


  • moea432
    moea432 Posts: 75 Member
    I personally think, that the American diet is very lacking. We have formed bad habits and lets face it a slice of pizza will always be tastier than brocolli. I think we could all use a good, basic, complete multi vitamin. Diet or not I believe everyone should be taking: multivitamin (NOT a mega dose) fish oil , vit D, and an adaptogen-you choose CoQ enzyme, cordycep, astralaugus- something basic

    If your looking at the Dr Oz type miricle tablets- I have tried them all on myself with negligible is any result.

    the only thing i take in one a day...and my diet isnt anywhere it used to be! and its not perfect but its 100% better than it used to be....and honestly ive come to like my veggies haha
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Take 5g creatine and about 10g fish oil daily. Protein powders aren't mandatory, you'll be fine eating real food.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I personally think, that the American diet is very lacking. We have formed bad habits and lets face it a slice of pizza will always be tastier than brocolli. I think we could all use a good, basic, complete multi vitamin. Diet or not I believe everyone should be taking: multivitamin (NOT a mega dose) fish oil , vit D, and an adaptogen-you choose CoQ enzyme, cordycep, astralaugus- something basic

    If your looking at the Dr Oz type miricle tablets- I have tried them all on myself with negligible is any result.

    the only thing i take in one a day...and my diet isnt anywhere it used to be! and its not perfect but its 100% better than it used to be....and honestly ive come to like my veggies haha

    If it is the generic one a day, pretty much a waste from everything I have read. I'd look at something like GNC Sports Men or whatever, I used that a while back and did fine. Was affordable and everything. I use Animal Pak now.
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Take 5g creatine and about 10g fish oil daily. Protein powders aren't mandatory, you'll be fine eating real food.

    Creatine isn't mandatory either for the limited gains. Out of the two, money on whey is the better option if you are not getting enough protein through your daily diet,
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    My husband is big into body building. He used to take protein powder, but it made him bloated from all the sodium and sugar. Now I get him to take Visalus (Body by Vi) shakes. I'm an Indepedent Rep for them now because I take them too and love the product! I take two shakes a day to lose weight, one for breakfast and one post-workout at lunchtime. He takes them post-workout for muscle recovery and protein, it helps build lean muscle as well. We mix it with skim milk, soy milk or almond milk and your body absorbes the 22-24 grams of protein. The other tubs of protein from stores you only absorb 12 grams from all the binders and fillers in it! The visalus shakes work out to $1.87 per shake, so it's very affordable compared to chicken breast!

    We also take the Visalus Pro Energy Drinks for extra energy before or during a workout.

    If you're interested check out my website

    This sounds a LOT like a sales pitch to me.

    ^^ This. I know people who sell it. What a waste of money. So many people have tried it and stopped because you can get the same results with a good diet and exercise.
  • moea432
    moea432 Posts: 75 Member
    If it is the generic one a day, pretty much a waste from everything I have read. I'd look at something like GNC Sports Men or whatever, I used that a while back and did fine. Was affordable and everything. I use Animal Pak now.

    ill have to go buy ther and get some, ill take vitamins and i feel like i have a little more energy with the one a day but it just be me lol
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Take 5g creatine and about 10g fish oil daily. Protein powders aren't mandatory, you'll be fine eating real food.

    Creatine isn't mandatory either for the limited gains. Out of the two, money on whey is the better option if you are not getting enough protein through your daily diet,
    Which one is a "better choice" would depend on the situation, not that they are mutually exclusive. I wasn't implying that creatine is mandatory. Obviously protein powders should be consumed if you cannot hit your protein goal without them.
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    just work harder and eat better...eventually you won't want to spend the money or time on supplements and they aren't really meant for long term.

    I'm not sure if you're talking about "diet pills" but I make my own shakes with whey protein, old fashion oats, natural pb and skim milk because I don't get enough protein.

    I know someone drinking the body by vi shakes and is a representative or whatever and it's SO annoying that she doesn't think she has to eat well OR workout..."just drink the shakes and you'll be healthy" WHAT?! is that what they believe? if so, WRONG.
  • moea432
    moea432 Posts: 75 Member
    just work harder and eat better...eventually you won't want to spend the money or time on supplements and they aren't really meant for long term.

