Groceries $$



  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    About 300-350/month for a family of 3. I have a 14yo 3 sport playing eating machine. We eat a lot of chicken, tilapia and leaner cuts of pork and eggs for our protein. Beef has gotten so expensive that I have to wait for sales. Luckily, fresh produce is relatively inexpensive around here.....and he loves generic Cheerios for breakfast (along with some fruit and milk). My wife and I are quite creative with our cooking. I'll grill about 4-5 days worth of meat at one time, and then we'll have it fresh from the grill that day....and then we'll make wraps, stir fry, omelettes or whatnot on other days. I skip the potatos and bread to meat my macros, but it's on the menu to feed the machine. I didn't include protein bars and powder in that total, and that would add another 40 or so.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    I spend around $100 a month on groceries; looks like some people need to learn how to shop savings and lay off pointless name brands and expensive junk food...
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    About $350 a month for me and the little one (almost 2 years old) and when the husband is home about $450, but that includes eating out at least once a week.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    SOME people should take into consideration areas of the country affect prices. :frown:
    I live in a rural are where you would think a lot of "farm produce"would be available. That's not the case. So to eat as "clean" as possible for my daughter and myself, it costs at LEAST $300 a month. that's the minimum.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Omnivore. I live in a house hold of three adults. One adult has had gastric bypass, so she doesn't eat much, and eats odd things.

    However we're all roommates, but on average we're expected to spend 60/a week (this includes tolietries, non-food stuffs that we consume through), so on average we eat 40/week.

    I buy vegatables and fruits in season, and coupon like crazy. I live in central georgia, and I eat a net worth of 1.2k calories a day- which is dictated by how much i work out that day.

    Also, I shop at where the best deals- not just one singular grocery store. Between Kroger, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Save-A-Lot, Family Value and a few others. I just look what the news paper gods have to offer. And the PnG saver on Sundays.

    By planning out your meals, having a stocked pantry, you can pretty much reduce your budget in half.

    Cheap meal plans that are healthy include:
    -Rice and reduced sodium soy for fried rice nights, use your left over veggies and meats you can't normally use. From my understanding with the other military wives from Korea, its typically what most Koreans do. In Korea, Kimichii is literally made out of anything that is 'going to spoil' so that it is pickled and none to waste. A high vegetable diet, with low meat- as meat is expensive and rare tradtionally in that area of the world. If you have an Asian market, even better. You can get spices, noodles (like soba, or even glass- which are bean based and better then traditional pastas).

    -Mexican taco nights are traditionally cheap and can be controlled to be good depending how you prepare your ground beef/ground whatever/fish filets/not-meat. By replacing things like sour cream for plain greek yogurt, small steps towards healthier food choices can be made. I often have a set of flour tortillas in the fridge to quick grab and make wraps for lunches, quesodas with my foreman grill, or even just to dip into hummus. By buying foods that can be used in multiple meals, you save.

    Plan your meals out. Buy on week to week basis- so no food goes to waste (especially when working with fresh meats and vegtables, less so much if you guy canned/frozen foods).

    I can't stress the use of this site enough, if you are seriously intrested in buying what in season.

    Research local farmers markets, or go news paper hunting for where the best deals are. Its only 10minuets one day flipping through flyers or even internet adds, and worth the savings :3

    There are multipul couponing sites as well that pop up on google- such as redplum.
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Somewhere between 350 and 400 a month, for a family of four. That includes stuff like toothpaste, paper towels, pet food, etc. I eat close to 1600 calories a day. I get a lot of the toiletries for nothing, I'm a huge coupon shopper and just too cheap to pay full price for anything other than meats and veggies. I buy meats that are on sale and veggies I buy at farmer's market or Sam's club. They don't go to waste buying at our house. I have 2 kids that are eating machines, both are very active and I try to limit the junk food they consume, but they are kids.
  • alexandria412
    alexandria412 Posts: 177 Member
    $300 per month, for 2 vegetarians. We eat out about once or twice per month, so the grocery budget is the large majority of our food.

