after loosing weight anyone scared to become pregnant?

i have 3 children aged 4,2,12months and i really want to have my final child but after having my daughter i have lost over 60lbs and im now at a size im happy with, im so scared to become pregnant again and gain weight back! anyone else feel like this? or lost lots of weight and had a baby. did u lose the weight easy again?



  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    No, because I'm losing weight in order to try to get pregnant to begin with.
  • gabwas
    gabwas Posts: 28 Member
    I can understand that feeling. I have no children, but am considering it. But now you have the tools! If it is what you want, don't let fear of weight gain hold you back.
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    welp i haven't had any children. but when its time i will be terrified about the weight gain. I've been overweight most of my life and I'm finally overcoming it so to put myself in that situation is going it be tough. hopefully i will have enough will power to only gain what is needed for the baby and to maintain somewhat of a healthy life style by seeing a nutritionist that will tell me how much and what i need to eat to have a healthy pregnancy without gaining all the weight back!
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    I gained a ton of weight when i had my daughter and I am smaller now than I was before I got pregnant. The thought of gaining the weight back again terrifies me, but your mindset is different now and you know how to eat healthy rather than just eating because you are hungry. Exercising doesn't have to stop when you are pregnant either, it is actually very good for you. Use those tips to moderate your weight gain and it will also make it easier to get off the baby weight if any after you give birth.
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    that happened to me I lost 111 lbs then had my first child and gained it all back., then I lost some and got pregnant again and gained it back, then had my 3rd and same thing but I am now losing it for good now that I'm done so losgin it all for good now!

    The one thing you can do is just keep exercising and keep eating right. Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you should eat 1000 more calories. I didn't follow this advice.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Nope! Losing the weight to be the perfect BMI to get pregnant with my surrogate baby! I won't have the actual baby to take care of when I'm done so I'll have plenty of time to tighten back up! =) I don't think I'd have too much of a problem with my own baby either. Gotta have something to do for that first 2 months when all the baby does is sleep lol.
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    i did learn when pregnant as with my first i gained about 60lbs, second i gained 11lbs but was slightly over weight when i got pregnant second time, third time i was still overweight when i got pregnant but only gained 2lbs. i have since lost 63lbs and i dont want to gain more than 15-20lbs when pregnant lol
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i know what you mean, ive not got kids yet and i'm 31.........i dont want to get to my ideal weight and then get fat again having a kid!

    I would think though now you know how to eat healthy, you can keep it up even during pregnancy so you don't have excessive gains, a small gain is to be expected but you will soon shift that :-)
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    i know what you mean, ive not got kids yet and i'm 31.........i dont want to get to my ideal weight and then get fat again having a kid!

    I would think though now you know how to eat healthy, you can keep it up even during pregnancy so you don't have excessive gains, a small gain is to be expected but you will soon shift that :-)

    yeah i was thinking same by my OH got concerned when i told him i would still use my bike and got to zumba when pregnant until i get too big he reckons i should just sit around all day and cook the baby lol
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    I have 3 children. In between the 2 and 3 child, I was losing weight and doing very well - was not really planning on the third child but things happen. Gained 60 lbs with number 3 and I did not get serious about losing weight until about 6 months ago. I have weighed the same (up and down 10-15 lbs.) since the 3rd child was born in 1998.

    I think if you have the tools available to you, you can be successful - Just do everything in moderation and continue to work out - do your zumba and everything. You should do great!!
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    My mother told me about her pregnancies with me and my siblings. My oldest brother, she gained like 60lbs and had to go a restricted diet from her doctor to lose to weight. With my next brother, she gained slightly less, my sister even less, and then she hardly gained any weight with me. She kept exercising and eating healthy during pregnancy and kept it up afterwards.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    yes for sure...if I did, it would be the grains fault
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I am. I gained 75 lbs when I was pregnant with my son, and here I am, 5 1/2 years later, and still trying to lose the last 30 something lbs of it (to be fair, I didn't really try to lose it until this past January).

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 1/2 years, and we've discussed marriage and kids and the whole future thing. I would love to have one or two more children with him. He is an amazing father to my son (who isn't even his biological child) and I know he would love to have more kids. But the thought of putting my body through that again, and this time significantly older than I was last time (I was 21 when I was pregnant last time, I prob won't be trying to conceive again until I'm pushing 30), it just terrifies me. I've been working SO hard to get in shape and reach my goal, it just scares me.

