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Oh my gosh...people really need to "think" before they speak! I am a stay at home wife and mom. I had to give up some luxuries to do be able to do that but well worth it!!! To hear someome say, "I don't see how people can exercise and burn 1,000 or more calories a day...they must not work or go to school!" That is an insult... I take care of our home, our animals, keep our home spotless, cook, bake, grocery shop, home schooled my now 18 year old son, make sure all bills are paid on time, do I need to keep going??? Sorry people...my job is never ending!!! Maybe I can exercise and burn over 1,000 calories a day because I get up early enough to get my "main" work out in. I choose exercises that I get the most benefit from, I am decidated to what I do! It has nothing to do with the fact that I do not "work" or go to school! I am greatful I was able to be a stay at home wife and mom and would not change it for the world but it came with a lot of sacrifices on our part! I respect all the moms out there who have to work outside the home and for those of us who don't I have just as much respect for as it is a lot harder than people think! Anyone else get this???


  • i completely agree with this !! my mom was a stay at home mom and she had a harder job than my dad did!
  • manes2010
    manes2010 Posts: 3 Member
    terrie these type of ppl have nothing better to do but complain...they get on my nerves...dont listen to them your r doing an awesome job..keep on doing what u feel is right for u...these ppl r not a true friend or supporter...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,293 Member
    um. Sorry? What did I do?
  • stebben
    stebben Posts: 35 Member
    So many people just don't cherish family as much as others and think that stay at home moms just sit on their hind ends and do nothing. Its very sad, I stayed at home while our kids were young and went to college as well. When they got older I started working on and off and still do. Stay at home moms cherish their family and family is number 1. So many people have forgotten that family is number 1. You are wonderful for staying at home and working at home because that is what a stay at home mom does she works from the time she gets up in the morning til the time she goes to bed.
  • aprilabrao
    aprilabrao Posts: 7 Member
    Terrie A stay at home mom is the hardest and most rewarding job there is I was able to be a stay at home mom for 11 years and it was the best years of my life but also not easy most people think stay at home moms sit on the couch watching oprah all day. So not true we do everything you listed and more so those people need to do a reality check because it sounds like if they cant manage to go to school and work and find time to workout they are the lazy ones.
  • I;m not sure if this was a personal post or general. If it's a generalization I think most times people are just skeptical that this site gives accurate data for calories burned during exercise. I sometimes wonder myself how accurate it is. I think what really matters is just doing it :smile:
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    My mom was a stay at home and I think we turned out pretty decent. No worries here.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    I do not think stay at home moms sit around all day and have it easy. They have a different set of stressors than working moms. This battle will always be..SHM v. WM. It's overdone.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Maybe they are just really impressed.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    It sounds like those people are probably just making an excuse for why they can't get of their bum and excercise. It isn't easy for anyone, even those who do not work outside the home, and we all make sacrifices and just find a way to work it in.

    Also I am a fellow stay at home mom and if they think it is easier on us they can come to my house and try to workout with my 3 year old climbing on them and doing somesaults around them,and have to stop MULTIPLE times to settle arguments between the older 2!
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    Mom are the most unvalued people on this earth. Your day never stops.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    That person said that whoever burned 1,000 calories a day "must not work or go to school", right? Well, that person clearly was not talking about YOU, because you work your tail off. You just don't work in an office or a store or a factory or whatever. You work at home. And hard. It's not like you don't have a JOB -- it's more like you have 15!
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    My mother was a stay at home mom up until I was a teenager. I never viewed her role as less important because she didn't earn a paycheck for it. If I was able to, I would become a stay at home dad in a heartbeat. Not because I think it is easier, but because I know it would be more rewarding.

    Side note: Anyone else suddenly in the mood to go bowling? :love:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I home school too and I can't understand how you keep your home spotless!!! You are obviously superwoman!! Don't give it a second thought! It is a case of people talking before they have walked in the other person's shoes! It sounds like you are doing an awesome job and you should feel very proud! I'm sure your kids are.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    So many people just don't cherish family as much as others and think that stay at home moms just sit on their hind ends and do nothing. Its very sad, I stayed at home while our kids were young and went to college as well. When they got older I started working on and off and still do. Stay at home moms cherish their family and family is number 1. So many people have forgotten that family is number 1. You are wonderful for staying at home and working at home because that is what a stay at home mom does she works from the time she gets up in the morning til the time she goes to bed.

    And this ^^ is what I mean.

    Working moms do not cherish famly as much as SHM? WM do not put family first? WM also work from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. You are perpetuating the arguement.
    I work because I want what is best for my family. In my situation, we decided that the best for my family was a double income.I could careless how you burn your calories.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I do not think stay at home moms sit around all day and have it easy. They have a different set of stressors than working moms. This battle will always be..SHM v. WM. It's overdone.

    Completely true! I am so sick and tired of these "mommy wars." I am a stay at home mom, but I have TONS of respect for women who work a full time job and still find the time to manage their homes and take care of their families!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I'm a SAHM of one school age and two under 2.5 and I work from home as well which makes things even more interesting. Lol. People who have not been in that position just don't know. Especially people with no children. I had NO IDEA what I was getting into when I got pregnant the first time even though I swore I did. I mean, I had two nephews, that should be a good indicator right!?!? :noway: NOT SO MUCH!

    They are either really impressed or genuinely do not understand how hard it is to stay home with little ones all day, clean the house, cook, pay bills, lawn work.....it is the 'Never ending toughest job you will ever love!' I can see how it could be hurtful but keep in mind it is said in general and not directed at specific people most times it is said. Or...they truly are just clueless!

    That being said, I am slightly envious in many ways of working Moms. I love being home with my children but miss the second income (when I work from home it's for our own business so it's not extra money unfortunately), I miss adult conversation/time....and so much more. I have done both and they are both equally difficult in there own ways. No need for anyone to be concerned how anyone else is burning their calories!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,226 Member
    I did all of the things listed and was working outside the home. Kind of resent the implication that working moms don't care as much about their family. That is just as stupid as saying stay at homes don't work hard.
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    I totally agree with you!!! The nerve of them! And you know what? It doesnt have to just be SAHM's who possibly could be the "only" ones who could do this since they dont do anything....(inserted sarcasm). If they REALLY wanted to, someone who worked 10 to 12 hrs a day could do this also!! Its just a matter of how badly you want something and what your priorities are. Of course your kids and husband come first, but you get what Im saying:) I do an hr in the morning of high intensity cardio which usually gives me for my weight, etc about 550 calories burned just from that alone. Then in the evening I do another 30 mins of a workout which usually gives me ruffly another 250 to 300 right there! Its all in how badly you want something and what you are willing to do to make it happen:)
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    So many people just don't cherish family as much as others and think that stay at home moms just sit on their hind ends and do nothing. Its very sad, I stayed at home while our kids were young and went to college as well. When they got older I started working on and off and still do. Stay at home moms cherish their family and family is number 1. So many people have forgotten that family is number 1. You are wonderful for staying at home and working at home because that is what a stay at home mom does she works from the time she gets up in the morning til the time she goes to bed.

    And this ^^ is what I mean.

    Working moms do not cherish famly as much as SHM? WM do not put family first? WM also work from the time we get up until the time we go to bed. You are perpetuating the arguement.
    I work because I want what is best for my family. In my situation, we decided that the best for my family was a double income.I could careless how you burn your calories.
