Gaining muscle/losing fat? Help!!

lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
edited October 18 in Health and Weight Loss
So, about a month ago I started getting into using free weights more,
I do strength 4 days a week and 2 days a week of HIIT cardio.
I eat around 2000 calories, and I'm 5' and I currently weigh 115lbs, but I'm still pretty flabby.

I seem to be gaining muscle but not losing fat? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried to do the TDEE Calculators to see if I'm eating the correct amount, but I'm not sure exactly what my activity level would be?

Can someone pleeeeease give me advice! or if it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

Please !


  • persilcolours
    persilcolours Posts: 92 Member
    Bump -- I'm also interested because this is what I'm trying to do.

    My advice may be that you are eating too many calories? Maybe try eating around 1700.
  • blighter2012
    blighter2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds to me like you need to find your actual body fat content to figure that out like when they put you in the tank of water to measure it all. You may be at a good body fat percentage for yourself but have spots of fat you wish weren't there but you do need a certain amount of body fat to be healthy also. If indeed you do have some more body fat percentage to lose you may need the help of a trainer to get some spot exercises to work on the specific fat you are trying to lose.
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Take a look at this...

    Generally its argued as not possible to do both. You have to bulk then cut.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I'm eating 2000 calories, too, but I'm 6'2" and 195 lbs.... Don't you think that's a bit much?
  • Masharitos
    Masharitos Posts: 106
    I've been on keto for 2 weeks, weight loss, no muscle loss. Two of my fiends have been on it for 6 months to a year. Take a look and see if this is something that can work for you, because it's worked for so many.
  • Masharitos
    Masharitos Posts: 106
    Also, look up ALA, alpha lipoic acid. Bodybuilders also has some good info on that. I can't' swear by it because my carb intake is minimal, but for those who do cycles keto, they take ALA when they eat more carbs.
  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    It is possible but it´s a nutrition thing. Maybe you should open your diary to have a look.
  • craigking
    craigking Posts: 17 Member
    Have you reviewed your protein intake and the amount of carbs? Are you eating healty snacks throughout the day and 2 good meals or is it loaded into meals later in the day? Drink more water :smile:

    Message or email me if you want any more help/advice
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for your responses guys! Yeah, I've used a few TDEE calculators and most of them say i should be eating around 1800-2000, so i might cut it back a bit, but I'll check out those links too!

    I'll open my diary, although most days I don't hit my 2000 cals and struggle to hit protein
  • HideNGeek
    HideNGeek Posts: 136 Member
    I do roughly the same amount of exercise as you, weights and HIIT cardio, and I also eat 2000 calories, but i'm 5'11 and 190, so maybe you're eating a little too much?
  • DerDude
    DerDude Posts: 170
    Also think it´s a little too much. Maybe you should try an amount off 1600/1700 cal.
    Your protein intake is very good! Carbs could be a little less sometimes.
    I am also at 2000-2300 and 5´11.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I thought you were supposed to eat at maintenance for body recomposition, not a deficit. (Just wondering because of everyone saying to eat less)

    How can you tell you're not losing bodyfat? Unless you're doing body scans all the time, there's really no way to tell for sure. You can kinda guess at it with BIA, measurements, and calipers, but it's still guessing.

    There are really small gains in your first few months of strength or if you have a history of super muscularity and are returning to it.. which you can still make while at a deficit.. otherwise it's pretty unlikely to gain/lose at the same time... but still. You never really know (unless you're getting those body scans!)

    I hear a lot of people have great results with intermittent fasting (IF) ala for getting their bf% down...
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    I thought you were supposed to eat at maintenance for body recomposition, not a deficit. (Just wondering because of everyone saying to eat less)

    How can you tell you're not losing bodyfat? Unless you're doing body scans all the time, there's really no way to tell for sure. You can kinda guess at it with BIA, measurements, and calipers, but it's still guessing.

    There are really small gains in your first few months of strength or if you have a history of super muscularity and are returning to it.. which you can still make while at a deficit.. otherwise it's pretty unlikely to gain/lose at the same time... but still. You never really know (unless you're getting those body scans!)

    I hear a lot of people have great results with intermittent fasting (IF) ala for getting their bf% down...

    That's what I thought, and every calculator says to eat 2000ish, so I have no idea, i guess I have nothing to lose if I lower my calories.
    I suppose I don't know for sure, but the scale seems to be creeping up and up (although I know it's most likely muscle) but I don't feel any thinner, and my main problem is my stomach, which doesn't seem to be decreasing in the slighest, especially being fairly close to my goal.

    But i'll check out lean gains, thanks :)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Try cutting 15-20% from your TDEE level. I'm 5'2 112 and 2000 is my maintence and I workout 5-6 days a week. Its not impossible to build muscle and lose fat in a deficit however its difficult. You want to preserve any muscle you do have. TDEE is maintence including exercise. If you want to lose some fat you do have to cut a little bit. How long are your HIIT sessions?
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    It has only been 4 heavy are you lifting? Do you still do some cardio?

