why aint i losing weight

i was doing a diet and gave up i do yoga a bit and still nothing says i lost then gained again ugh whazpt am i doing wrong it shouldnt b this hard :-(


  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    We can't really give advice without more information. Have you set a calorie goal based on your daily requirements and goals? What are you eating? A bit of Yoga is likely not going to spur any significant weight loss.. Any more info would be helpful
  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    yess i have its about 1200 and try to do some form of workouts
  • xlolitabandita
    If you had your food diary set to public, I'm sure we could help you out a little better. =]

    Also, while yoga is awesome and very beneficial it really doesn't burn that many calories...It's more for flexibility, strength, and relaxation. Try adding more cardio like running, zumba, or aerobics, and compliment that wih strenth training like pilates or lifitng weights.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i was doing a diet and gave up i do yoga a bit and still nothing says i lost then gained again ugh whazpt am i doing wrong it shouldnt b this hard :-(

    You say you were dieting and then gave up. When did you start and when did you stop. When you stopped how much do you think you were eating?
  • thinnerthaniam
    thinnerthaniam Posts: 15 Member
    I've got 25 lbs to lose and I'm excited about the journey....Nothing worth a darn ever happens overnight. Losing weight is like a full time job. Read labels and stay away from fast food. Make it a game you really want to win....kinda like going for a job promotion but do this to impress yourself!! If you look better, you'll feel better. Be patient and consistent....stay away from salt and the bad fats....No soda or DIET SODA!! And if it says DIET or HEALTHY on the label...r;un the other way....that's just marketing BS trying to suck you in....lol! Your in control of everything that goes in your mouth, so prepare your own meals so that you know what the heck is in it.....Watch your sodium/potassium intake...potassium should be 4x greater than your sodium intake or you will get FLUFFY..fat. Fast food= 4-5x more sodium that potassium....backwards for sure!

    Good luck to us all!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've got 25 lbs to lose and I'm excited about the journey....Nothing worth a darn ever happens overnight. Losing weight is like a full time job. Read labels and stay away from fast food. Make it a game you really want to win....kinda like going for a job promotion but do this to impress yourself!! If you look better, you'll feel better. Be patient and consistent....stay away from salt and the bad fats....No soda or DIET SODA!! And if it says DIET or HEALTHY on the label...r;un the other way....that's just marketing BS trying to suck you in....lol! Your in control of everything that goes in your mouth, so prepare your own meals so that you know what the heck is in it.....Watch your sodium/potassium intake...potassium should be 4x greater than your sodium intake or you will get FLUFFY..fat. Fast food= 4-5x more sodium that potassium....backwards for sure!

    Good luck to us all!

    How does diet soda make you fat? And how does sodium being more than 1/4 of potassium make you fat?
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    i was doing a diet and gave up i do yoga a bit and still nothing says i lost then gained again ugh whazpt am i doing wrong it shouldnt b this hard :-(
    Is this a serious question? Do you actually wonder why you haven't been successful? Do you think that people who are successful at losing weight do things like "give up," exercise "a bit" & complain about it being "this hard"? I assure you...we don't.

    You aint losing weight because you're not willing to commit to the process.

    ETA: I just took a look at your profile & didn't realize you were that young. So you likely aren't familiar with the level of commitment & dedication it really takes to lose weight. Sorry honey, you're gonna have to put in work, & dwelling on the unfairness of it all won't do a bit of good. But as the others said, if you make your food diary public maybe you can get some suggestions on what you should be eating, because nutrition is even more important than exercise when it comes to fat loss.

    If you want to make some meaningful progress that will motivate you to continue, you're going to have to get your nutrition in order. Exercise will help, just know that trying to do a little something like yoga here & there isn't going to make that much of a difference. Put yourself on a schedule & require yourself to stick to it, even if it's just twice a week. It's the habit that's more important than the actual activity. As you get used to the regular exercise, you'll naturally get more motivated to do more & do it more frequently.
  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    i made it public but zhe diet was for 2 weeks and i did like week and a half and i was suppose to lose about 3-4.pounds but didnt and it was about 1100 calories a day and the diet was getting so borin eatin same thing so maybe i need to get a fitness dvd or something cuz my weight keeps going up and down.
  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    hmm ur totally right its just hard to no what kinda things i should b doing
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You really cannot base weight loss over only one and a half weeks, especially as women in particular can fluctuate significantly from water retention. Also, you do not have much to lose and cannot expect to lose 3 - 4lbs in that time (sometimes happens but most of it is water weight). Set your goal at losing 1/2 lb a week and your activity at lightly active (I noticed you have a small child - so you should be at at least that activity level). This should give you a more reasonable amount of calories to eat so you do not give up so quickly.

