Q for Ladies: Better boobs after weight loss?

Has anyone seen an IMPROVEMENT in the appearance of their um... boobs? I mean everything I've read says that if your boobs got bigger, they will sag when they get smaller.

Is that really true? Can't they just get smaller and perkier? lol... Sorry if its kind of a bunt question. But I just really want to know :)

PS I'm 25 if that means anything. Somewhat out of the teen range but not much older. I do have stretch marks but that was from quick gains.


  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    More than anything in the world I would love to tell you yes, but unfortunately it isn't my experience. I haven't had any luck loosing in that area and I would certainly love to. I'm s D-DD and they are so heavy and uncomfortable I would love for them to shrink!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Ya know...At first, the girls were crazy droopy, but lately, they seem to be getting a little better. Not sure if it's because I'm getting more muscle in my shoulders and chest or if I'm just imagining them to be better than they are. LOL
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Appearance, yes. Size, definitely not :frown:
  • GiaFox
    GiaFox Posts: 48
    Well, the logical thing here is that if your boobs are big and you lose the weight, they will look saggy as an end result. But, I don't know...I would try to do gymnastics and especially build up the pectoral muscles for a better position on the chest box. I think that helps. A correct posture always helps. It depends on how big your boobs are pre-weight loss. The bigger they are, the bigger the chance that they will look saggier when the fat is gone. In my opinion.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Speaking as a mum of three and being older than you, my experience hasn't been too bad at all. They've shrunk but not in an awful way considering what they've been through lol!!
  • deerios
    deerios Posts: 1
    That is one of the first places i started losing weight. Its time to start buying a smaller size for me. I miss the girls but its a sacrifice that will happen when wanting to lose weight. OH and they do not get perkier lol.
  • jacattak91
    a lot of people say that pushups help with the saggy-ness, since you're gaining muscle.
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I think mine look bigger (they have stayed exactly the same) but I've lost the tummy! It's a bit of an optical illusion....that I like. I've only lost around 15 pounds and I'm not super busty to begin with, so maybe this is why.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I've lost almost two cup sizes and I like them better now. Also I've started lifting which involves doing some chest work and if you work those muscles it perks them up a little bit :)

    hope it works out for you!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    My boobs are great now! I was a 40DDD and now I'm a 36D and they aren't saggier now, I think they are perkier. I have to say I was really prepared for some saggy sad boobs but they have faired well.

    I do wear an awesome sports bra. The brand Enell is the ONLY brand I'll wear at this point, they had bras when I was a 40DDD and now the one I have that fits the 36D boobs is great too. It's an ugly bra, and full of corset like hooks in the front but it keeps those girls in place!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Nothing can fight gravity. :D But doing toning exercises does help to keep things firmer.
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    I have lost 25 pounds and am still a 36DD, like I started with. But I have noticed... more perkiness with more weight lifting.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    my boobs are "bigger" now. technically they aren't bigger but everything around them got smaller and they didn't so i am up a cup size.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Ya know...At first, the girls were crazy droopy, but lately, they seem to be getting a little better. Not sure if it's because I'm getting more muscle in my shoulders and chest or if I'm just imagining them to be better than they are. LOL

    Mine are doing that as well. I've always had that "fried egg nailed to a tree" chest and I've noticed that they are getting more of a defined shape, they're sagging a bit less and the stretch marks I had where they were sagging are fading. I don't think I'll ever have a "normal" breast shape but if they can perk up and get a little more defined then I'm a happy camper. The change really shows in my bras.

    As for cup size I think it all depends on how much of the fat in your breasts is fat you can lose. I fluctuate cup sizes anyway but you may end up losing a cup size or two or not.
  • grant_me_wings
    grant_me_wings Posts: 5 Member
    In a word, no.

    After losing 100 pounds, which I have done, your boobs will be like deflated pancakes sagging a la old lady way more than they should. It sucks, but that's what bras are for, and you will feel (and look) way better 100 pounds lighter.

    Boobs are mostly fat, you are losing fat, so you will lose fat in your boobs. Since your skin is about the size of your current boobs, and skin is somewhat stretchy (but not excessively so), your skin will likely remain a similar size. It will tighten up a little, but not as much as you want it to. If you have stretch marks on your boobs, that is a sign that you've already stretched your skin past its breaking point there.

    Plastic surgery can be helpful after weight loss, especially in the boob/arm and stomach regions.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    When i lose weight the first thing to go is my boobs. "/

    WIth only a 26lb loss so far I have already gone down from a DD to a C. "/

    Expected though because the same thing happened to me before and um... boobs dont run in the family. Lol.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    This might sound odd, but the worst part of gaining weight for me, was bigger boobs! I hated them. Seriously. I have never had much up top and was very happy that way. Bigger boobs get in the way, are uncomfortable and I just don't like them on me. I went from small and perky to large and droopy. I think they look great on other women! Happily, they are almost back to where they used to be and I'm very happy with that! lol
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I have had an odd, but good experience thus far. I've only gone down one size after losing 85 pounds. Went from a DD to a D. I'm happy with that. I haven't noticed extra sagging either. I'm actually pretty content with their perkiness lol. I think some of it might be genetics. I still have about 30 pounds to go, so hoping this doesn't change much! Oh, and I'm 28 next month, so age might have something to do with it as well.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i notice from my wife that her boobs is better even not considering weight lose but just exercising(particularly weight training) and healthy eating alone
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    My boobs have not really changed AT ALL over the last 10 years of up and down weight gain, mostly due to pregnancies. I can gain 40 pounds or lose 40 pounds and I've nursed 3 kids 10+ months each and am currently nursing the baby without seeing much change at all in the firmness.

    My sister gave me grief one time when I was overweight for staying overweight so my boobs would stay bigger. So, I lost 30 pounds and my boobs didn't change even a little bit - so I was thin with big boobs and that ticked my sister off even more. :laugh: