle over! I'm off that bus...I'm driving the bus now! On the way to "FINENESS" LOL!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Ok so how is this week going for everyone? We are heading into the weekend..Don't blow it! Challenge for the weekend..go for a walk, go decorate for Halloween, go get a new do, make over at the makeup counter...I used to be a Counter Manager..We loved doing makeovers..made time go by quickly and it was our "talent"...so go for one..it's free..(you may want to atleast buy a lipstick or something) I would recommend Estee Lauder or Clinique or Mac..don't get too crazy and the others are really expensive..I want you feeling good about yourself this weekend..We weigh in on Monday..Portion Control! I'm in Georgia so the weather here is beautiful! I went for a 12 mile bike ride today..it was great! I felt so good that tonight I did Shoulders and Arms..P90X. Well have a great weekend-stay focused-change comes with consistent behavior toward something else!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Make sure you're getting protein with your meals -- grilled chicken, salmon, eggs, almonds, etc.

    Sandy, since you are one of the ones that have done multiple rounds of P90x. I was curious.
    Do you rotate back to each phase for your P/C/F %? or do you just keep a steady of 40-40-20?
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    Make sure you're getting protein with your meals -- grilled chicken, salmon, eggs, almonds, etc.

    Sandy, since you are one of the ones that have done multiple rounds of P90x. I was curious.
    Do you rotate back to each phase for your P/C/F %? or do you just keep a steady of 40-40-20?

    Sandy - you are the guru on this, I'd like to know what you are doing also.
    for my second round I stayed on the 40-40-20 until phase 3, then went with the higher carb, mainly because I am doing doubles and need the extra carbs for fuel so as not to bonk.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Make sure you're getting protein with your meals -- grilled chicken, salmon, eggs, almonds, etc.

    Sandy, since you are one of the ones that have done multiple rounds of P90x. I was curious.
    Do you rotate back to each phase for your P/C/F %? or do you just keep a steady of 40-40-20?

    Sandy - you are the guru on this, I'd like to know what you are doing also.
    for my second round I stayed on the 40-40-20 until phase 3, then went with the higher carb, mainly because I am doing doubles and need the extra carbs for fuel so as not to bonk.

    I never did well on high protein; I need my carbs. So I consistently stay at 50 carbs / 30 protein / 20 fat. There are days when my carbs are a little higher, maybe around 53%. It's what works for my body and all of the high intensity training I put it through. :drinker:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    did the cardio dvd last night for last of time to go to the gym. wow I am sore today. LOVE IT!
    3lbs down this week, 13 to go for the big 2-0 in December.

    keep up the good work guys.
    if anyone doesnt mind setting their food diary to public that wud be great for us to get recipe ideas, snack ideas, etc.

  • bnewag123
    Well, I made it through the weekend. Weighed in this morning at 163. No change, but I am happy with that. This weekend was our anniversary and we went out of town. Had a fabulous dinner, but I did not overeat.

    Yesterday was rest day, but hubby and I took the dogs on a 1.5 mile hike through the woods which we enjoyed tremendously!

    Triceps tonight. Break out those weights! Have a great Monday! Kim
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Down .5 pound today..weight 193..wanted better expected a little better..but we were in Atlanta all weekend and I didn't record my food. This week my goal is 2pds! My personal challenge is going to be to drink atleast 6 8oz water and to cut back a little on my carbs and to workout at least 4 times this week. I've been a litlle slack in that area only doing P90x about 3x per week..letting things get in the way. My son is out of school this week for Fall Break..so I need to workout while he is sleeping. Here we go! Stay on board!
  • xStargazerx
    Sorry having a busy week. I weighed in at the same weight. 272 lbs. I'm trying to focus on getting my food down first before I start exercising like I was. I learned what maintains my weight. I would definitely be interested starting some mini goals. I need to reduce my stomach since I cary most of my weight there. OK let me know if anyone is interested in this. Thanks! Hope everyone else is having a great week!
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm glad someone has shown an interest in the mini goals. I had previously posted something about that. If you want to do something like that I would love to do that together. There are several things we can focus on and we can possibly alternate turns on picking out our focus. We can look at starting a focus on Monday for the new week?
    Hey all, I haven't posted here since we started, been busy with starting my new job. Haven't had a lot of time to exercise, but have been watching what I eat...some days better than others. But, down 1.5 lbs!!
    One more thing, can anyone tell me how much the P90X system costs and where is the best place to purchase and are there different one's you purchase? I hear a lot of people talk about it and there seems to be different programs with in it. Where should one start, is it based upon your ability that decides where you start?

