Protein Shakes??

Hi All...I have recently started substituting one meal a day for a protein shake made with protein powder, frozen fruit, and skim milk - love them but am I sabotaging my weight loss??Friends have commented and said that they will make me gain weight...


  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    They are totally wrong!!! First of all, a protein shake or actually protein powder helps after workouts and lets you recover faster. Yes if you don't workout at all then you will gain alittle bit of weight but those calories you take in will take longer to digest which your body will process it over a longer time. Keep taking it but no more than one time a day!
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    As long as you aren't accidentally making it with fat powder instead of protein powder, it's good calories. Just keep watching your calorie intake and it'll be fine.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    If you don't work out and drink protein you WILL NOT GAIN WEIGHT EITHER. Calorie surplus makes you gain weight. Thats it. And you can drink it more than once a day to accomplish your protein goals...Mine are 120 grams..
  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 39 Member
    Heck I have one everyday after my workout and I also but milk and banana in it, works great and I feel full for a long time, but really I need it anyway, you can only eat so much meat.
  • Shellyeubanks
    Of course whole foods is always best, but if you can't eat whole foods, a protein shake is ok.

    Now your body only utilizes about 16-17% of protein powder, the rest goes to waste, so basically you have to weigh out the pros and cons of protein powder. Your body is only using a small % of, it can also cause bloating and gas, so it's up to you whether it's worth the cost or not.

    As for gaining weight, that isn't true unless of course you are adding a lot of added calories in the form of milks, fruits. etc. a simple protein shake can really go up in nutrition when you add stuff to it.
  • lbecker5
    lbecker5 Posts: 33 Member
    How many grams of protein should I be shooting for? I am looking for weight loss - yes - but also functional fitness - I want to look strong and athletic not skinny - I do not eat much meat - which is why I went for the shakes...
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    I would take no more than 120 grams of protein at a time or roughly around 1 1/2 - 2 scoops at a time
  • Shellyeubanks
    How many grams of protein should I be shooting for? I am looking for weight loss - yes - but also functional fitness - I want to look strong and athletic not skinny - I do not eat much meat - which is why I went for the shakes...

    How much do you weight? It can range from 1-1.5 grams per lb of body weight depending on your goals/and weight.
  • Shellyeubanks
    I would take no more than 120 grams of protein at a time or roughly around 1 1/2 - 2 scoops at a time

    This must be a typo right? A scoop usually only has 20 grams depending on the brand.
  • CatherineKelly22
    Iv been taking the ready made slimfat drinks fr breakfast as i cant eat in the morning, sometimes il have one fr lunch if im out and about and cant make anything. Id like your thoughts on these drinks pls :)
  • CatherineKelly22
    Sorry ibecker5, shudv posted ths sumwer else, didnt mean to try n hijack ur post :(
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Yeah, it's fine. Sometimes I drink some ON Whey Double Rich Chocolate just because I like how it tastes!
  • lbecker5
    lbecker5 Posts: 33 Member
    I am at 186 right now... the powder I am using has 20 grams per scoop....never tried the slim fast though - don't they have more calories? and carbs? I don't know much about them????
  • thinnerthaniam
    thinnerthaniam Posts: 15 Member
    Our bodies need a lot more than just Protein. Could you imagine eating a slab of meat for every meal and that's it? We need balanced nutrients to continue to thrive. High protein diets put the body in starvation mode and eat muscle tissue to survive. Since the heart is a muscle, do you really wanna do that? You might lose weight cause your starving, but you will put it back on so fast...
    There's better shakes that offer a lot more of a balanced diet than just Protein.. Wanna know?
  • lbecker5
    lbecker5 Posts: 33 Member
    I don't feel hijacked =) I was curious about the slim fast too...:smile:
  • lbecker5
    lbecker5 Posts: 33 Member
    Our bodies need a lot more than just Protein. Could you imagine eating a slab of meat for every meal and that's it? We need balanced nutrients to continue to thrive. High protein diets put the body in starvation mode and eat muscle tissue to survive. Since the heart is a muscle, do you really wanna do that? You might lose weight cause your starving, but you will put it back on so fast...
    There's better shakes that offer a lot more of a balanced diet than just Protein.. Wanna know?

    Like what??
  • Shellyeubanks
    Our bodies need a lot more than just Protein. Could you imagine eating a slab of meat for every meal and that's it? We need balanced nutrients to continue to thrive. High protein diets put the body in starvation mode and eat muscle tissue to survive. Since the heart is a muscle, do you really wanna do that? You might lose weight cause your starving, but you will put it back on so fast...
    There's better shakes that offer a lot more of a balanced diet than just Protein.. Wanna know?

    Like what??

    Let me quess? Shakeology or the body by vi.
  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    Check out my food log to see the stats non Lean Body by Labrada.

    A protein shake as a meal replacement will not make you gain weight. In fact, a protein shake is more likely to have LESS fat, calories and carbs than an average person's regular meal.

    Do some research and tasting and see what kind you like best. I LOVE Labrada, even their low-carb powders and RTDs. MuscleMilk is good (again, as a meal replacement). You might also check out - I buy their 100% pure eggs whites by the gallon jug and mix the whites with some skim milk and sugarfree chocolate syrup... perfect!! And no, they are not slimey and they have no flavor. They are tested and heat-treated and have the consistency of water, totally safe to drink right out of the jug or you can make KILLER scrambled eggs or other stuff.

    Keep it up!! Always keep abreast of research and nutrition info.
  • Shellyeubanks
    I am at 186 right now... the powder I am using has 20 grams per scoop....never tried the slim fast though - don't they have more calories? and carbs? I don't know much about them????

    You should consume approx. 125-150 grams a day total. Also remember to get your good carbs and healthy fats in.
  • Shellyeubanks
    Iv been taking the ready made slimfat drinks fr breakfast as i cant eat in the morning, sometimes il have one fr lunch if im out and about and cant make anything. Id like your thoughts on these drinks pls :)

    I have never looked at a can of slim fast but chek the labels, what's it made of, how much sugar, carbs and fat are in them? I'm sure they aren't the best out there.