Real Question for Men!



  • mikewpg1ca
    mikewpg1ca Posts: 86 Member
    I'll keep this simple after reading our first and second posts, your b/f is a selfish *kitten*, time to move on and find someone who meets your needs and is willing to carry their half of the deal. Also, before you meet someone else, either get your drinking under control or stop, even if it is just once a week, by your own admission it sounds like you have a problem with it.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    tie him to the bed and sit on his face until he satisfies you !!!!!!

    Oh my god that is priceless.
  • Beautiful_Ideal
    Beautiful_Ideal Posts: 69 Member
    Girlfriend. As a thick (" ") girl myself, let me tell you something completely objectively: there are men out there who would wait in line to jump you, who would love your curves because they think curves are sexy! You are unlucky to be with someone who pressures you to change for the wrong reasons - HIS reasons, HIS pleasure - not your reasons: your own self-esteem, your health, your quality of life.

    That troubles me. He troubles me. No matter HIS issues, look at how he is making you think about yourself: as someone who is inadequate. Do you think that when you lose this weight that his sexual feelings towards you would immediately change? I don't think that would be the case. It seems like he has some kind of a complex going on here (not to be offensive).

    In my opinion, you're not inadequate, he is. If he was wiling to be your partner, he would engage in more giving and less taking. He would try to please you, and would be more open to appreciating you for who you are, not how you look. I get that attraction is important, but because you guys are in a relationship I'm going to assume that there's at least some of it's your life, you deserve to be happy.
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    So, if he's not physically attracted to you, how is it that you're living together? You're not supporting him or anything are you? Cuz the only other answer I can come up with is he's gay and just hasn't admitted it yet.

  • banksave
    banksave Posts: 18 Member
    IMO, Lose the weight and dump that loser.... and lose the weight for you not him.... You surely deserve better!

  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    So, if he's not physically attracted to you, how is it that you're living together? You're not supporting him or anything are you? Cuz the only other answer I can come up with is he's gay and just hasn't admitted it yet.


    My vote is that his other woman is porn.
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    I'm going to take a stab in the dark here, and I might be totally way out of line. But how much porn does he look at? everything you described in your post suggests he may be addicted to porn and covering up by saying you turn him off. Porn addicts (male) will often avoid sex because #1 they can't get it up or keep it up or #2 have trouble with PE. They often won't kiss or engage in foreplay that doesn't directly benefit don't have to kiss a laptop...

    Lots of guys who prefer porn to the real deal will say they don't want sex with you because you aren't attractive enough. But the REAL truth is that they are avoiding intimacy and their own hand is alot easier than doing all the work with a real person. The worst part is that being with a chronic porn user will destroy your self esteem.

    Sorry if I'm being too graphic for you. And it's not my intention to offend.

    i belive what u are saying

    read this


    Those who achieve insufficient satisfaction from sexual intercourse and
    return to *kitten*, or never give it up, the torments are great.
    Everywhere they look, their friends are unashamedly enjoying the pleasures
    of normal sexual relationship. No part of society caters for them and they
    are even cowardly shy to campaign for "Masturbators Liberation." Sex life
    for most of them is fairly empty.

    One of the most humiliating problems that the constant male masturbator
    suffers from when he attempts to have sexual relationship is premature
    ejaculation or the failure to maintain an erection. When he is masturbating,
    he tends to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible, but in sexual
    intercourse he normally has to attempt to control his excitement, which can
    impose a great strain on a person who indulged in self-abuse over a lengthy

    Therefore people who continuously *kitten*, lose out all round. The
    physical pleasure becomes reduced to a natural act like urination, or
    excreting, and at the back of their minds there is an awareness that they
    are missing on the real pleasures of life. No adult can honestly claim to
    *kitten* without a guilty feeling of complete uselessness. *kitten* is
    merely an exhaustive, rather than constructive undertaking, resulting in
    nothing but total loss. Once orgasm has been achieved there is Nothing else
    left, except for a feeling of complete emptiness.

    The following extracts from the writings of a dignified physician of the
    Unani medicine will give one some idea of the damage done through
    *kitten*: "Most often, students, bachelors or widowers and hypocritical
    godly persons are its victims. It is such an evil practice that has ruined
    many families and many more are being ruined today. The lack of manly vigor
    and decline in the standard of young men's health is evidence enough for
    this horrible social evil, eating into the vitals of an otherwise healthy
    nation. If only our young men could foresee the consequences of this evil at
    their own hands bring on them! It can be said with some certainty that
    eighty percent of our young men are the victims of *kitten*. This
    accursed practice affects equally the heart, the brain, the liver, the
    stomach, the kidneys along with the reproductive organs. This practice makes
    the muscles and the nerves of the reproductive organ sagging and lifeless.
    Accumulation of fluids in the veins makes it unfit for its normal function.
    There is extreme feebleness in the power of erection. The heat of the
    friction between the delicate muscles of the organ and the tough hide of the
    hand damages the former beyond repair." (Miftahi, Modesty and Chastity in

    Following the excitement which accompanies *kitten*, comes the feeling
    of shame, anger, humiliation, and the sense of futility. This sense of
    guilty and humiliation deepens as the years go on, into a suppressed rage,
    because of the impossibility to escape. The one thing that it seems
    impossible to escape from, once the habit is formed, is *kitten*. It
    goes on and on, on into old age, in spite of marriage. And it always carries
    this secret feeling of futility and humiliation. And this is, perhaps, the
    deepest and most dangerous cancer of our civilization. Instead of being a
    comparatively harmless vice, *kitten* is certainly the most dangerous
    sexual vice that a society can be afflicted with, in the long run.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I'm going to take a stab in the dark here, and I might be totally way out of line. But how much porn does he look at? everything you described in your post suggests he may be addicted to porn and covering up by saying you turn him off. Porn addicts (male) will often avoid sex because #1 they can't get it up or keep it up or #2 have trouble with PE. They often won't kiss or engage in foreplay that doesn't directly benefit don't have to kiss a laptop...

    Lots of guys who prefer porn to the real deal will say they don't want sex with you because you aren't attractive enough. But the REAL truth is that they are avoiding intimacy and their own hand is alot easier than doing all the work with a real person. The worst part is that being with a chronic porn user will destroy your self esteem.

    Sorry if I'm being too graphic for you. And it's not my intention to offend.

    i belive what u are saying

    read this


    Those who achieve insufficient satisfaction from sexual intercourse and
    return to *kitten*, or never give it up, the torments are great.
    Everywhere they look, their friends are unashamedly enjoying the pleasures
    of normal sexual relationship. No part of society caters for them and they
    are even cowardly shy to campaign for "Masturbators Liberation." Sex life
    for most of them is fairly empty.

    One of the most humiliating problems that the constant male masturbator
    suffers from when he attempts to have sexual relationship is premature
    ejaculation or the failure to maintain an erection. When he is masturbating,
    he tends to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible, but in sexual
    intercourse he normally has to attempt to control his excitement, which can
    impose a great strain on a person who indulged in self-abuse over a lengthy

    Therefore people who continuously *kitten*, lose out all round. The
    physical pleasure becomes reduced to a natural act like urination, or
    excreting, and at the back of their minds there is an awareness that they
    are missing on the real pleasures of life. No adult can honestly claim to
    *kitten* without a guilty feeling of complete uselessness. *kitten* is
    merely an exhaustive, rather than constructive undertaking, resulting in
    nothing but total loss. Once orgasm has been achieved there is Nothing else
    left, except for a feeling of complete emptiness.

    The following extracts from the writings of a dignified physician of the
    Unani medicine will give one some idea of the damage done through
    *kitten*: "Most often, students, bachelors or widowers and hypocritical
    godly persons are its victims. It is such an evil practice that has ruined
    many families and many more are being ruined today. The lack of manly vigor
    and decline in the standard of young men's health is evidence enough for
    this horrible social evil, eating into the vitals of an otherwise healthy
    nation. If only our young men could foresee the consequences of this evil at
    their own hands bring on them! It can be said with some certainty that
    eighty percent of our young men are the victims of *kitten*. This
    accursed practice affects equally the heart, the brain, the liver, the
    stomach, the kidneys along with the reproductive organs. This practice makes
    the muscles and the nerves of the reproductive organ sagging and lifeless.
    Accumulation of fluids in the veins makes it unfit for its normal function.
    There is extreme feebleness in the power of erection. The heat of the
    friction between the delicate muscles of the organ and the tough hide of the
    hand damages the former beyond repair." (Miftahi, Modesty and Chastity in

    Following the excitement which accompanies *kitten*, comes the feeling
    of shame, anger, humiliation, and the sense of futility. This sense of
    guilty and humiliation deepens as the years go on, into a suppressed rage,
    because of the impossibility to escape. The one thing that it seems
    impossible to escape from, once the habit is formed, is *kitten*. It
    goes on and on, on into old age, in spite of marriage. And it always carries
    this secret feeling of futility and humiliation. And this is, perhaps, the
    deepest and most dangerous cancer of our civilization. Instead of being a
    comparatively harmless vice, *kitten* is certainly the most dangerous
    sexual vice that a society can be afflicted with, in the long run.

    Interesting article. I've read a couple books on porn addiction. It is actually the # 2 reason for divorce in America today....right behind money being number one. What's sad is that it can become an actual addiction. People lose everything- jobs, homes, and their families to Internet porn addiction every day. Very sad. I'd be curious to see what OP's BF does for a living.
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    I am a social worker.

    I know about myself that I will never be attracted to people without problems.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I am a social worker.

    I know about myself that I will never be attracted to people without problems.

    What does your BF do for a living?
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    NO excuse for his behavior! Hire someone to take him out and beat him like a government mule. Then change the locks. Work on being the best you that you can be. Maybe it won't be long until you actually meet a human male instead of something from the animal kingdom.


