HELP! I'm Addicted to Cherry Coke!

kgiuffri Posts: 11 Member
The subject says it all. I cannot go a week without giving in to my inherent 'need' for cherry coke. Has anyone kicked the soda habit? I need to. It legitimately always is the cause of a bad calorie day. :grumble:


  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    I haven't totally beaten my addiction, even though its been a freaking month already :explode:
    Iced tea.
    Fizzy waters, with or without flavors.
    Ice water with fresh herbs / fruit. Today is lemon balm with cherries, yesterday was peppermint lime, tomorrow will be spearmint & probably some frozen whateverberryIhaveinthefreezer.

    Or you know, you could just switch to diet.
  • kgiuffri
    kgiuffri Posts: 11 Member
    haha sounds about right. I'm gonna have to make a *kitten* ton of iced tea this summer. I'm trying to avoid diet because I've heard nasty rumors about their ill effects. I think this is going to be a rough transition. I :heart: my cherry coke:drinker:
  • brwneyedirish813
    brwneyedirish813 Posts: 67 Member
    maybe try seltzer with a little cherry geradine & cherries on top? .. I'm not sure how it would taste but maybe would still have that bite your looking for. I used geradine when i was drinking diet soda without all the sugar added.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,028 Member
    My husband is also addicted to cherry coke. I think you need to find something else than a "fake cherry coke" when the cravings hit. I replaced my afternoon chocolate cravings with fruit or a frozen fruit bar. Good luck!
  • zombiewombie
    I drink cherry coke zero, and I have never had any problems. I don't let it replace my water intake, but its a nice treat with zero calories and extra energy. I have never found any legitimate study that says aspartame has any ill effects. The whole "it makes you crave real sugar" is a myth.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    haha sounds about right. I'm gonna have to make a *kitten* ton of iced tea this summer. I'm trying to avoid diet because I've heard nasty rumors about their ill effects. I think this is going to be a rough transition. I :heart: my cherry coke:drinker:

    Yeah, I used to pfffft people when they talked about the things diet coke would do to me in the long run until I had to have labwork done. The lowest vitamin d level for a person my age is like 50 (iirc) & mine was 13 (!!!); normal calcium is like 22, mine was 8...
  • tdigirl
    tdigirl Posts: 13 Member
    JUST SAY NO! LOL Okay I haven't had a soda since Saturday. I discovered I no longer liked them after going 3 weeks without one. SO, there is hope. Think of it this way, it's empty calories. Would you rather drink those calories or eat something tasty? Good luck! :wink:
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    JUST SAY NO! LOL Okay I haven't had a soda since Saturday. I discovered I no longer liked them after going 3 weeks without one. SO, there is hope. Think of it this way, it's empty calories. Would you rather drink those calories or eat something tasty? Good luck! :wink:

    YES! Your body is addicted to the sugar and unfortunately, you will have to fight the urge until it passes. Habits take 21 days to break, and you will find that once you quit and get past the cravings, you will likely not even like the taste anymore. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • ncahigh
    ncahigh Posts: 10 Member
    haha sounds about right. I'm gonna have to make a *kitten* ton of iced tea this summer. I'm trying to avoid diet because I've heard nasty rumors about their ill effects. I think this is going to be a rough transition. I :heart: my cherry coke:drinker:

    Yeah, I used to pfffft people when they talked about the things diet coke would do to me in the long run until I had to have labwork done. The lowest vitamin d level for a person my age is like 50 (iirc) & mine was 13 (!!!); normal calcium is like 22, mine was 8...

    Not from the aspartame or artificial sweeteners : caused by the phosphoric acid in the soda regular Coke, Dr. Pepper and others are included....
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    haha sounds about right. I'm gonna have to make a *kitten* ton of iced tea this summer. I'm trying to avoid diet because I've heard nasty rumors about their ill effects. I think this is going to be a rough transition. I :heart: my cherry coke:drinker:

    diet is worse for you than regular? I highly doubt that. If you like cherry coke, make a slow transition. Limit yourself to 1 or 2 a day plus 1 diet. Then eventually switch to all diet. Limit yourself to 1 to 2 a day. Incorporate water or tea or whatever your heart desires. I could easily drink 3-5 regular cokes a day and now only drink 2 diet cokes a day plus a liter of water. I would like to wean myself off the diet coke, but I love the fizzyness.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    haha sounds about right. I'm gonna have to make a *kitten* ton of iced tea this summer. I'm trying to avoid diet because I've heard nasty rumors about their ill effects. I think this is going to be a rough transition. I :heart: my cherry coke:drinker:

    Yeah, I used to pfffft people when they talked about the things diet coke would do to me in the long run until I had to have labwork done. The lowest vitamin d level for a person my age is like 50 (iirc) & mine was 13 (!!!); normal calcium is like 22, mine was 8...

    I drink no soda at all and my was below bottom too. TONS of women are deficient in Vitamin D
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Why not just exercise it off? Once a week is hardly the kiss of death. Besides, if you have it to look forward to you won't be as crazy to binge on it.
  • jwshmoe75
    jwshmoe75 Posts: 119
    You always here diet is just as bad as regular. I drink ONE diet soda every day. And no more. I am drinking Coca Cola Cherry Zero right now. I'm still losing weight. So I'm not pressed about drinking diet.
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Ahhh, a good Roy Rogers is my all time weakness...especially with the actual cherry on top! I have not yet been able to kick my soda habit. However, since logging my food daily I have noticed a significant reduction in the amount I drink. Pre-MFP I had no problem downing 3-5 cans of coke A DAY! Now, I usually only have one can 1-3 times a week. Maybe shoot for less instead of none? :drinker:
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Sometimes people don't realize that their addiction is to the caffeine. Try switching to a caffeine-free soda, then to a sugar free (diet). Once you are off the caffeine and sugar, it will be easier to "break the habit(s).
  • kgiuffri
    kgiuffri Posts: 11 Member
    thanks for all of the wonderful advice! Definitely taking away some great ideas :laugh:

    :drinker: cheers!
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    Ugh I feel you. I grew up drinking coke so it has been SOOOO hard to stop drinking it. I now try to stick with fruity ice teas (unsweetened) or sparking water with a little juice (pure cranberry or something). I do have coke if I go out to eat or something like that. IT SO HARD NOT TO.

    I personally LOVE ice tea mixes from David's Tea and Teaopia (both in Canada). They have ones called Ice Princess or Sangria. Just sweet enough to give you a hit for the craving but no sugar like on coke and it's loose leaf so you can see what's in it.
  • ready2tryagain42
    I gave up sodas about a month ago. I still have cravings for them but have found alternatives that I indulge in once in a while. I am, however, an unsweet tea addict. ;)
  • iluv2laugh
    iluv2laugh Posts: 204
    I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper seriously it's not even funny like me and my sis were at the store and i was in such a crabby mood and i felt like i needed a Dr.Pepper i got one and i was happy instantly it's so weird can someone actually have an addiction to soda???? there is no way i will stop drinking Dr.pepper so i have to eat everything else healthy to lose weight and i have to excercise more lol :P
  • lanfred01
    lanfred01 Posts: 17
    CHERRY COKE ZERO!!! My "treat" since I don't really like to drink pop anyways. Yum!