Will you be held hostage at your final goal?



  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    I think you are getting hung up on verbiage. I used to drink a 20oz bottle of pop every morning. Now I steep an herbal tea bag in hot water for a few minutes then add ice and cold water to it for my iced tea and I eat my breakfast. I am currently measuring everything so I get the idea of a realistic portion size is. I have a 34oz mug at my desk that I fill at least twice a day with ice and water flavored with an herbal tea bag (I count this as my water).

    My goal is to get my pre-diabetes under control so I don't have to do meds and to eat more healthy. In the process I will hopefully lose weight.

  • Psychoanalytic
    im so confused

    I'm with you.

    So are you saying you're on a temporary diet that you plan to end as soon as you hit your goal weight? Sorry but from the sound of things that's what you're saying...

    That's exactly how I read this post as well.
    *Shrugs* Just means OP will end up putting themselves back into the same position they were in at the start.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    This IS my new lifestyle. Yes I started out on a diet, I use to workout just to burn a bunch of calories to lose weight faster, but now I workout everyday and love it. I workout to shape my body.
    I use to eat only low calorie food to not go over my goal. Now I enjoy eating healthy and putting good foods in my body. I have been at my goal weight for over a year now. I enjoy sweets and drinks still.
    If you feel like a hostage and dont change your lifestyle you will lose the weight, and gain it right back.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I agree with the last 10 or fifteen of you. It is a lifestyle change for me too. I enjoy the measuring and counting. I feel better than I ever have in my whol elife. I look it too. If not for the lifestyle changes, measuring, exercising etc..I'd still be 50 lbs overweight and miserable.

    If you want it, you have to work for it.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Do what you want to do!
    I hear very militant comments like:

    This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle.

    Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss.

    Measure EVERYTHING.

    I drink 64 OUNCES of water daily.

    and so many other very agressive and unrealistic things.

    I say these things but it is because I refuse to "DIET" in an unhealthy way that I cannot sustain forever. It's not a diet. Sure you can lose weight without exercise, but who wants to be floppy flabby? I don't exercise to lose weight I do it to be strong and fit, and look better! I measure most stuff so that I can log it accurately (otherwise what's the point of being HERE. I do drink a gallon of water a day but it has to do with my kidneys and living in the south more than weight loss - but I can say that it saves a lot of empty calories cause who wants a soda when you are water logged?

    To me you sound like you want to work really hard and lose weight fast, then go back to "normal."
    Good luck, and see you next round.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I do what works for me. I respect the fact that what works for me may not work for someone else. I have lost 30 pounds and have maintained that loss for 4 months. I still measure and weigh food sometimes. I always drink a lot of water, both pre-MFP and post-weight loss. I never called this a diet as diets are what people do to lose weight, then they revert back to their old ways, destined to "diet" yet again later down the road.

    I do not feel like I am held hostage. Quite the contrary, actually. I have reached my goal and am staying right at my goal. I feel more free than I have ever been!
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    I have been on so many diets I cannot even tell you. I have lost and gained it all back and then some once I stop dieting (more like give up). For the first time in my life I "get" it. It may be corny or hard to understand when people say it is a lifestyle change but IT IS. Like pp said, I will NEVER go back to that lifestyle that supported my 250+ pounds. which included fast food 3+ times a week and double servings of high fat foods at everymeal, not to mention the late night runs for ice cream after the kids are in bed. My lifestyle now is to be mindful of what I eat, make healthy choices and to be active which includes taking walks and bike rides with my kids. I do make room for my favorite foods like pizza and ice cream and yes sometimes I even go crazy and eat half a bag of doritos but those are the excpetions not my norm anymore. I know that I will be able to continue this lifestyle once I reach goal and yes I do plan to still continue with my exercise, maybe less but I will still have regular exercise incorperated into my everyday life.