    THIS! LOL! You made my day:))
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year, and we live together. When we got together, I was about 60 pounds heavier, but have since worked that off. I still have about sixty pounds to go, and I am working on it, but in the meantime I've been dealing with a really draining issue.

    My man admitted after a lot of fights over why we never have sex that he is "not really a sexual person, and has to work himself up to it," and is constantly "tired and stressed out over his work." He told me then that if I wanted things to improve, I should just accept that my physical appearance improving would help "make him more motivated" to over-come these things. He also says I drink too much (once a week) and that when I get drunk I turn into a different person and he doesn't want to be intimate with me for a while. This is probably fair, and I am working on that.

    Part of me thinks this sounds fair, because I understand that men are visually oriented, and he really never has much of a sexual drive, and I think that's partly because he has PE issues (sorry if that's TMI) that he admits make the act unpleasurable for him (and probably emasculating). Some improvements have come along, surely, with his willingness being more frequent, but we go for long periods of time where he turns me down or ignores my suggestions, and then when I don't bother to satisfy his needs for a while, he will either ask for it, or lay little guilt trips down about how he hasn't been getting any attention. Only twice in a year of dating has he ever made a single effort to satisfy me, and when asked, he says: 'Finish losing your weight if you want me to more interested in that." Last night, when I told him this one-sidedness was messed up and that he had no right to ask me for something he wasn't willing to give, he said he didn't understand why that was a problem, and then said that that was partly my responsibility as a woman.

    I am 5'8, 204 pounds, and no, I don't think I look good naked, and have no self confidence. So, is this fair of him? I fear answers that say: This guy is a loser, get out - because I don't want to. Most other aspects of our relationship are great, and he's a good person, but I don't know if I am being treated in a way that implies a man is just being honest where many men would simply think this and not say it, or if I'm deluding myself.

    What do I do? Please be honest about how men really think!

    wow. kudos to you for bringing this to an internet forum.
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    NO excuse for his behavior! Hire someone to take him out and beat him like a government mule. Then change the locks. Work on being the best you that you can be. Maybe it won't be long until you actually meet a human male instead of something from the animal kingdom.



    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Gov't mule
  • ilyahna
    ilyahna Posts: 96 Member
    Why kudos to me for bringing it to an internet forum?

    And my boyfriend works in tech support for a big company, and has a degree in software / web design.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    This had bad news written all over it. I know you wanted advice from men but I couldn't resist.
    A third party can't understand the entirety of the situation even with your detailed report, but it doesn't sound like a fit. No one can tell you what to do, but I would urge you to consider why you're with this person if he doens't make you feel desireable and attractive. I have lots of overweight friends who's men are just crazy about them because they love them for who they are!!! Don't settle. Ask yourself why you like being with this person? And if you start blaming yourself "he'll like me if I'm skinnier"...that's not a healthy relationship dynamic.

    Good luck.
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    I can't tell you what you should do but if it were me and my partner was acting this way, I would not stay with him. I'm me, this is what I look like, take it or leave it. If he chose the later, I'm pretty sure there'd be someone else out there who would happily accept - actually, not just accept, but LOVE - me as I am. I could never spend my life bending over backwards to change myself until I finally fit someone else's idea of perfect but was no longer the real me at all.
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 170 Member
    I don't want to be mean, but AS A MAN... Your question has waaaaaaaay too many words.

    Love it!
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    tie him to the bed and sit on his face until he satisfies you !!!!!!

    LMAO.... If it doesn't work, at least he'll be out of your hair.
  • jryan83
    jryan83 Posts: 72 Member
    he say's he's "not really a sexual person, and has to work himself up to it,"

    That quote right there tells me he is a liar and shallow. He's a man. Men might be visual creatures, and sex might be the way that women hold the interest of men, but there is a deeper psychological bond. It's called love. Tell him to look it up sometime.

    Beyond the relationship you are in, which is toxic in my humble opinion, you need to concentrate on you.

    You cannot change someone else, but you can change yourself. Being healthy and living the life you were meant to live will not happen in a negative environment. You will continue to have image and weight issues if you do not change how you see yourself. If your partner cannot be positive and help you beyond his own issues, he will only pull you down.
    IAMDDAY Posts: 771
    Personally I wouldn't dream of saying anything like that to my wife or SO. As a partner, it is your job to make the person feel good about themselves. Some of these comments are just plain rude and un-called for.

    I can't say I've ever had any PE issues, but as a guy I can understand why this would feed into his insecurities and as a consequence he may be transferring this to you through the form of personal attacks (about your weight etc). This, probably without him even consciously realising it, is his way of coping by offloading the guilt.

    This is where the personality differences come into it. If I were in that position I'd be likely to make sure my partner was 'satisfied' first, then any PE issues become less important.

    To be honest I'm not sure what to suggest to you here, but in my opinion this behaviour, regardless of the underlying causes, is still not acceptable.