    Losing weight can be a relatively slow process, and you need to commit to it for more than a week or two.

    ETA: I just looked at your diary and you really are not eating enough. If you reset your activity level and your weight loss goal, this will up your target - and you need to try to eat to that number, not way below it. It will be far easier to stick to this way.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    i made it public but zhe diet was for 2 weeks and i did like week and a half and i was suppose to lose about 3-4.pounds but didnt and it was about 1100 calories a day and the diet was getting so borin eatin same thing so maybe i need to get a fitness dvd or something cuz my weight keeps going up and down.

    Unrealistic expectations is a great setup for failure.

    First, while it's still fresh in mind, pick some days in your Diary and log some common days worth of eating. Really try to remember and log everything you might normally would have had in a day, for several days if you did different foods.
    If you ate packaged and fast food it's easier to do that backtracking.

    Now, avg those days of how much you ate.

    Say you were eating 250 more cal's than required to maintain weight.
    Now subtract another 1000 off that, so 1250 total.

    That's what you set your goal to. That is 2lbs per week potential, but even then, not likely.

    And you now visually see, you are now going to eat a whole lot less than you use to. And no silly restriction down at 1100 that wasn't going to give you 3-4 lbs anyway.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member

    I would suggest you checkout these Youtube posts and learn about TDEE and BMR. From your diary, it doesnt appear you are eating enough and not eating very balanced. I would up your protein as well if possible and green foods some too.

    If you are working out, be sure to incorporate weight training; go lite to tone up and burn fat. I would measure and also find out your body fat %.This way if the scale goes up, but your body fat goes down or you lose inches, you wont freak out and know that your hard work is paying off. Sometimes I dont see much decrease on the scale, but I'm losing inches and my clothes are falling off of me.

    Be sure to log your water intake and add 'sodium' to your journal, thats a big trigger and a way to retain water and not see a drop on scale.

    Checkout these links that have helped me: Love her video blogs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN3DGdwQuWs&feature=relmfu AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr6s3xMZALQ&NR=1&feature=endscreen

    Reviews and explains TDEE: http://www.youtube.com/user/EatMore2WeighLess?feature=mhee

    Calculators to help find your ideal caloric #s, TDEE, BMR, BMI etc : http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators.html

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Listen to Heybales advice above.
    It doens't have to be so hard if you don't make it that way and don't expect that you can "diet" for 2 weeks and the weight will fall off.
    No matter what promises you read from the next fancy diet or pill or machine or sweatsuit, the common factor when people lose weight is that they eat a little less and/or move a little more.
    All or nothing (and I consider eating 1100 cals a day as good as nothing!) just doesn't work. You've proved that to yourself.
    Now, go and set up a moderate goal, plan some healthy meals, fit in a bit of exercise. If you do this for a few months, I'd be really surprised if you don't lose weight.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    weight loss is hard work... weight gain is hard work as well. i know i worked hard overeating well past the point of physical discomfort on almost a daily basis. so why should losing that be any different

    also dont think of it as a diet. if you want lifetime results then think about ways to eat that are healthy that you'll still be able to maintain once you get your goal weight. lots of people gain the weight back they lost because they go on a diet then once they reach their goal they go back to their old eating habits and then are shocked that they got fat again
  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    i did reset my activity level didnt do anything i try to b active and go outside but for the past week its been rainy hmm i didnt kno i had to eat the exact calories but im going to try i guess i had high hopes for my last diet cuz my bf lost like 8 pounds so i was suprized.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How tall are you? And did you change the goal to losing 1/2lb a week?
  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    yea this is so much work but tomorrow im going to try and set some goals up and things i should eat im just not the best at what i all need. but i have an idea
  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    5'6 and no i didnt i will tho
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Seriously though, stick to your calorie goals, follow the advice in this thread, and be persistent and patient. You will lose weight. :D