Diet sodas. Yes or No?



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I think "everything in moderation"

    I drink water, and only water 6 days of the week. Then once a week I have a 591mL of Diet Decaffeinated Pepsi (they don't make decaffeinated regular pepsi). I don't eat fast food, I don't eat fried foods, So some dark chocolate and deit decaf pepsi are my weaknesses for the week. And I'm ok with that.
  • bmwauug
    bmwauug Posts: 54 Member
    I gave up diet coke. This was a only staple for years...2-3 per day.

    Now I drink water 95% of the time. No coffee no soda no juice. Occasionally I'll have some iced tea, but water is really the best. I kicked coffee doing insanity because I was so wired after the workouts the need just wasn't there. I vote no soda.

    It's been over 3 months now and I don't miss it.
  • bmwauug
    bmwauug Posts: 54 Member
    I think "everything in moderation"

    I drink water, and only water 6 days of the week. Then once a week I have a 591mL of Diet Decaffeinated Pepsi (they don't make decaffeinated regular pepsi). I don't eat fast food, I don't eat fried foods, So some dark chocolate and deit decaf pepsi are my weaknesses for the week. And I'm ok with that.

    Moderation is so true. 1 per week vs. 2-3 per day is a huge difference!
  • gatecityradio
    gatecityradio Posts: 401
    I still drink diet sodas on occasion. But I mostly drink water and diet green tea.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i dont care for the chemically taste of diets sodas, but for a LONG time had a NASTY regular soda addiction (6-7per DAY!).

    the more water i drink, the less i like soda. i still have one a day, but even that isnt tasting very good (which is a GOOD thing!) ill usually drink half, start craving water (SO WEIRD! LOL) and dump the rest out....
  • I SOOOOO WANT A DIET SODA!!!!!!!! 13 days none!!! :( lol
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    Yes! lol! I used to drink about 2litres full fat coke a diet, then swapped last year to diet and lost a stone within a month of ditching the full fat stuff. i now mostly drink diet stuff- it saves me on my cals and it doesnt make me hungry as others have suggested.
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    I drink about a can of diet soda everyday sometimes a little more. For me personally I don't have a problem with it! Maybe I might give it up for a few weeks and see if I notice anything different. :)
  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 274 Member
    I find diet soda somewhat addictive. Once I have a few, I want nothing to do with water. I'll even dehydrate myself once there is no more diet soda in the house because I'd rather go thirsty than drink something other than diet soda.
    Any substance that has that kind of effect can't be good IMO.
    Stay away. I think that chemical acts on the brain. I've also heard it can screw with your thyroid.
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 52 Member
    Aspartame (Nutrisweet) which is in a lot of diet sodas actually turns into formaldehyde when you digest it. It chemically combines with a natural occurring chemical in your digestive system. Do you really want your liver and your intestines processing formaldehyde? Just to give you an idea, formaldehyde is what they use to preserve dead bodies or that frog you cut up in middle school biology class.

    Splenda also has very negative side effects but I forget what they are at the moment. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to a myriad of health problems including diabetes and dementia.

    Please excuse me if any of the information is specifically inaccurate but I am just reciting what I learned in several books I've read. (Rory Freedman, Kim Barnouin's Skinny *****, Robb Wolf's The Paleo Solution, Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet, & Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism to name a few)

    If you are going to drink soda, opt for soda that lists SUGAR as an ingredient (better yet, honey or turbinado sugar sodas can be found in the organic section of your grocery store). Real sugar is always better than high fructose corn syrup which is a by product of fermented corn.

    If you want to get even more specific and instead of making your own soda, choose to buy it and drink it; then try to avoid sodas made with regular white sugar. White sugar goes through a filter process that involves bone char to whiten it.

    You can also make your own sodas through buying a carbonator (they were selling like hotcakes around early 2000). This turns basic tap water into soda through a pressurized carbonation unit. Instead of using the syrups they provide you with, play with your own variations. Add honey, agave nectar, REAL maple syrup or fresh squeezed fruit juice. You can also buy raw sugarcane and boil it (I don't know how to do this but this is how they used to do it before sugar could be bought in stores. It produces a sugar syrup that is completely natural and healthy for you.

    This is a long diatribe but also keep in mind that sugar has been related to cocaine as far as addictions go. It activates the same portion of the brain when consumed as hard drugs do in drug addicts. Do not lie to yourself, your body is addicted to sugar. When sugar is combined with fat, it gets even worse.

    Anyone who is really interested in learning what is healthy vs unhealthy, I recommend reading 'Skinny *****' and/or 'Skinny *kitten*'. They promote veganism but if you can overlook that fact, it is full of a lot of really interesting information that can be hard to find elsewhere. They are super amusing, in your face, and easy to read. If you are offended easily and choose to read this book, I recommend keeping in mind that the way it is written was intended to be so over the top in your face to get national attention. It was on the NYTimes best seller list and there's a reason for that!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Aspartame (Nutrisweet) which is in a lot of diet sodas actually turns into formaldehyde when you digest it. It chemically combines with a natural occurring chemical in your digestive system. Do you really want your liver and your intestines processing formaldehyde? Just to give you an idea, formaldehyde is what they use to preserve dead bodies or that frog you cut up in middle school biology class.