    You need to lift heavy...make sure that you are lfiting enough weight that by the end of your 3rd set you cannot complete it...When you can complete 3 sets easy, up your weights (usually every 6 weeks or so)

    Also, make sure you give your body a rest, so don't workout consecutive days the same muscle group.

    Add in some cardio to help burn fat...

    Most of all...give it some more time....
  • I would suggest you look up Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book or at least read his many articles. Very helpful and informative. You should also get your body fat measured and then you'll know better what's happening with your body.
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    Try cutting 15-20% from your TDEE level. I'm 5'2 112 and 2000 is my maintence and I workout 5-6 days a week. Its not impossible to build muscle and lose fat in a deficit however its difficult. You want to preserve any muscle you do have. TDEE is maintence including exercise. If you want to lose some fat you do have to cut a little bit. How long are your HIIT sessions?

    Okay, thanks! My HIIT sessions are normally 30 minutes.

    P.s. Please give me your stomach!
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    I would suggest you look up Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle book or at least read his many articles. Very helpful and informative. You should also get your body fat measured and then you'll know better what's happening with your body.

    Awesome, thanks for the info! I shall check it out
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    It has only been 4 heavy are you lifting? Do you still do some cardio?

    You need to lift heavy...make sure that you are lfiting enough weight that by the end of your 3rd set you cannot complete it...When you can complete 3 sets easy, up your weights (usually every 6 weeks or so)

    Also, make sure you give your body a rest, so don't workout consecutive days the same muscle group.

    Add in some cardio to help burn fat...

    Most of all...give it some more time....

    Yeah the HIIT I do on the treadmill, and I normally do weights at home, but I need to invest in some more haha, and I do alternate legs, arms, abs etc on different days. But yeah, thank you! :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    That's what I thought, and every calculator says to eat 2000ish, so I have no idea, i guess I have nothing to lose if I lower my calories.
    I suppose I don't know for sure, but the scale seems to be creeping up and up (although I know it's most likely muscle) but I don't feel any thinner, and my main problem is my stomach, which doesn't seem to be decreasing in the slighest, especially being fairly close to my goal.

    But i'll check out lean gains, thanks :)

    When you gain muscle, you are gaining fat.. so yes the scale would be creeping up, but it's not all muscle.. it's also fat.

    As far as your goals go, I would say cut the calories. I'm 5'9, 150 and I weight train 2-3 times a week, and I eat around 1700-200 calories a day.. and I'm not losing weight or gaining, I'm just maintaining really and trying to lower my body fat from 20% down to between 18-15%.
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    I agree with the give it more time comments. I hit many stalls while trying to lose weight and build muscle, however I would usually break them not by changing things but just allowing more time.

    I think you can do both at the same time if you have alot of extra weight, but if you don't have alot of excess fat, it will be very difficult if possible at all.

    You may also want to try taking up running. A few years ago I couldn't run a mile, now I am training to run my first full marathon. I've discovered that I really enjoy it and it helps me relieve stress etc. (maybe do some races, races are alot of fun, most runners it's all about personal best, not beating the person beside you) It also seems to help melt the fat off for me anways lol.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    So, about a month ago I started getting into using free weights more,
    I do strength 4 days a week and 2 days a week of HIIT cardio.
    I eat around 2000 calories, and I'm 5' and I currently weigh 115lbs, but I'm still pretty flabby.

    I seem to be gaining muscle but not losing fat? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried to do the TDEE Calculators to see if I'm eating the correct amount, but I'm not sure exactly what my activity level would be?

    Can someone pleeeeease give me advice! or if it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

    Please !

    When you say you do strength training, what is your actual program? Are you lifting for high reps and low weight or are you lifting for high weight and low reps? Are you doing any kind of steady state cardio? Doing some quick estimations of your TDEE, I think you've overestimated your calorie needs. I would need more information to know that for sure, but it may be a case of too much food and not enough fat burning.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    So, about a month ago I started getting into using free weights more,
    I do strength 4 days a week and 2 days a week of HIIT cardio.
    I eat around 2000 calories, and I'm 5' and I currently weigh 115lbs, but I'm still pretty flabby.

    I seem to be gaining muscle but not losing fat? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried to do the TDEE Calculators to see if I'm eating the correct amount, but I'm not sure exactly what my activity level would be?

    Can someone pleeeeease give me advice! or if it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

    Please !

    When you say you do strength training, what is your actual program? Are you lifting for high reps and low weight or are you lifting for high weight and low reps? Are you doing any kind of steady state cardio? Doing some quick estimations of your TDEE, I think you've overestimated your calorie needs. I would need more information to know that for sure, but it may be a case of too much food and not enough fat burning.