  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I don't feel like a hostage now. I am not perfect nor do I strive to be. I believe in moderation not deprivation. Will I measure and count everything for the rest of my life? Maybe, maybe not. But I have learned balance and I actually enjoy exercise now. I love how it makes me feel. It is more than losing weight. I have gained confidence, and am generally a happier person.
  • MaybeAMonkey
    MaybeAMonkey Posts: 247
    For those of you who don't get the "lifestyle thing" I think of it this way ... in college I ate Wendy's burgers and chicken every.single.day. My "lifestyle" was eating fast food, which is HORRIBLE for my body. The only exercise I got was walking from my car to class, and from my class to my car, etc. This lifestyle could have resulted in morbid obesity at a young age, a heart attack in my mid-30's (I have a friend who had this exact scenario), and a shortened lifespan. But I didn't want that for my future.

    Now, my new "lifestyle" focuses on eating at home more, eating cleaner, etc. but I didn't eliminate anything. My philosophy is that most things are ok in moderation. My lifestyle changes included reducing the amount of crap I eat (but again, not eliminating those treats) and eating healthier and exercising regularly so that I can continue to be active well into my old age. I don't want to be one of those old ladies who can't even get out of a chair or go to the bathroom without help, I want to be like my fiancé's great aunt who is still traveling the world and hiking up pyramids well into her late 80's/early 90's.

    This is very much a lifestyle change for me personally. I know I won't be counting calories forever, but I needed to take this step so I could get a real understanding of what I was doing to my body. My goal is to get to a healthier weight and a healthier activity level and then stop counting calories, but sticking to the healthier habits I have developed. MFP is a tool to achieve those goals, but I don't think of MFP as a permanent fixture in my life.

    I hope this helps you guys get an understanding of what people may mean when they say this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Well, I don't drink 64 oz of water, and I don't live on chicken and grass. So for me, I don't think much will change after I lose my last 10 pounds. I may cut back a day or two on my workouts,but then I may not because I also truly enjoy them.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    im so confused

    I'm with you.

    So are you saying you're on a temporary diet that you plan to end as soon as you hit your goal weight? Sorry but from the sound of things that's what you're saying...

    That's exactly how I read this post as well.
    *Shrugs* Just means OP will end up putting themselves back into the same position they were in at the start.
    Don't make ASSumptions you know nothing about.

    This is Not my first time on a diet. AS IVE SAID IVE BEEN WELL OVER 350…my smallest 220 I have never been in the 100's as an adult. The reason why I'm not 220 and gained weight isn't because I ate for fun... but for very serious and real reasons I wont mention here. Which is exactly why I feel the way I do, I maintained slightly above or under 220 with no problems...I first went on a diet 4 years ago and I Havent been that big since... so maintaining isn't hard at least for me.
    The losing is.

    My lifestyle will be eating and drinking freely as it was before.

    My previous way of eating wasn't a lifestyle for me... I wasn't militant. I didnt say, I must have 2 Large pizzas, measure them they must be 18 inches and 2 pounds each lmao, I didn't say I must drink 64 ounces of soda... and when I want a cookie eat a cookie that is 2ounces and 350 calories..instead of 4oz and 150 cals...my point is I have never had a lifestyle of eating, I'VE JUST ATE mainly what tasted good or that was convient and fast..which usually equals calorie dense... I didn't make a choice to have it, based on its contents but simply because I was hungry...

    My new lifestyle will simply be knowing that food contains calories and know how many calories it is roughly before you shove it down your mouth.. because I'm hungry I can't have a 800 calorie brownie as a snack, then expect to have my 3 squares and not put on weight.. I can't have a salad that's 1500 cals.. etc and its not just me its Everyone, no one can eat willy nilly and not gain weight... like in everything knowing how the choices you make will effect you will really be my only lifestyle.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    im so confused

    I'm with you.

    So are you saying you're on a temporary diet that you plan to end as soon as you hit your goal weight? Sorry but from the sound of things that's what you're saying...