    Splenda also has very negative side effects but I forget what they are at the moment. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to a myriad of health problems including diabetes and dementia.

    Please excuse me if any of the information is specifically inaccurate but I am just reciting what I learned in several books I've read. (Rory Freedman, Kim Barnouin's Skinny *****, Robb Wolf's The Paleo Solution, Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet, & Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism to name a few)

    If you are going to drink soda, opt for soda that lists SUGAR as an ingredient (better yet, honey or turbinado sugar sodas can be found in the organic section of your grocery store). Real sugar is always better than high fructose corn syrup which is a by product of fermented corn.

    If you want to get even more specific and instead of making your own soda, choose to buy it and drink it; then try to avoid sodas made with regular white sugar. White sugar goes through a filter process that involves bone char to whiten it.

    You can also make your own sodas through buying a carbonator (they were selling like hotcakes around early 2000). This turns basic tap water into soda through a pressurized carbonation unit. Instead of using the syrups they provide you with, play with your own variations. Add honey, agave nectar, REAL maple syrup or fresh squeezed fruit juice. You can also buy raw sugarcane and boil it (I don't know how to do this but this is how they used to do it before sugar could be bought in stores. It produces a sugar syrup that is completely natural and healthy for you.

    This is a long diatribe but also keep in mind that sugar has been related to cocaine as far as addictions go. It activates the same portion of the brain when consumed as hard drugs do in drug addicts. Do not lie to yourself, your body is addicted to sugar. When sugar is combined with fat, it gets even worse.

    Anyone who is really interested in learning what is healthy vs unhealthy, I recommend reading 'Skinny *****' and/or 'Skinny *kitten*'. They promote veganism but if you can overlook that fact, it is full of a lot of really interesting information that can be hard to find elsewhere. They are super amusing, in your face, and easy to read. If you are offended easily and choose to read this book, I recommend keeping in mind that the way it is written was intended to be so over the top in your face to get national attention. It was on the NYTimes best seller list and there's a reason for that!
    Here we go again...

    ZOMG FORMALDEHYDE! Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring by product of human existence. It's in your body 24/7. There is actually more formaldehyde in an apple then you would get in a diet soda. Splenda has not been linked to any real side effects. In fact, no artificial sweetener has. Try reading the actual science and research, and not completely unresearched, falsified scare mongering books.

    The human body processes high fructose corn syrup identically to sucrose. White sugar is no different from turbinado sugar from a metabolic, digestive, or nutrition standpoint.
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 52 Member
    Agree to disagree. I've read plenty of well researched scientific facts about this. My best friend is a biochemist and studies this crap for a living. I also know that my grandmother was diagnosed with dementia and diabetes that the doctors directly correlated to her consistent use of Nutrisweet and other artificial sweeteners.

    Food is always a topic of debate but I still believe that if you can't eat it living or raw, or by mildly heating it up without additional chemical processes, you probably shouldn't put it in your body. Oh and by the way, e. coli is a naturally occurring bacteria in the body but that doesn't mean we want to ADD any to our system! That is when people get sick and die.

    Same premise with formaldehyde...
  • crazedcujo
    crazedcujo Posts: 114 Member
    Hell no - diet sodas are like chemical factories. I am mostly a water guy anyway - but when I do crave a soda - it is the real deal - not that bad with calories anyway if you just stick with one every once in a while.

    ** Just my opinion of course. LOL
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    NO. Water is the way to go. Unsweetend Ice Tea works too.
  • I gave up diet sodas about a month ago. I think it is a personal choice.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Just wanted to know your thoughts on whether diet sodas were a good thing or not. Sure a regular soda has plenty of sugar, but at least you know what you're dealing with and so does your body. Diet sodas have sweeteners and supposed negative effects on your health.
    Have I answered my own question?

    When I go out on a Saturday night, my tipple is Vodka and Diet Coke, if I were to drink regular coke with the voddie, it would be an horrendous amount of calories - diet is either zero or one calorie. I'll stick with diet.

    Besides which, I find normal coke very sickly and sweet, I don't like it.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I don't think any soda is good for you. But I still drink one diet a day.
  • maxmama55
    maxmama55 Posts: 19 Member
    I heard of Zevia and that's the only soda I drink now. The Kroger store we have only carries 3 flavors though. I like that it is all natural, even the flavorings. I drink one a day for a treat and then a lot of water!
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    diet sodas nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Aspertame is the devil!
  • mparadis718
    mparadis718 Posts: 6 Member
    I stopped drinking soda a few weeks ago. I still allow myself a coffee in the am, but for the rest of the day I drink water. Ocasionally I will drink a glass of iced tea but that is as close to soda as i go.