no weight loss and extreme exercise...



  • moosmumma
    moosmumma Posts: 25
    It took me 6 weeks to actually lose weight. I could fit into clothes a size smaller but still weighed the same. It was because I was using weights and toning, muscles is denser than fat and weighs more per square inch. Once I had established a good routine the weight started falling off. Now I'm stuck at 66kg and haven't shifted for over a month.
  • Vaprep
    Vaprep Posts: 18 Member
    That is correct, a pound is a pound no matter what the pound consists of. However, muscle is more dense than fat, so, all other things being equal, if it were possible to compare two people of identical measurements, and one was made up of mostly fat, and the other was made up of mostly muscle, the muscled person would weigh more. Or, let me say it another way, if you had a 12" x 12" cube of fat, and a 12" x 12" cube of muscle, the cube of muscle would weigh more. By volume fat takes up more space, which is why, when a person is building muscle, they may be slimming down but the scale doesn't move. But you knew that...
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Eat more, fuel your body.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    OP you're doing fine if you're seeing changes in how your clothes fit. you're experiencing water retention from working out so much, increase your water intake and make sure to throw in a banana every so often to help with any electrolyte issues.

    and more than likely you'd get the same results if you ate more, so why needlessly eat so far below your bmr?
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    weight loss doesn't hit you immediately and it isn't constant, give it time. and PLEASE ignore all these people giving you the old "you're in starvation mode" thing, there are so many reasons why it's wrong. if it was right then girls with anorexia wouldn't lose any weight. If you reaaaallllyy want to be sure speak to your doctor or a nutritionist.

    These people are not qualified to give you any advice that is helpful and neither am I.
  • embstine
    embstine Posts: 5 Member
    I think your machine is broken. You definitly lost weight even little with the amount of calories you burned.
  • embstine
    embstine Posts: 5 Member
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Make sure you are tracking your exercise and calories as accurately as possible. You are on a low calorie diet being on 1200 calories per day. Although this can be healthy whilst overweight, you have to be very careful with what you eat to make sure you get the nutrition required.

    There is more to body weight than just fat loss - muscle gain. When you change the amount of exercise you do the amount of water your body retains can change. I do not understand the science behind this but have certainly noticed the effect myself.

    The myth that starvation mode will stop weight loss is absurd and cannot be more wrong. Just look at what happens in extreme cases such as people in famine counties, starvation protests and anorexics. All three groups have no or very low calories per day and all three groups of people become unhealthy and thin. I am not advocating very low calorie diets, just using the examples to show that you will lose weight over time if you do not eat enough no matter how low you drop your calories. These examples are not healthy and you should make sure you get enough nutrition in terms of protein, vitamins and minerals etc

    The reason why you should consider eating more is to allow a greater variety in your diet if this will help you stick to it for longer, or if you need to to get sufficient nutrition in your diet, or if you are feeling lethargic/dizzy whilst exercising.
  • moosmumma
    moosmumma Posts: 25
    Hi I bought some scales with a measurement for body fat percentage and water percentage too. If I weigh more it's usually because my hydration level has gone up And i am retaining water. I find it quie motivating as my weight hasn't shifted much but my body fat percentage has gone down. Come to the conclusion am packing on some muscle which is denser than fat and weighs more per square inch. If you are going to exercise more you need to eat more otherwise your metabolism will slow down to compensate for the lack of fuel which will make weight loss harder. It worked for me. I plateaued for two months then calculated what I need to be eating on another website (I think it was fitness frog) and started to eat 1900 cals a day regardless of exercise. I gave myself a week or so off from worrying what I put in my mouth, sort of like resetting myself, but carried on with my usual routine. I'm now back to sensible eating starting to lose weight again. It may not work for everyone but it works for me.