    Thanks everyone!
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    One more thing, can anyone tell me how much the P90X system costs and where is the best place to purchase and are there different one's you purchase? I hear a lot of people talk about it and there seems to be different programs with in it. Where should one start, is it based upon your ability that decides where you start?

    Thanks everyone!

    One thing you want to make sure is that you buy a "real" copy of the system, there are some pirate copies floating out there. It is always best to buy through Beachbody because you get all of right videos, the Nutrition Book, the Workout book that provides all of the instructions to the programs and all of the supports tools to chart your progress.
    The different programs are the 3 versions: Lean, Classic and Doubles.
    They are all within the 12 discs that are supplied, just how they are used. Most people are best suited for the Classic while some like the Lean version because there is a little less Resistance Training.
    There is also free coaching included to help get the most out of the system.
    If you would like to see more or to get the system through Beachbody, you can go through here: www.beachbodycoach.com/jimmalone
    Or send me a message and I can answer any other questions.
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    I'm up 2pds this week...so frustrated! Nick was out all week for Fall Break and I only did P90X once this week but I did run a 5k...Komen For The Cure Race..I lost my mother-in-law in July to Stage 4 breast cancer. I finished in 37:23 not to bad for my first one..But I'm upset about the weight gain...I've got to do the time this week! I am having to renew my insurance license...15hours of continuing ed..got to have it in by Nov 1..but I'm gonna work out at 9am and then start on it! I'm so tired of gaining/losing the same 3 pounds!!! I'm over it!!
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    I'm glad someone has shown an interest in the mini goals. I had previously posted something about that. If you want to do something like that I would love to do that together. There are several things we can focus on and we can possibly alternate turns on picking out our focus. We can look at starting a focus on Monday for the new week?
    Sounds good come up with a mini goal for this week and post it..
  • xStargazerx
    Hey all! Sorry about not posting like i should. I to school full time, have two kids and a hubby in the Army so it gets crazy sometimes...which recently it has been school. I am going to school for Biology Secondary Education and this is my last semester before I start student teaching. I have started excerising which is great and i love the way it makes me feel. My mini goal is to start working out in the am. I want to start the day out right. I do hatha yoga right now and ab work right when I wake up. Hope everyone is having a great week.

    SW 273
    last weigh in 274
    CW 269.6
    GW 176
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Ok so I'm down 2.5 pds this week...lost that 2 pds i gained!!! I'm so tired of this insanity...gaining losing the same 3 pds...i've taken up running...and still doing P90x...one more week of it after this week..I've lost a total of 9 inches and 5 pds since I started...that is frustrating as heck!! My husband lost 16 pds and 9 inches.....and he looks ripped...i just look fat with some muscle tone!! I so wish I could find out what is going on with my hormones or whatever...I so should be losing more weight..I'm eating 100% better and exercising atleast 3-4x per week...but I'm not going to quit! Tight Fat is better than mushy fat! oh yeah

    Start weight 194.5 cw 192 down 2.5 pds
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Rhonda (rmchan) ..............SW 196 lbs / GW 176 lbs / CW 190.5 lbs / PROGRESS -5.5pds

    Finally!!! I've been struggling for the last few years! No matter what I did, how much I exercised/ ate better...I COULD NOT LOSE WEIGHT..and if I did it was the same 3pds I gained the week before! I went to the DR., went to a hollistic doctor, trying to find out the problem...i've never had a weight problem..ever till I had my child at 34.....I believe I had become insulin resistant...so I've cut back on my carb intake and I only eat whole wheat whole grain carbs! I started P90X 12 weeks ago, took up running and finally I am starting to see results...I eat 5x a day....cardio 3x per week and strength train 2-3x per week. I eat really light at night...usually whole grain cereal or a salad...
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    Rhonda (rmchan) ..............SW 196 lbs / GW 176 lbs / CW 190.5 lbs / PROGRESS -5.5pds

    Finally!!! I've been struggling for the last few years! No matter what I did, how much I exercised/ ate better...I COULD NOT LOSE WEIGHT..and if I did it was the same 3pds I gained the week before! I went to the DR., went to a hollistic doctor, trying to find out the problem...i've never had a weight problem..ever till I had my child at 34.....I believe I had become insulin resistant...so I've cut back on my carb intake and I only eat whole wheat whole grain carbs! I started P90X 12 weeks ago, took up running and finally I am starting to see results...I eat 5x a day....cardio 3x per week and strength train 2-3x per week. I eat really light at night...usually whole grain cereal or a salad...
    Congrats! hopefully you were seeing results in the tapemeasure first. The scale can be deceiving when you are doing P90X.
    But glad you saw what you were looking for. Keep it up.