Anyone else suffer from anxiety/depression/painful health co



  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Anyone in this position can add me. I am in treatment for major depression, acute anxiety/adrenaline sensitivity disorder, anorexia/bulimia, and chronic pain. I have symptomatic degenerative disc disease.

    However, I've been in this situation for over a decade now and instead of succumbing, I live a life in defiance. I also know a lot of PT tricks for various pain issues, and pressure points and things. Certified as a counselor as well.

    Always willing to help other people learn how to live a happy and fulfilling life in the face of these issues!!
  • traceyx69
    Hi, I totally understand where your coming from im 33 and suffer badly. In 2008 i broke my neck and i still get chronic pain from it. As a result i have nerve damage in my legs, so it feels like im standing in a freezer with sharp pins in my feet etc. I also have Fibromyalgia (Chronic fatigue & Pain Syndrome) And Depression. I could go on and on.

    I still work full time as a Paramedic but im in Excruciating pain for the whole of my 12hr shift, Im normaly worse than the patients that i see. But sometimes there is that person who is worse than me and that in a strange way makes me Greatful That im not worse.

    Life is tough Being overweight Makes us Depressed, Lonely even But we get on with it because its life. But we are taking the right steps in trying to make things better as we are here on Myfitness Pal :) We will loose weight and we will feel and look better. Good Luck with the weight loss. x Tracey
  • JersryGirl31
    JersryGirl31 Posts: 167
    I don't have pain, but I know all about anxiety and depression. I have experienced it on and off for 40 years since my early 20's. I have found it difficult to deal with big changes in my life. It doesn't seem to matter if the change is good or bad. I now know I'm bipolar. I think it is impossible for anyone who hasn't had a problem like this to understand. If anyone would like to add me as a friend, please message me.
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    I have chronic pain from a broken foot and oa on my left knee hips so I know a little bit about the pain thing! I j ust try to work through it the best I can and take some herbs to help with the appetite and try to eat healthy mostof the time. Anxiety is a real issue for me I have a son who is disabled so I know a lot about this too!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Me too :) I have a neurological pain disorder & an issue with my tailbone that causes a lot of intermittent back pain. I used to suffer from terrible anxiety and am proud to say that I have conquered it through a lot of hard work. I'm not a complainer and most people don't know my struggles. I tend to be super positive :) Add me if ya want!
  • KimmyDucharme
    Yep, you're not alone! I suffer from anxiety. It has been a short amount of time since it started, but it immediately became serious, so I got put on medicine, and it really helps. Feel free to add me :)
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    I've never been clinically diagnosed or anything but I know I have social anxieties. I'm overly judgmental of myself and constantly worried about other peoples opinions of myself, even though I know it's stupid and I shouldn't care. Everyone has their "demons" whether they want to admit it or not, you're not along.
  • 9ofthem
    9ofthem Posts: 44 Member
    I have bipolar, and a slew of other things. I have a form of arthritis that is halfway between rheumatoid and lupus. It's called ankylosing spondylitis. After 20+yrs of treatment, I have developed osteoporosis, a blood clotting disorder, and hearing loss. I'm only 42. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. ha ha.

    The pain and the depression will really beat up the spirit until just vege-ing out in front of the tv or computer with tons of junk food seems easier. Only as long as you don't notice those sneaky pounds packing on the backside. It's a real balancing act to exercise, eat right, manage pain, and just feel basically ok with yourself.