    I know, realistically, I'll be in a much better position to stay healthy and active during pregnancy next time, but still...having to lose baby weight AGAIN really stresses me out lol
  • Madelinew22
    Madelinew22 Posts: 289
    Me and my fiancé made the decission to both get fixed. We've had 2 daughters and are happy with just them. But yes I was terrified the second time I got pregnant. I has just lost 35lbs and found out I was pregnant again. My 2nd is 8 months and I'm down 22lbs and only 7 more to go.:) but honestly u shouldn't let weight gain from growing/having a baby change ur mind. Babbies are awesome! Lol just stay focused after u deliver, eat healthy and exercise threw pragmancy and the weight should come off a lil better
  • lindseypro
    lindseypro Posts: 14
    Totally understandable! I don't have children yet either - but I am also trying to lose weight in order to have a happy, healthy pregnancy (someday). The smaller you are to begin with though, hopefully the easier it will be to lose it. Also, since it's on your "radar" you'll probably try harder to maintain a healthy pregnancy weight (focus on gaining the recommended 20-30 pounds) and then it will seem less daunting! Congrats on all that you've lost so far!!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i know what you mean, ive not got kids yet and i'm 31.........i dont want to get to my ideal weight and then get fat again having a kid!

    I would think though now you know how to eat healthy, you can keep it up even during pregnancy so you don't have excessive gains, a small gain is to be expected but you will soon shift that :-)

    yeah i was thinking same by my OH got concerned when i told him i would still use my bike and got to zumba when pregnant until i get too big he reckons i should just sit around all day and cook the baby lol

    haha, there is no reason not to exercise when you are pregnant, Ive seen heavily pregnant women on the london marathon before!!!!
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I agree, you shouldn't let weight gain stop you from having another child if that's what you want!! You've got 9 months to grow him/her and the rest of your life to perfect your body afterward since it sounds like this would be your last one. I also agree with what was said about, you can and should certainly continue to work out while pregnant. I was walking more than 2 miles a day up until the day before I gave birth. AND you have all the tools and friends here to help during and after your pregnancy!
    If you want another baby please do it! You will regret not doing it later a lot more than you will regret giving birth then having to lose some weight.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Yes. We are debating our 3rd at this time but I have a secret fear of the awful way I will feel toward the end and post-pregnancy. I hope I can bounce back but I have such a fragile self perception and I remember how self conscious I felt! With my first I gained 28 and was able to loose it all plus some, with our second I gained about 35. And that stuck for a good while. I even invested in a larger work wardrobe after giving up on losing it. Shortly after that I lost enough to return to my old clothes. But it was difficult battling my self esteem.
    I am still working on getting rid of the little kangaroo pouch, I'm not sure I want to go stretching it out again. :(
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I actually feel much more confident now that I have the knowledge and tools to keep the weightgain at a reasonable (healthy) amount and also to be able to lose it again after the pregnancy. One of the big reasons I wanted to lose weight in the first place was so that I could be at a healthier place to start a potential third pregnancy. Now I know I can also use what I know to keep healthier during the pregnancy and get back to normal afterward. :-)

    You can use MFP during pregnancy to try and manage your weightgain - you can set it to 1/2 lb GAIN per week, which would equate to around 20 lbs gained during the pregnancy, to keep yourself in check. Or you can set to 'maintenance' through the first trimester (there's a pregnancy group here on MFP and it seems a lot of the preggos like to do that, since itty-bitty-smaller-than-a-bean-baby doesn't need a ton of extra calories in the beginning :-) ) and then change your profile to a reasonable weightgain after you get out of the first trimester. That's what I plan to do with a potential third pregnancy. Eat healthy and close to maintenance throughout the first tri, then set to 1/2 lb per week during the second tri, then consider upping it to 1 lb per week sometime in the third tri (this would also result in an average 20 lb weightgain throughout the pregnancy, just graduated so that you gain less in the beginning and more in the end, when baby is growing the most). All the while, keeping my choices healthy and tracking that I get enough nutrition. I think my midwife will be pretty pleased with me during a third pregnancy b/c my food choices are so much better than they used to be!

    I also fully intend to stay active throughout the pregnancy as long as there are no medical complications to indicate otherwise. No rock climbing or anything like that LOL but just generally staying active b/c it makes the pregnancy, birth, and recovery easier. I've already experienced 2 pregnancies and recoveries completely out of shape, I can't wait to see the difference now that I'm taking better care of my body!

    Also keep in mind that the day of the birth you're going to lose probably at least 10 lbs from baby, placenta, and fluids. Jumpstarts your weightloss! LOL I gained exactly 37 lbs with both pregnancies (even though the second pregnancy started out 20 lbs heavier than where I started the first pregnancy) and lost about 15lbs from the birth and during the first week of recovery with both babies - you tend to retain water at the end of pregnancy so sometimes you lose a nice chunk of water weight as your body tries to get back to normal. And if you breastfeed, that burns an average of 500 extra calories per day!
  • thaphatdiva
    thaphatdiva Posts: 60 Member
    Before I had my son, I had gotten down to 180 from 325. I didn't really gain weight with my pregnancy - just afterwards and got up to 230. I do believe that if I had started back on track right after he was born, it would have been easier to revert back to the habits I had been developing pre-pregnancy.