Protein Shakes & Powder - How to use?

dsmease7 Posts: 81 Member
Okay, I'm new to all this stuff and have been trying to find out about protein supplements. I purchased some shakes & powder but not sure how to get the best benefit. Do I use them before or after exercise or in place of meals? I know I can use more protein during the day but don't know the best way to go about it. Do I need to get protein bars as well?
I mainly do elliptical as my form of exercise, but as soon as my DVD arrives I am going to start JM 30 DS. Any advice or help would be appreciated. I am just a little confused about this.


  • mcmaverick
    If the shakes contain vitamins and minerals then you can use them as a meal replaceent. For example, I have six meals per day. I drink Myoplex Lite Shakes or Right Light Shakes in place of some meals. For pure added protein I use Optimum Nutrition's Natural Whey. You should always have a protein shake immediately following exercise. Here is an example of a typical day for me:

    7:30 AM: Egg beaters on whole wheat bread
    10:30 AM: Myoplex Lite Shake
    12:30 PM: Chicken Salad with Apple
    3:00 PM: Protein Shake or Protein Bar (Optimum Nutrition Whey Crisp Bar)
    4:30 PM: Workout, immediately following workout Protein Shake
    6:30 PM: Salmon with Brown Rice and Spinach
    8:30 PM: Right Light Shake
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Protein shakes can be used as a "meal replacement" if you wish to do so, the most important time to have a protein shake is right after a workout. I personally do both, I have one protein shake as a meal replacer and one shake immediately after a workout. If you have Casein protein that is what you would want to take before going to bed. For your cardio I'd suggest stop using the elliptical, that's cheating yourself and not much of a workout at all. Get on the treadmill, raise the incline to around 12 degrees to start, put the pace at a brisk walk level, and do this for 40-60 minutes. You will burn more calories than the elliptical and it isn't very strenuous for beginners at all.

    I've lost 26 pounds since March doing a "cutting" phase with this kind of cardio and eating healthy, if anyone tells you that you have to run in order to lose weight then ignore anything they have to say and don't take their advice because they're clueless and feeding you crap.
  • dsmease7
    dsmease7 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the information guys.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Oh and I forgot to answer this, do NOT buy protein bars. 99% of the time they are overpriced and have high amounts of sugars in them. It's better to make your own so that way you can adjust the amounts of proteins and carbs and eliminate sugars altogether. There's recipes all over the internet on how to make your own protein bars if you're interested. Usually they just consist of protein powder, all natural peanut butter, and oats.
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    Protein shake preferably within 30 minutes after your workout. I mix mine half and half with water/milk.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Protein shake preferably within 30 minutes after your workout. I mix mine half and half with water/milk.

    Does milk and water mixed not taste terrible? I might have to try that, I just use water.
  • SistaHope
    SistaHope Posts: 23
    I use Herbalife Shakes (and all the values are listed on this site~very convenient to post!) If you're using Shakes as a meal replacement, and working out too, you'll need more calories I would guess. Most folks go with meal replacements with weight-loss only. I understand you're wanting to get some kind of anchor for eating habits/food, etc, and I did the same thing. However, you'll discover that as you begin to work out more, you'll get hungry because you're expending calories. I like to use the shakes as actual meals (because I don't like the shakes slosshing around in my tummy) , and get extra protein for workouts in this way: 1/2hour prior to workout = peanut butter bagel, or yogurt, or protein bar (watch the sugar), or hard-boiled egg(s), etc. Keep in mind your weight will drop slower if you're working out~ this was extremely discouraging to me at first, and still is sometimes. Blessings for success on your new lifestyle!! =)
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    Protein shake preferably within 30 minutes after your workout. I mix mine half and half with water/milk.

    Does milk and water mixed not taste terrible? I might have to try that, I just use water.

    It's actually not that bad. I don't care much for milk so watering it down tastes better to me. Either way, I just slam it anyways. If I'm at the gym and having it right after I just use water.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Protein shake preferably within 30 minutes after your workout. I mix mine half and half with water/milk.

    Does milk and water mixed not taste terrible? I might have to try that, I just use water.

    It's actually not that bad. I don't care much for milk so watering it down tastes better to me. Either way, I just slam it anyways. If I'm at the gym and having it right after I just use water.