    Lots of people have these type of problems, but just keep quiet out of embarrassment. No one wants others to think they might be a whiner, eh? I have so been there and done that. lol. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • tehpounce
    tehpounce Posts: 64
    I can definitely relate. I have had anxiety and depression for many years and it's so hard to climb out of your hole no matter what you do sometimes. Having positive people around you helps but sometimes it still lingers. :( Hopefully we can all work to master our issues and overcome them. That has always been my goal in life.
  • susieeasterwood
    yes Ladies, i do. i am 68 years old and i suffer from gastroparesis, depression, fibromyalgias and i am a diabetic. So my advice to u is "don't get old." I have suffered from depression since i was 14 so its nothing new and i do control it with anti-depressants. Buts with the gastro problem it is very easy to get really down. The pain is always there. I was always the one everybody called "Sunshine" but on the inside they just didn't know what was really going on. Please if u get down and just can't seem to get back up, talk it out with someone, anyone who will listen and not judge u. Depression, anxiety, pain, bad health will get us all down so lets try to keep it light and take your meds.
  • susieeasterwood
    I forgot if anyone of u live in the Lubbock, Tx. area i have just started a group called "Lubbock County Fitness/Diet Group." Please come and commet on our site. We would love to have u.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    OP and anyone on this post that is dealing with mental health issues, feel free to add me. I have PTSD and Anxiety and its actually worst now that my husband is deployed. Just like every one here, i need some support from people that are going though the same things i am.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    -Anxiety/Panic disorder

    All of which are triggered by one or the other. The hard part is psychologically trying to control the anxiety and forgetting to take my meds.
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I've suffered with anxiety/panic attacks since I was 12. I was also diagnosed with depression at that age too, and went through hell up until age 20-21ish. I'm now 25 and have my depression under control although I still struggle with anxiety. I've been on numerous meds, I finally had enough of them and refused to take them. I've focused on making my life easier myself. I started to aim towards a degree (with open university) and started this journey to get fit and healthy. I found exercise beats any meds!
    I had a rough time at one point; self harming, having a Dr called out to me all the time, not leaving the house (even been scared to go in the garden).
    I'm no longer no where near where I used to be, but I know how debilitating anxiety and depression is. Anyone can friend me. :)
  • TheMadRedhead1979
    Hi all,
    I was diagnosed with depression at 12yrs old after my grandpa passed away, after a couple of half arsed suicide attempts in my teens I got my life on track and manage my depression on a day to day basis rather than a life basis as it seems to be the only way I can manage it....

    I have a child with ADHD and he is mildly autistic so as you can imagine I have good days and very bad days but we all get there in the end :)

    I suffer with fibriods in my womb and ovarian cysts which can burst when they want so pain is a real issue for me, on bad days I will be on 20 painkillers and morphine and still be in pain.

    None of you are alone in what you deal with on a day to day basis we just all cope in different ways, anyone that wants to add me can by all means I will gladly support any of you through this journey as I hope you would do the same for me :)

    Lets kick butt together !!!!!

    From the slightly batty redhead Susan xxx
  • littlefatman
    Mental health is a ***** =[


    6 months in hospital in the last 14 months...

    But nw im flipping it around.. and am running my first 10K race in London next month... raising money and running for the mental health charity that supported me =]

    building up to half marathon when i can...

    reminds me of Forrest Gump... i just run.. and everything seems to float away
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    I try very hard to stay positive but I do suffer from anxiety somewhat panic disorder but its gotten a lot better and I refuse to take meds due to me always panicing about dieing at any moment and my depression no longer runs my life. social anxiety has always been a battle but ive finally started winning a couple years ago. Like i said I really try very hard to stay positive but sometimes you *cant* help it and everything crashes down. It doesnt feel helpful at all when a person who doesnt go through anything like this to tell me everything is going to be ok. yeah.........i think Ill join a group on here lol
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    OP and anyone on this post that is dealing with mental health issues, feel free to add me. I have PTSD and Anxiety and its actually worst now that my husband is deployed. Just like every one here, i need some support from people that are going though the same things i am.

    I hate being alone I feel like thats when everything gets a lot worse and my mind gets the better of me
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    I've been clinically diagnosed with social anxiety and depression.

    I've also suffered with kidney problems since I was 9 years old, which put me in a lot of pain.

    Feel free to add me, it's always helpful to have someone you can relate to.
  • kariberi84
    kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
    I have anxiety, depression, and I have chronic pain due to the corrective surgery I had when I was 17 and all the weight. Add me.