light-headed...does it get better?

Ok, I used to maintain my weight very easily but I put on 80 pounds after I had my baby (now not a baby!) 7 years ago. I had health problems and a lot of stress...

Anyway, once the medical problem was addressed I lost 35 pounds very easily but now I am clearly going to have to work very hard to take off the remaining 45 pounds. I am recording my calories and exercising.

My problem is that I get very light headed at about 2 in the afternoon. It makes it difficult for me to concentrate and to get my work done. I find it really annoying and it is interfering with my day. I am trying to space my calories out so that I eat fairly evenly during the day. I am 5'7 and have a calorie goal of 1200. I know that this is low but I have a respected physician monitoring what I am doing. Everything I eat is very nutrient dense.

Has anyone else had this problem with light headedness? Does it go away? When i used to diet (to take off 10 pounds or so) I would follow a similar plan and never had this problem. I was never this overweight though.


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    That is not OK at all. How many net calories are you eating?

    And you aren't being monitored by a physician if you aren't TELLING HIM THAT YOU GET LIGHTHEADED EVERY DAY.
  • ably65
    ably65 Posts: 41
    All I was asking about is if anyone else got light headed at the beginning of their diet and if so, if it got better.
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm very overweight and do not get light headed at all..........I'm only 4'11" but I eat between 1500 (non work out days) to 2000 (heavy workout days) calories........I actually average about 1800 cal a day. I'm one that is not a big believer anymore in the super low cal diets. I eat in a way I can maintain for the rest of my life, not just a diet.

    I would tell your doctor that you are light headed, that is not good.
  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    You may not be eating enough how many calories a day are you eating
  • GeemaQ
    GeemaQ Posts: 14 Member
    I wouldn't know as I"m not a dr...but I did have some of what you are describing at first...bu tat 1200 cal a day...wqw, that is rather restrictive unless you have other issuesr than weight. I find that if I am very active my blood sugar will drop like a stone, especially if I have had carbs prior. I can actually exercise easier without a lot to eat instead of eating carbs. With such a low calorie goal, it's hard to fortify yourself for very much activity. I'm sure your dr has talked about that somewhat....
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    I get light headed when I dont eat enough sodium. try adding some more salt! Lots of people on this site try to minimize sodium but that can harm you if you have low blood pressure.