    She doesnt want to change her life, only her diet - BUT she wants a lifestyle full of healthy food and something else but not as a lifestyle cause its too militant to go that far, but she only wants to do this for a little while, so she can get the results she wants? but not in a way she can sustain... because that would be a lifestyle... i quit
    Trying to sound funny, you sound very ignorant. Trying to pretend like you don't understand so you can try and belittle and mock what you clearly understand, was the only point of your post. And probably because you're and offended militants... I find it funny all the militants are like you're gonna gain weight, you want your old lifestyle, you don't understand.. and whatever, I understand completely. I just won't have a goal of drinking water, trying to decide what everyone else is doing with their flatout rolls or how to make chicken and grass taste better etc... just eat and drink cause your hungry and thristy... just like you wouldn't eat poison or drink urine know what it is you are putting in your mouth and how it would effect u.... but measuring to make sure you don't get 50 extra cals or having a goal of 64 ounces of anything is ridiculous to me.... but do what makes you happy.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    im so confused

    I'm with you.

    So are you saying you're on a temporary diet that you plan to end as soon as you hit your goal weight? Sorry but from the sound of things that's what you're saying...

    She doesnt want to change her life, only her diet - BUT she wants a lifestyle full of healthy food and something else but not as a lifestyle cause its too militant to go that far, but she only wants to do this for a little while, so she can get the results she wants? but not in a way she can sustain... because that would be a lifestyle... i quit
    Trying to sound funny, you sound very ignorant. Trying to pretend like you don't understand so you can try and belittle and mock what you clearly understand, was the only point of your post. and probably because you're and offendes militant... I find it funny all the militants are like your gonna gain weight, you wont your old lifestyle, you don't understand.. and whatever, I understand completely. I just wont have a goal of drinking water, trying to decide what everyone else is doing with their flatout rolls or how to make chicken and grass taste better etc... just eat and drink cause your hungry and thristy... just like you wouldn't eat poison or drink urine no what it is you are putting in your mouth and how it would effect u.... but measuring to make sure you don't get 50 extra cals or having a goal of 64 ounces of anything is ridiculous to me.... but do what makes you happy.

    Please dont lash out at commenters that were kind enough to open up your topic here and respond.

    1. Im not ignorant. I do actually know what I am talking about.

    2. Calling me an offended militant and yelling at me that Im going to gain my weight back is not constructive, compassionate or true, actually.

    3. I dont want my old lifestyle, my old lifestyle was me in Physical Therapy unable to walk on my own after being smeared on the highway. I resent that implication that I prefer depression and the inability to take care of myself.

    4. Its not 'militants' that tell you to drink 8 cups of water a day, its an agreement between all the doctors and nutritionists on the planet. Your body needs water. Its not a militant demand being made on you, it is just biology.

    The point of changing all the things you are used to is so that you can change your body. You cannot have a different body and keep the same behaviors you have now. It doesnt work this way. Something will have to give.

    5. There is nothing wrong with cooking chicken and vegetables in new ways and finding new receipes to stop yourself from getting bored- nor is there anything wrong with eating a variety of delicious healtthy foods. I wouldn't lash out and call it 'militants who eat grass'.

    6. Lots of people ended up with heath issues for reasons that are different from yours. Some people all learn in ways that are different from how you learn, and stay motivated in ways that are different from you- so measuring and tracking may actually help them, but you dont need to make them feel less intelligent just because they do things different from you.

    7. I am far from militant. I dont track my food, I dont weigh my food, I dont track calories in and out, I drink alcohol like a fish, Im ALL about sex/drugs/rocknoll, I bbq, I eat burritos the size of my face, indulge in wine and pizza and brownies...

    But Ive been maintaining my weight loss for almost 3 years now.

    So .... since you just feel like yelling at the world and being angry for no reason whatsoever, Im just going to leave you here alone in your diet (again) and wish you luck that it works! (this time!)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    This is Not my first time on a diet.

    And there you have it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    This is Not my first time on a diet.

    And there you have it.

  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105

    This is Not my first time on a diet.

    And there you have it.
    I have never met goal. This topic is for once you've met goal.

    I have maintained my weightloss that I have accomplished through diet, though for many years with eating as I see fit. Without the calorie deprivation, exercise, and water. So there you have it.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    This is Not my first time on a diet.

    And there you have it.
    I have never met goal. This topic is for once you've met goal.

    I have maintained my weightloss that I have accomplished through diet, though for many years with eating as I see fit. Without the calorie deprivation, exercise, and water. So there you have it.

    Exactly. I am at goal and have been within 12 lbs of my goal weight for my entire adult life, with the exception of pregnancies.

    I live a healthy LIFESTYLE. It includes proper nutrition and exercise, and yes, that includes planning and DOING. This is not a hostage situation, honey, it's freedom. Until you get it, you will never get IT.

    2000 calories a day, every one counted. No deprivation here.
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    im so confused

    I'm with you.

    So are you saying you're on a temporary diet that you plan to end as soon as you hit your goal weight? Sorry but from the sound of things that's what you're saying...

    She doesnt want to change her life, only her diet - BUT she wants a lifestyle full of healthy food and something else but not as a lifestyle cause its too militant to go that far, but she only wants to do this for a little while, so she can get the results she wants? but not in a way she can sustain... because that would be a lifestyle... i quit
    Trying to sound funny, you sound very ignorant. Trying to pretend like you don't understand so you can try and belittle and mock what you clearly understand, was the only point of your post. and probably because you're and offendes militant... I find it funny all the militants are like your gonna gain weight, you wont your old lifestyle, you don't understand.. and whatever, I understand completely. I just wont have a goal of drinking water, trying to decide what everyone else is doing with their flatout rolls or how to make chicken and grass taste better etc... just eat and drink cause your hungry and thristy... just like you wouldn't eat poison or drink urine no what it is you are putting in your mouth and how it would effect u.... but measuring to make sure you don't get 50 extra cals or having a goal of 64 ounces of anything is ridiculous to me.... but do what makes you happy.

    Please dont lash out at commenters that were kind enough to open up your topic here and respond.

    1. Im not ignorant. I do actually know what I am talking about.

    2. Calling me an offended militant and yelling at me that Im going to gain my weight back is not constructive, compassionate or true, actually.

    3. I dont want my old lifestyle, my old lifestyle was me in Physical Therapy unable to walk on my own after being smeared on the highway. I resent that implication that I prefer depression and the inability to take care of myself.

    4. Its not 'militants' that tell you to drink 8 cups of water a day, its an agreement between all the doctors and nutritionists on the planet. Your body needs water. Its not a militant demand being made on you, it is just biology.

    The point of changing all the things you are used to is so that you can change your body. You cannot have a different body and keep the same behaviors you have now. It doesnt work this way. Something will have to give.

    5. There is nothing wrong with cooking chicken and vegetables in new ways and finding new receipes to stop yourself from getting bored- nor is there anything wrong with eating a variety of delicious healtthy foods. I wouldn't lash out and call it 'militants who eat grass'.

    6. Lots of people ended up with heath issues for reasons that are different from yours. Some people all learn in ways that are different from how you learn, and stay motivated in ways that are different from you- so measuring and tracking may actually help them, but you dont need to make them feel less intelligent just because they do things different from you.

    7. I am far from militant. I dont track my food, I dont weigh my food, I dont track calories in and out, I drink alcohol like a fish, Im ALL about sex/drugs/rocknoll, I bbq, I eat burritos the size of my face, indulge in wine and pizza and brownies...

    But Ive been maintaining my weight loss for almost 3 years now.

    So .... since you just feel like yelling at the world and being angry for no reason whatsoever, Im just going to leave you here alone in your diet (again) and wish you luck that it works! (this time!)
    I stopped reading afterwards the first two paragraphs, I never yelled at you, don't tell me how to respond what's good for the goose is good for the you know what and I never said you'd gain your weight back so.. yeah.. this thread has become a cluster muck of muckery... its beginning to beat a dead duck.. so everyone please express your opinions on the topic at hand.. I think mine are well known by now lol... thank you all:)
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    Annnnnnnnnnnd I thought I was childish.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    i learn by posting a topic and ignoring the responses.