Ladies with a LOT of weight to lose and PCOS?



  • Hello, I have PCOS as well, I take 1500mg/metformin per day. Also have high LDL from PCO. I have a 2 year old daughter from fertility, do to the PCOS. Im 80lbs over, down 6lbs, started 2 weeks ago.. Hope this helps!!
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    You can add me to that column too! With 133 pounds to lose and a PCOS diagnosis from my twenties. Yup. Taking Metformin, but that is cause my unhealthy choices led me to Type 2 Diabetes. I am surprised how many of us are out there! Good luck to everyone!!
  • What is Spiro and what does it do? I have PCOS and Diabetes.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    blessed mom, it's short for spironolactin. it's actually a blood pressure drug, but on women with PCOS it seems to help inhibit facial hair growth. i have seen some change over the years but it isn't massively significant. but for me anything is better. i hate the beard. more than i hate the hundred pounds i gained in five years.
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    I have a lot to lose (100+) but have never been diagnosed with PCOS although it wouldn't surprise me to have it. Feel free to add me. Anyone is invited to add me. Looking for good positive motivation to help along this journey!
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    I started out needing to lose 131lbs. I'm down 98lbs so far, since last July. I also have PCOS and take 500mg metformin 3x's a day. Friend requests are welcome.
  • Helenasnan
    Helenasnan Posts: 30 Member
    in the same boat, PCOS is a precurser to diabetes and its the pits! I have been on track (well with some slip ups this week) and doing well..I have all but given up CARBS they are a bad word.....good luck on your adventure, not impossible, just not easy...but nothing worthwhile IS easy!
  • Helenasnan
    Helenasnan Posts: 30 Member
    me too, my granddaughter said Nan why do you have a beard? I just replied, oh hormones honey.....
  • mel7261
    mel7261 Posts: 15
    Wow didn't think that there were that many others out that. It stinks that we all have to suffer with these issues but nice to know that other people understand what you are going through. I am not on any meds but have lots of weight to lose feel free to add me I need all of the support I can get! ;)
  • Helenasnan
    Helenasnan Posts: 30 Member
    welcome! you are on your way!
    I found that lower carbs was my salvation...not easy and I struggle with bad habit days, but get right back on track! Feel free to add me! The more support, the better!
  • BigenFluffy
    BigenFluffy Posts: 56 Member
    I've got atleast 70 pounds to loose, although I would like it to be closer to 90.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2000 by a doctor who was 1 year from retiring. He went in and put cuts into my ovaries that were supposed to allow the eggs to come through without causing cysts.

    A few years later I started going to a new doctor who was appalled and said that he didn't even know they still did that procedure and that now it is treated with diet, medication and exercise.

    in 2007 I got pregnant with Metformin but had to take progesterone shots every day during my first trimester. I had a miscarriage in 2009. Then at the end of 2009 I got pregnant again on Metformin and had to do progesterone again.

    So, 2 kids later I have 70-90 pounds to loose.

    I have an appointment to talk about getting back on Metformin just to make me feel better, and maybe clear up this acne...that even Proactiv can't clear up.

  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    Welcome! This is such a great supportive environment. I'm 3 wks into my new healthy lifestyle- the furthest I've ever gone without giving up! I believe you can make your goal :)

    You can add me if you like :)
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I have been diagnosed with PCOS and subclinical hypothyroidism :-) I have struggled to lose weight as well but I am a firm believer that with hard work and dedication I can make it work! I currently do not take any medications for either issue. I"m still stubborn enough to believe I can do it without the aid of medication (I'm not a hippy :-) I just prefer to put as few medications in my body as possible!) Feel free to add me! I have 85lbs to lose for my brother's wedding next year!
  • I have PCOS as well. I have about 50 pounds to lose. I had great success before doing the Atkins diet but I am just going to lower my carb and sugar intake this time instead of going no carbs like the Atkins calls for.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I have PCOS, feel free to add me. I have a total of 135 lbs to lose. I'm not on any meds, I'm hoping that my weight loss will help my situation, but it's been a pain to lose weight.
  • Jodiekate
    Jodiekate Posts: 42 Member
    I also have roughly 140lbs to lose and was diagnosed with PCOS about 7 years ago. Currently not on any medication as the doctors here in the UK seem very reluctant to prescribe!

    The support I have received on MFP has been amazing and I would love to add a few more friends who are in the same position.
  • Fayzee49
    Fayzee49 Posts: 4
    I'm also new. I don't have PCOS, but I do have about 100 lbs. to lose. Could be more, but I'll concentrate on 100 now. I do take Metformin for my diabetes and so many others drugs, it's just scary. I'd like to get off everything!! I could probably teach courses on how to lose weight. Sadly I just don't know how to apply it to myself and make it stick.
  • Hi all! I have PCOS, I've been struggling with it since I was 16. I need to lose at least 90 lbs, and since using MFP I've lost 8 (in the last 3 weeks). I am on 500 mg of Metformin a day, without it I get really sick almost all month long, despite having regular blood sugar levels without it. I also take birth control to help with acne and hair loss. If anyone would like to add me, I will cheer you on! I know how hard PCOS can be to live with, sometimes the depression associated with it alone is enough to put your weight loss efforts at a stand still. We can help each other ladies!
  • KPBlake
    KPBlake Posts: 25 Member
    I got diagnosed with PCOS about 5 months ago, I have about 120lbs to lose! I've never lost this much weight before. But, keeping the thought of being a mother one day is keeping my motivation pretty high! I added you. :)
  • Hi Ladies,

    I totally understand where you are coming from when it comes to PCOS and Weightloss! I was diagnosed with PCOS almost 11 years ago and have battled with this syndrome for a long time! Since being diagnosed, I became a Holistic Health Coach, ditched the weight in a natural & healthy weigh and all without any medication! My symptoms have almost completely diminished, but more importantly I feel human again! I feel like a woman!

    Depression & Anxiety is a huge part of PCOS, whether you're concerned about the excess body hair, being overweight, hair loss, infertility or the acne - all those things can take a huge toll on you as a woman. If you have any questions about PCOS or are having trouble losing weight and ditching the sugar/carb addiction, please email me - I would love to help you in any way I can. Even if you're just in need of a little encouragement.

    Also, my website ( is full of great PCOS-friendly recipes that actually TASTE GOOD! I believe part of being successful at living with PCOS and losing weight is to actually enjoy the food you eat. I have seen so many women drop the weight only to put it back on because they couldn't stand the steamed veggies for weeks at a time! Don't deprive yourself, let someone guide you to a healthier lifestyle that you can actually sustain past your weight loss. Being thin doesn't cure PCOS, a healthy lifestyle can!

    Strength & Courage to each of you!

    Jessica Grajeda