    I'm not sure if you're talking about "diet pills" but I make my own shakes with whey protein, old fashion oats, natural pb and skim milk because I don't get enough protein.

    I know someone drinking the body by vi shakes and is a representative or whatever and it's SO annoying that she doesn't think she has to eat well OR workout..."just drink the shakes and you'll be healthy" WHAT?! is that what they believe? if so, WRONG.

    NO DIET PILLS! Everyone around was taking those and yes they lost weight faster but they are bigger than before and I AM STILL LOSING!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    muscle milk? My friend told me about that one but its high in calories

    It's high in arsenics and metals too.
  • moea432
    moea432 Posts: 75 Member
    I've read chocolate milk (1 cup) after i workout is just as good if not better than anything to help muscles??
  • siriusalien
    siriusalien Posts: 207
    I personally think, that the American diet is very lacking. We have formed bad habits and lets face it a slice of pizza will always be tastier than brocolli. I think we could all use a good, basic, complete multi vitamin. Diet or not I believe everyone should be taking: multivitamin (NOT a mega dose) fish oil , vit D, and an adaptogen-you choose CoQ enzyme, cordycep, astralaugus- something basic

    If your looking at the Dr Oz type miricle tablets- I have tried them all on myself with negligible is any result.

    the only thing i take in one a day...and my diet isnt anywhere it used to be! and its not perfect but its 100% better than it used to be....and honestly ive come to like my veggies haha

    If it is the generic one a day, pretty much a waste from everything I have read. I'd look at something like GNC Sports Men or whatever, I used that a while back and did fine. Was affordable and everything. I use Animal Pak now.

    GNC supplements score pretty low on their efficacy and reliability of ingredients. Consume Lab is an excellent ( fee to join) source of unbiased, science based reviews for supplements.
    I personally like Nature Mades products as most conform to the USP (united states phamacopeia standards)/
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I've read chocolate milk (1 cup) after i workout is just as good if not better than anything to help muscles??
    Read this thread:
  • ickarusx
    ickarusx Posts: 8
    I take proteins after workout, but Glutamine is been doing good job with me, no more hangovers I'm very happy with that besides is cheap
  • randy65273
    randy65273 Posts: 22
    I've been taken BCAA's after my workouts, and I have noticed that I recovery fast and I'm not as sore the next day.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    I personally think, that the American diet is very lacking. We have formed bad habits and lets face it a slice of pizza will always be tastier than brocolli. I think we could all use a good, basic, complete multi vitamin. Diet or not I believe everyone should be taking: multivitamin (NOT a mega dose) fish oil , vit D, and an adaptogen-you choose CoQ enzyme, cordycep, astralaugus- something basic

    If your looking at the Dr Oz type miricle tablets- I have tried them all on myself with negligible is any result.

    the only thing i take in one a day...and my diet isnt anywhere it used to be! and its not perfect but its 100% better than it used to be....and honestly ive come to like my veggies haha

    If it is the generic one a day, pretty much a waste from everything I have read. I'd look at something like GNC Sports Men or whatever, I used that a while back and did fine. Was affordable and everything. I use Animal Pak now.

    GNC supplements score pretty low on their efficacy and reliability of ingredients. Consume Lab is an excellent ( fee to join) source of unbiased, science based reviews for supplements.
    I personally like Nature Mades products as most conform to the USP (united states phamacopeia standards)/

    The GNC worked pretty well for me. This was also 5+ years ago, and notice, not using it now. :D I generally think 1 a day is pretty worthless.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    If it is the generic one a day, pretty much a waste from everything I have read. I'd look at something like GNC Sports Men or whatever, I used that a while back and did fine. Was affordable and everything. I use Animal Pak now.

    ill have to go buy ther and get some, ill take vitamins and i feel like i have a little more energy with the one a day but it just be me lol

    GNC Mens gave me an energy kick as well. But now I just use a diet that keeps my energy in GOGOGO mode.