    I find myself doing the same thing, just slamming it down quick. I haven't found a very good tasting protein shake yet in 6 years of working out, well with just powder that is. Add in some peanut butter and a banana and you can make any shake taste great.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Protein shakes can be used as a "meal replacement" if you wish to do so, the most important time to have a protein shake is right after a workout. I personally do both, I have one protein shake as a meal replacer and one shake immediately after a workout. If you have Casein protein that is what you would want to take before going to bed. For your cardio I'd suggest stop using the elliptical, that's cheating yourself and not much of a workout at all. Get on the treadmill, raise the incline to around 12 degrees to start, put the pace at a brisk walk level, and do this for 40-60 minutes. You will burn more calories than the elliptical and it isn't very strenuous for beginners at all.

    I've lost 26 pounds since March doing a "cutting" phase with this kind of cardio and eating healthy, if anyone tells you that you have to run in order to lose weight then ignore anything they have to say and don't take their advice because they're clueless and feeding you crap.

    Strange advice, no machine automatically burns more calories than another. It's all about level of effort. If you're just mailing it in on the elliptical then of course the dreadmill is going to burn more. And likewise. For me personally I find that the elliptical is much better because it engages upper and lower body and you can adjust the intensity too. So you can get a bigger burn in a smaller amount of time. Plus it's lower impact. Win/win situation.

    At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what you use, do what you like and as long as you're putting in the effort.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I do a lot of different things with my protein shakes, but normally I have a protein bar before the gym with my pre-workout drink(not protein) and then my protein shake right after the gym with water(keeps me at my calorie limit instead of milk) Days I don't go to the gym I like to make a a shake for my lunch chocolate protein powder, spoon of peanut butter, banana, 2 cups of fat free milk, and ice , fills me up and tastes great
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Protein shakes can be used as a "meal replacement" if you wish to do so, the most important time to have a protein shake is right after a workout. I personally do both, I have one protein shake as a meal replacer and one shake immediately after a workout. If you have Casein protein that is what you would want to take before going to bed. For your cardio I'd suggest stop using the elliptical, that's cheating yourself and not much of a workout at all. Get on the treadmill, raise the incline to around 12 degrees to start, put the pace at a brisk walk level, and do this for 40-60 minutes. You will burn more calories than the elliptical and it isn't very strenuous for beginners at all.

    I've lost 26 pounds since March doing a "cutting" phase with this kind of cardio and eating healthy, if anyone tells you that you have to run in order to lose weight then ignore anything they have to say and don't take their advice because they're clueless and feeding you crap.

    Strange advice, no machine automatically burns more calories than another. It's all about level of effort. If you're just mailing it in on the elliptical then of course the dreadmill is going to burn more. And likewise. For me personally I find that the elliptical is much better because it engages upper and lower body and you can adjust the intensity too. So you can get a bigger burn in a smaller amount of time. Plus it's lower impact. Win/win situation.

    At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what you use, do what you like and as long as you're putting in the effort.

    Lol I didn't say that one machines burns more calories than the other. Doing the treadmill on an incline like I said also engages the upper and lower body, and you can also adjust the intensity. Sorry, but the elliptical is not even close to being better for losing weight, if that were the case than fitness models and bodybuilders would use them, but they don't.

    With the elliptical you said you can get a "bigger burn in a smaller amount of time", after 20 minutes on the elliptical how many calories do you burn? Just curious
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    it depends on you. you should really get some protein (& carbs) in before and after your workout - i prefer to get it from food but protein shakes are really handy if you don't have time to prepare something. i tend to have a casein shake at bedtime as its slow release (for muscle recovery). your going to love 30ds - you will be sooo sore :D
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Protein shakes can be used as a "meal replacement" if you wish to do so, the most important time to have a protein shake is right after a workout. I personally do both, I have one protein shake as a meal replacer and one shake immediately after a workout. If you have Casein protein that is what you would want to take before going to bed. For your cardio I'd suggest stop using the elliptical, that's cheating yourself and not much of a workout at all. Get on the treadmill, raise the incline to around 12 degrees to start, put the pace at a brisk walk level, and do this for 40-60 minutes. You will burn more calories than the elliptical and it isn't very strenuous for beginners at all.

    I've lost 26 pounds since March doing a "cutting" phase with this kind of cardio and eating healthy, if anyone tells you that you have to run in order to lose weight then ignore anything they have to say and don't take their advice because they're clueless and feeding you crap.

    Strange advice, no machine automatically burns more calories than another. It's all about level of effort. If you're just mailing it in on the elliptical then of course the dreadmill is going to burn more. And likewise. For me personally I find that the elliptical is much better because it engages upper and lower body and you can adjust the intensity too. So you can get a bigger burn in a smaller amount of time. Plus it's lower impact. Win/win situation.

