Pity Party for One Needed

Just kidding! Have you ever needed a swift kick in the pants? Well, I'd like to kick myself in the pants. :) All kidding aside .... I need to really step it up. I need to stop becoming the victim to my own excuses and I sure have a lot! My newest excuse ....get ready for it ....I broke my foot so now I can't go to the gym. I need to get a hold of my eating and do what I gotta do! mmmm k? I attempted a challenge last Tuesday with some wonderful MFPers and lets just say I didn't follow through and I gained 4 pounds (hangs headfor wet noodle stoning) Well, I'm done coming up with all my excuses. I'm ready to start making better choices. After all, I know it will be better for my foot and my overall health. Ok, my rant is now over.
Here is where all you lovelies can show your expertise ... Now, I know motivation comes from within but where do you find your motivation to make those right choices?


  • Nikkin00
    Nikkin00 Posts: 13 Member
    just do one thing. then when you have done that just do another one thing.

    the only wrong thing, is to do nothing. :smile:
  • DebG2006
    DebG2006 Posts: 22 Member
    I like that way of thinking because clearly doing nothing has done a lot for me. :) Thanks for your advice. I just need to remember one step at a time