IPhone Vs. Droid



  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    I locked an iphone and droid in a room with a bottle of jack and viagra. I now have an idroid. It's crackalackin
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I just switched from Droid to Iphone. I had a 16 Gig SD card on my Droid and didn't even come close to filling it up. The screen cracked on my Droid which I liked a lot but I figured I'd go the Iphone route.

    I'm not that worried about the storage space on the Iphone because of the Cloud
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I have a Motorola droid and love it.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I have to say, I love the android market...but not in love with my phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy, 1st generation and everyone I have talked to has had the same issues. Good news...they have come out with a Galaxy II and I have heard the bugs have been worked out and it is great. My husband is getting the Samsung Note soon. I plan to wait until they are sure there are no issues before I get mine. (besides, my contract isn't due until Jan)

    Good luck!!
  • Glasspack
    Glasspack Posts: 105 Member
    I like my Motorola StarTac!

    Wow now that is old school.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Oh boy! Here we go!

    Oh no...I am serious. I really do not want to start a fight or battle. I have a crap Samsung phone. So, I am really looking for advice. I am thinking of the 32G IPhone only so it can hold tons of pictures. But with a Droid, I could buy a lower memory Droid and just put in my SD card that I already have.

    So....people, be nice. This is a legit question. I was even thinking about HTC, but those reviews are not as good.

    No need for an SD card when you have iCloud with the Apple. There are aps for Google's cloud as well. Just sayin'
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    depends. how phone savvy are you? if not so much, just get an iphone. you just have to turn it on and use it, super easy. droids can be used like that, but are more customizable and you can do a whole lot more with them when it comes to technology and such.. i personally like my droid better than the iphone :)

    I am pretty computer/Phone savvy. When we were with AT&T, I had a Black Jack and LOVED it. With Verizon I dropped to the Samsung Reality (to be cheap) and I just do not like it.
    My wife has an iPhone and I have a Droid. Like someone else indicated, they both have pro's and con's, but having one of each allows you to exploit the best features of each. Like the GPS nav is so much better on the Droid, but the iPhone has apps that are so much than the Droid.

    Hmmmm...that is a really good point! Have one of each so you have the nest of both worlds. Honestly, I am such a nerd, I would love a phone that can do a lot of stuff...I seriously love technology!!!
    No need for an SD card when you have iCloud with the Apple. There are aps for Google's cloud as well. Just sayin'
    We turned that feature off because I was afraid that it would upload some pictures automatically that we wanted to keep private. :blushing:
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    Iphone and I agree...Icloud on storage.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    My moment to switch is coming up too.

    I have had problems with my Android. Lots of bugs in the system, it hardly seems to work 100% correctly.
    I just want to know if iPhone users go through the same thing? Has an iPhone ever began to bug out and need to be taken back to get rebuilt? The iPhone doesnt look like it gets alot of problems, but i've never owned my own so I dont know for sure.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    if you want a phone that just works. You are told what to like and how to do things. The iPhone is for you.

    if you want the freedom to do things how you want (admittedly with some overhead) and you like tweaking your phone, the droid is for you.

    I can't sum it up better than this.


    Also remember Android is an operating system...like Windows. It can work on a multitude of phones. Just because one phone is not the greatest doesn't mean you should fault the OS.

    I own a droid x and I love it.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I love my iphone..AND i love that I can download the pictures to my computer if I need to free up space...and having the icloud is pretty cool too.
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    Hubby and I both have Samsung Galaxy S phones (the Vibrant for me, Galaxy S II for him) and we LOVE them. I think there are pros and cons to both but I personally like the droids better.
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    Ive had an htc sensation XE red edition for 7 months now, no problems, no issues, and I love it. I have an iphone too, and while thats a better operating system, i like the driod for its sheer customisability and the fact that I can play any music on it. Apple are brilliant, but they lock you up to their systems. -.-
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    if you want a phone that just works. You are told what to like and how to do things. The iPhone is for you.

    if you want the freedom to do things how you want (admittedly with some overhead) and you like tweaking your phone, the droid is for you.


    I work in IT and the users I work with are split between iPhones and Android phones. This sums it up really well.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Oh boy! Here we go!

    Oh no...I am serious. I really do not want to start a fight or battle. I have a crap Samsung phone. So, I am really looking for advice. I am thinking of the 32G IPhone only so it can hold tons of pictures. But with a Droid, I could buy a lower memory Droid and just put in my SD card that I already have.

    So....people, be nice. This is a legit question. I was even thinking about HTC, but those reviews are not as good.

    I have a 16G iphone and I currently have 505 photos (there are some videos in there as well) and room for more (especially if I take off my music and movies since I use pandora for music anyway)... and if I need to I can always sign up for iCloud storage to hold them. My husband loved his Droid but he likes the iPhone as well.... so it really is all about personal preference and what you want to use your phone for.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    I got the Droid Razr because I can always add onto the memory. My friend said that the Iphone has certain rules, while the droids operating system is much more opened.

    I am not tech savvy, and I went with the Droid Razr and I love it!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Nitpick: A "Droid" is a particular model of phone that uses an "Android" operating system. Many, many other phones have Android but are not Droids.

    I have an Android phone (HTC EVO 4g) and I love it. It's my second Android. IMO, it's easy to use, intuitive, and has many, many features. Originally I preferred Android because you could only get an iPhone on AT&T, but that's no longer true. However, the Android does have an advantage in that the Market is more open than the Apple Store. This means there's a lot of cruft (and some porn), but it also means that we often get new cool stuff way before the iPhone. I remember a while back hearing about how iPhone had just gotten video chat or something, and I was like, "But I've had that on my Android forever." Also, it seems to me that many more apps are FREE on Android than on the iPhone.

    Another advantage that I *LOVE* is the Google integration. I use Gmail and a lot of Google services, and they are all automatically synced with my phone. When I set up my phone the first time, all I had to do was log into my Google account once, and all of my contacts were automatically imported from my Gmail. (It ALSO can automatically import all of your contacts from Facebook, which means that sometimes I want to call someone who has never given me their number, but they put it on Facebook so look -- there it is! W00t!)

    One disadvantage to the Android is that if there is a very specific app you want -- especially if it's tied to a large company -- they almost ALWAYS seem to make the iPhone version first.

    Here's an article on 12 things that Android does better than iPhone. It's about 9 months old, but I'm pretty sure these are all still true: http://expertscolumn.com/content/why-android-better-iosiphone
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    I had a Droid, and it had multiple problems. Half the time my apps either wouldn't open or would always 'force close' and then my email completely quit working. I have known other people to have similar issues with their droid.

    I upgraded to an iPhone a couple months ago- and I will never go back! It's fast and works perfectly all the time!

    any phone you get will have issues like this, especially when you have a lot of apps on it. i know quite a few people who have had app issues and even calling issues with iphones. i really don't think one is "better" than the other. they are just different and it's personal preference, imo.

    I was the one who wrote that. And I agree, you can get lemons with anything...but I literally had no more than 7-10 apps downloaded...if that :-/ It even called the wrong people sometimes! It definitely had a mind of its own! lol

    It does come down to personal preference, but I've been so much more pleased with my iPhone. It actually does exactly what I tell it to do, when I tell it! :)
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    Iphone, we have iphones now, my hubby is a "geek" and swore he would never get an iphone, but after fooling with mine, he was hooked. Later his work sent him a Droid and he never uses it.
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Oh, and I love Siri! She's so much fun!