    ETA: I aim to eat 1300 calories, but haven't tracked in awhile and honestly have no idea. My husband is probably closer to 1800-2000.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I live in New England so groceries aren't cheap. I don't do a once a week grocery shopping because I just don't have the money, I make random trips, so I would estimate that I spend about 100 bucks a month for groceries for just me. I eat, veggies, fruit and meat and some grains.

    It's tough but I just don't have the funds right now, so I make meals that can stretch for several days.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    $380-$400, 2 adults and one toddler. Diet is about 80% vegetarian. I eat meat, but not everyday, and the toddler eats very little meat.
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    Family of three, meat eaters, pretty healthy stuff, $600 to $700 a month. I bring my lunch to work every day, so no expenses there, but increase in grocery budget for lunch items.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Wow I'm shocked at how much people spend. I'm a REALLY frugal shopper and stock up during sales etc.

    Family of 3 (our son is 5). We spend about $200-250 max a month on groceries. I'm about 1600 calories and DH doesn't track. We don't eat much read meat but do buy the occasional nice cut of red meat.

    We're in South Eastern Wisconsin.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    5-600 a month... there is 6of us..2 adults and 1 teenager, 2 tweeners, and a 8yr old.. (3boys, 1girl) all with huge appetites. We buy meat, We grow alot of our own veggies and I freeze and can them and we have our own chickens and eggs ect.. we raise a good portion of our own food or we buy from local farmers..
  • BriaMc
    BriaMc Posts: 177 Member
    For my husband, myself and my daughter we spend around $400 mo. We buy lots of meat/seafood which my husband primarily eats. I could spend alot less but buy alot of organic foods which are a lot more!
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    there is 5 of us in my family and i can normally feed us for around $600 a month. it's hard and i shop sales and buy as much fresh and local as i can.
    We have 4 in our family and spend about the same. My favorite brand is whichever one is on sale!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1540 to 1790 everyday + exercise calories (so around 1800-2100 on those days).
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    around £180-200 for two people. i try and get around 1200 and boyfriend eats whatever.

    that's no including my boyfriend buying lunch at university every day, that probably adds another 100 a month
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Around $650 for a family w/2 adults and 2 kids (3yrs & 6yrs, both boys). I eat around 1300-1600 cals a day. My hubby & kids eat whatever they feel like. Sometimes my 6yr old eats as much as me, growth spurt I guess right now. We do eat meat, sometimes organic. Def foods w/o dyes, my son is sensitive to the dyes - they make him very hyper!! I tried to do the Feingold Diet becuase of that but found it very time consuming and even more expensive. So now I just make sure the foods dont have dye and try to cook from scratch most of the time. Now that summer is here I hope to save a little and get our veggies & fruit from the amish, cheaper and much fresher!!!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    $200 a month for me and my boyfriend here. I coupon and compare prices at all the local stores, farmers market and drug stores. I'm the only one with an income and can't afford to buy unnecessary things. We hit up BJs, Food Lion, Aldi, Rite Aid, Lowes, Harris Teeter or anywhere else with amazing deals. I also have people I work with who trade things, I got some halibut and blueberry jam the other day from a co-worked cleaning out her fridge who needed to get rid of some things. I eat 1700-2200 Cals a day, he doesn't log, and we eat pretty much anything.
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    About 300-500 bucks a month for a family of 2. Living in DC, the price of everything is so expensive compared to when I lived in Florida. Now that the weather is warmer, I am going to the farmers markets more often to get the produce because the stuff in the stores is looking downright disgusting (went into Giant to get a red onion, majority of them were ROTTEN, so gross). Only buy chicken and turkey when it comes to meats. However, Whole Foods has had some deals on their ground beef and shrimp recently so I stocked up on that.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Wow I'm shocked at how much people spend. I'm a REALLY frugal shopper and stock up during sales etc.

    Family of 3 (our son is 5). We spend about $200-250 max a month on groceries. I'm about 1600 calories and DH doesn't track. We don't eat much read meat but do buy the occasional nice cut of red meat.

    We're in South Eastern Wisconsin.

    WOW!!! that is really good!!!! I wish our grocery bill wasnt $650 for 4 (2adults & 2 kids- 3&6 yrs)