Sad story, 650lb guy loses 400 regains 250



  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    I know for certain that I would have re-gained all this weight that I am losing if I hadn't had surgery. I also was worried that I was gaining so fast that I would one day be 500 lbs. I hope he can get the medical attention that he needs both bariatric and psychiatric (dealing with stress and emotional eating). IT is a very hard disorder to deal with and they say 95% of people that lose a large amount of weight re-gain within 5 years.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Just heartbreaking :( I hope he is able to overcome and find happiness.
  • jlreser
    jlreser Posts: 64 Member
    WOW! What a wake up call to us NEVER gain back what we've lost. To think that those surgeries were all in vain and might have to go through them again. Sad. I hope he's able to lose it again, I can't imagine gaining more than half what was lost!
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    It just goes to show that getting skinny or "hot" isn't going to make it all better. You have to learn to love yourself no matter what. If you can't fight your inner demons they'll take over.


    I hope he gets the counseling that he needs. Like he said the inside needs fixed. :(
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    That must be the same guy on dateline the other day. He said he didn't like being "attractive".
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    =( I refuse to do that. So much hard work/ time/effort wasted. I feel so bad for him...
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Saw him on the Today show. I think they are doing a Dateline special on him.

    I agree... when you lose it for the wrong reasons, it comes back to haunt you.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    I hope he can get this under control again. But this could be a cautionary tale for all of us - that the challenges don't necessarily end when we finally hit our goal weight.

    I hope this story proves to be that this life isn't about a "goal weight."
    It's about loving yourself and accepting being HEALTHY.
    Weight isn't the demon here - it's how your body is health wise.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    That must be the same guy on dateline the other day. He said he didn't like being "attractive".

    It must have been strange for him, to go from over 600 lbs to a place (200s?) where he was attractive. I remember seeing his story when he had lost the weight and he looked very handsome.

    I wonder if there's any research on how people physically feel in their new body versus their old? There must be some comfort to having more weight on some level, or something. I don't believe it's just about the food or eating.
  • That's sad I remember watching that story on tlc
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Is he still a virgin? Maybe he just wanted to do it then it wasn't all that so he figured he'd start eating again.
  • jelias1
    jelias1 Posts: 97
    Wow this is a sad tale of relapse.

    Like an alcholic that gave it up and then fell back into the vice.

    Food is our lifesource and a constant temptation.

    Its like I tell my friends who say how can I give up so many things that taste great I love my life and myself more than I love that food that was killing me.

    I will enjoy it again one day in moderation of course and not everyday.

    Man I started at 505lb's and it was hard to get down this much there is no way in hell I will go back to it!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I sounded like he wasn't ready for the weight loss. Sounds like he ready now to meet the challenge he's already done once. Hopefully he can mend fences with his trainer friend--I think that's what gets him the most.
  • b0mbersfan
    b0mbersfan Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a big guy and recently I've taken responsibility for my actions that got me to almost 300 pounds. But when I watch these shows with these people who are so big they can't get out of bed I always wonder... Why the hell does their family bring them food they clearly shouldn't be eating? I mean am I missing something? I know it must feel like you're being mean or whatever but if you truly love that person, why would you help them poison themselves?

    I saw one on TLC (I think) about this woman who was put on this regimen by a weight loss doctor to get things under control and her (adult) kids were sneaking fried chicken to her...

    I can't imagine being in the position of the loved one, but still... if the person is too big to walk, then feed them healthy foods until they can walk and use the bathroom and stuff.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I'm a big guy and recently I've taken responsibility for my actions that got me to almost 300 pounds. But when I watch these shows with these people who are so big they can't get out of bed I always wonder... Why the hell does their family bring them food they clearly shouldn't be eating? I mean am I missing something? I know it must feel like you're being mean or whatever but if you truly love that person, why would you help them poison themselves?

    I saw one on TLC (I think) about this woman who was put on this regimen by a weight loss doctor to get things under control and her (adult) kids were sneaking fried chicken to her...

    I can't imagine being in the position of the loved one, but still... if the person is too big to walk, then feed them healthy foods until they can walk and use the bathroom and stuff.

    It doesn't quite work like that my friend...... You have to understand that this goes way beyond being that simple.... Trust me I know, I lived it... Your family literally walks on egg shells around you and this doesn't happen over night it is years upon years of a vicious cycle that leads to this point.. I was pretty much home bound the last 2 years before I had that aha moment... My family tried countless intervention over the years but every time they pushed, I Pushed back twice as hard... I didn't have the problem (in my eye) they did!! and you have to understand the dynamics that years of these patterns cause... Even though I was pretty much unable to walk from even room to room, my family knew better than to try and deny me of things that I wanted.. They had pretty much accepted the fact I was going to eat myself to death and trying to keep me from the foods I wanted would only cause misery for everyone living under our roof... Did they like this, hell no but after the progression of 8-10 years they felt they had no choice.... I have followed this guys story from the beginning and had wonder why we had not see him lately and was floored to see this on the today show... You can lose 300-400lbs. and never get passed see the fat guy you once was, trust me I know... I deal with this fact today no matter how many people compliment me and tell me I look great.... It is an issue after being super morbidly obese for so long, it is hard to see yourself any other way... I have been in therapy since day one and will be for quite awhile longer.. My whole mentality from the beginning was I needed to fix what was broken in my head and until then it would not matter how much weight I lost or what method I used cause it would not matter if I didn't get to the root of it.... I pray he truly has found this and works from her forward and can get the weight back off.... This is a very hard journey full of blood, sweat, and tears but so worth it in the end... Am I afraid of this happening to me, Heck Yes!!! It is a fear I live with daily, it keeps me grounded though and always aware of where I came from and never want to go back too.....
  • b0mbersfan
    b0mbersfan Posts: 16 Member
    its so sad.... and maybe I don't understand it because I never lived it. I feel more sad for the family that feels compelled to keep feeding this person.

    Come to think of it... everyone I've ever been close to seemed to gain weight when hanging around with me.... I always thought it was because I liked to eat and treated eating as a social function (I'm Italian... we eat at every occasion). But maybe your right in that the strong willed over-eater can influence the people around them without those loved ones even realizing what's happening.... giving up what they know is right to make someone else "happy"

    DING! I just started to understand something about myself..... I love this site
  • Seb3
    Seb3 Posts: 26
    It's sad that this young man has regained much of the weight he had intially lost, and I hope he can lose the weight again, but this time keep it off. I guess that's the challenge people face when they are successful in losing weight. ie. maintaining their healthy eating patterns and constant exercise.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    So sad to see that he's gained so much of the weight back.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I hope that his regaining weight has nothing to do with enjoying the media attention. Sorry if that seems like a negative viewpoint but he IS back on tv and giving interviews... Did he get the same attention after he lost the weight? I hope he can overcome his demons, whatever they may be.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I can understand how he feels. I've been losing the same 50 lbs for 5 yrs now. I've finally addressed my food demons and am recommitted. The key is to find peace inside...I hope he can do that and can accept himself...scars and all. It's been hard for me to do, but when I look in the mirror, I now see beauty and not beast. That took a lot of self-acceptance to get there, but it can happen.