    At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what you use, do what you like and as long as you're putting in the effort.

    Lol I didn't say that one machines burns more calories than the other. Doing the treadmill on an incline like I said also engages the upper and lower body, and you can also adjust the intensity. Sorry, but the elliptical is not even close to being better for losing weight, if that were the case than fitness models and bodybuilders would use them, but they don't.

    With the elliptical you said you can get a "bigger burn in a smaller amount of time", after 20 minutes on the elliptical how many calories do you burn? Just curious

    20 minutes, usually 400-ish calories at a fairly moderate pace (I don't push too hard, save the effort for lifting).
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I like to use almond milk with my protein powder. Sometimes I add in a tbsp of sugar free butterscotch pudding mix for added flavor. Or I put it in a smoothie to get fruits/protein together.

    If I have it in the morning I have to have it in smoothie form or I feel sick. If I have it at night after a workout I can have it with the milk and feel fine.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    I like to use almond milk with my protein powder. Sometimes I add in a tbsp of sugar free butterscotch pudding mix for added flavor. Or I put it in a smoothie to get fruits/protein together.

    If I have it in the morning I have to have it in smoothie form or I feel sick. If I have it at night after a workout I can have it with the milk and feel fine.

    How is that Almond Milk taste wise? I've never tried it, I've just stuck with skim milk myself.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Protein shakes can be used as a "meal replacement" if you wish to do so, the most important time to have a protein shake is right after a workout. I personally do both, I have one protein shake as a meal replacer and one shake immediately after a workout. If you have Casein protein that is what you would want to take before going to bed. For your cardio I'd suggest stop using the elliptical, that's cheating yourself and not much of a workout at all. Get on the treadmill, raise the incline to around 12 degrees to start, put the pace at a brisk walk level, and do this for 40-60 minutes. You will burn more calories than the elliptical and it isn't very strenuous for beginners at all.

    I've lost 26 pounds since March doing a "cutting" phase with this kind of cardio and eating healthy, if anyone tells you that you have to run in order to lose weight then ignore anything they have to say and don't take their advice because they're clueless and feeding you crap.

    Strange advice, no machine automatically burns more calories than another. It's all about level of effort. If you're just mailing it in on the elliptical then of course the dreadmill is going to burn more. And likewise. For me personally I find that the elliptical is much better because it engages upper and lower body and you can adjust the intensity too. So you can get a bigger burn in a smaller amount of time. Plus it's lower impact. Win/win situation.

    At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what you use, do what you like and as long as you're putting in the effort.

    Lol I didn't say that one machines burns more calories than the other. Doing the treadmill on an incline like I said also engages the upper and lower body, and you can also adjust the intensity. Sorry, but the elliptical is not even close to being better for losing weight, if that were the case than fitness models and bodybuilders would use them, but they don't.

    With the elliptical you said you can get a "bigger burn in a smaller amount of time", after 20 minutes on the elliptical how many calories do you burn? Just curious

    20 minutes, usually 400-ish calories at a fairly moderate pace (I don't push too hard, save the effort for lifting).

    Hmmmmm, I have an extremely hard time believing 400 calories in 20 minutes on the elliptical.. I'd love to see an uploaded pic of your elliptical machine after you do your cardio on it to see those kinds of results.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    The absolute BEST shake mix I've ever had is the chocolate Shakeology, I don't recall its protein content. I just can't afford it with planning a wedding. My chocolate protein mix is tolerable with milk. I can't stand it at all with just water. Another thing I like about it with milk is that the milk helps fill you up.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I like to use almond milk with my protein powder. Sometimes I add in a tbsp of sugar free butterscotch pudding mix for added flavor. Or I put it in a smoothie to get fruits/protein together.

    If I have it in the morning I have to have it in smoothie form or I feel sick. If I have it at night after a workout I can have it with the milk and feel fine.

    I bought almond milk the other day for a recipe and never thought to try it with my shake. I'm going to have to do that tomorrow! Great idea!
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Protein shakes can be used as a "meal replacement" if you wish to do so, the most important time to have a protein shake is right after a workout. I personally do both, I have one protein shake as a meal replacer and one shake immediately after a workout.

    Why do they have specific meal replacements if that is the true? A meal replacement has to contain a minimum amount of vitamins and minerals to justify replacement. Whey protein does not; it can and does include some of these but stick to whey protein after workouts and MPR for meal replacement.