    I'll do arms and abs on one day which is normally like deadlift, benchpress, and my weight isn't that high- around 35lbs, then i'll do push ups and tricep dips just with my own weight,

    and legs are lunges with dumbells and squats with the same weight, the only problem is that i'm doing it at home and buying weight plates is damn expensive! but i'm keeping my reps moderate. about 10ish with 5 sets

    i go walking occasionally, but I reckon it probably is to do with the eating, but idk
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I seem to be gaining muscle but not losing fat? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried to do the TDEE Calculators to see if I'm eating the correct amount, but I'm not sure exactly what my activity level would be?
    Are you sure> You haven't stated what you have done to prove you are not losing fat. Did you do before/after measurements?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    So, about a month ago I started getting into using free weights more,
    I do strength 4 days a week and 2 days a week of HIIT cardio.
    I eat around 2000 calories, and I'm 5' and I currently weigh 115lbs, but I'm still pretty flabby.

    I seem to be gaining muscle but not losing fat? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried to do the TDEE Calculators to see if I'm eating the correct amount, but I'm not sure exactly what my activity level would be?

    Can someone pleeeeease give me advice! or if it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

    Please !

    How did you know what you are gaining but not losing? Are you gaining "weight" on the scale? Do you see any difference on your body? How does your clothes fit?

    I am not trying to play expert as I am not one. :) But people will ask you these questions anyhow. :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm gonna disagree with everyone on here. Do not lower your calories.

    It is true a recomp is pretty hard to do, but if you give it time at the calories you are eating (which is probably at or somewhere very close to your maintenance) you will start seeing results with lifting heavy. You are at a low enough weight where losing weight will make you look flabbier. Believe me, I've been there.

    I'd stick with it a while longer, keep lifting and fueling your lifts. I lost 3% body fat (going from 21 to 18% even though I GAINED 5 pounds) and it took me 8 weeks of eating at maintenance. Now I can eat a lot more and not suffer/starve and still look great.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    A few observations. First, after looking at your profile pic, I doubt you are "flabby". You are only 115 and have a great shape. 2nd, I plugged your numbers into the BMR calulator on and gave you a weight loss goal of 5 lbs and a very active (hard sports 6 to 7 days per week) and it gave me a calorie goal for you of 1834. Sound like you are eating at maintenance. You won't lose body fat or will very slowly at maintenance.

    Also, you've only been lifting for 4 weeks and the weight your doing is not that heavy. I'd suggest taking a look at a progressive program like Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength. You are probably not growing new muscle tissue but developing what you had and it is also taking on some water and glycogen based on your training. That all will make them look bigger and more defined. It is difficult for a women to grow muscle tissue without a calorie surplus and even then it's tough in the absence of testosterone.

    Either way, you are not going to see hugely dramatic changes in 4 weeks. You are already pretty lean and in pretty good shape. That last bit of body fat is the hardest. Which raises another question. I know you think you are flabby but I don't see it. Do you know what your body fat % is? Generally it is not recommeded for a sexually mature woman to be at less than 15%.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I'm gonna disagree with everyone on here. Do not lower your calories.

    It is true a recomp is pretty hard to do, but if you give it time at the calories you are eating (which is probably at or somewhere very close to your maintenance) you will start seeing results with lifting heavy. You are at a low enough weight where losing weight will make you look flabbier. Believe me, I've been there.

    I'd stick with it a while longer, keep lifting and fueling your lifts. I lost 3% body fat (going from 21 to 18% even though I GAINED 5 pounds) and it took me 8 weeks of eating at maintenance. Now I can eat a lot more and not suffer/starve and still look great.

    Good to know! I love true stories to back up all those theories and numbers. Thanks!
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    I seem to be gaining muscle but not losing fat? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried to do the TDEE Calculators to see if I'm eating the correct amount, but I'm not sure exactly what my activity level would be?
    Are you sure> You haven't stated what you have done to prove you are not losing fat. Did you do before/after measurements?

    Well I've been taking my measurements every week but they seem to just stay the same, even before I started using weights, and even when I was losing more weight, so i kind of gave up on measurements.

    How did you know what you are gaining but not losing? Are you gaining "weight" on the scale? Do you see any difference on your body? How does your clothes fit?

    I am not trying to play expert as I am not one. :) But people will ask you these questions anyhow. :)

    and yeah i'm definitely gaining weight (on the scale) and i know for a fact i've gained muscle but i've still got a fair amount of flab around it!, like when i tense you can see the muscle but over the top i'm jigglyyy
  • lenatuck
    lenatuck Posts: 45 Member
    I'm gonna disagree with everyone on here. Do not lower your calories.

    It is true a recomp is pretty hard to do, but if you give it time at the calories you are eating (which is probably at or somewhere very close to your maintenance) you will start seeing results with lifting heavy. You are at a low enough weight where losing weight will make you look flabbier. Believe me, I've been there.

    I'd stick with it a while longer, keep lifting and fueling your lifts. I lost 3% body fat (going from 21 to 18% even though I GAINED 5 pounds) and it took me 8 weeks of eating at maintenance. Now I can eat a lot more and not suffer/starve and still look great.

    Ahh so much confusing information! Haha, I hate that one person says one thing and another says something the complete opposite! haha

    That's awesome though! and yeah maybe I should stick it out for 4 more weeks and see how i go, and if i have no improvements maybe lower them? ahh i don't know haha
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