Just me?



  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    Hmm...everybody's got their something! =D. What ever makes your boat float! I thought exercise used to be a chore until I discovered running not too long ago. And the more I run the more I can eat. But I really enjoy eating healthy foods to begin with, and I eat as much of that as I want. Cause I found that even eating too much of the healthier foods will make you gain unwanted weight too. Occasionally I'll have a naughty treat, and that works for me. I've lost 22 pounds so far, and I feel like a bajillion bucks! ;-) Good luck and take care!
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    So really, dig deep down before you answer this. Forget the positive attitude just for a minute.

    Who REALLY likes to exercise? Who REALLY likes to eat mini portions of boring food?

    Hell no, not me.

    I see people... "Ohhh my green beans and mushed cauliflower was super! So tasty!" and "I am so excited to go out and run/go to the gym"

    Me? I hate it. I do it because I don't want to be fat. It is THAT simple!

    I love weightlifting. I hate running. But Id choose to lift over... BBQing, or Movies.
    As for food... Id love to shove everything into my gaping face hole.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i would hate exercising if i did classes like zumba. i'd rather kill myself than bounce around for an hour. but i love weight lifting. i like going for that extra rep. and i love playing sports.
  • JennyLu3
    JennyLu3 Posts: 26
    I agree with you on this one. I mean, I run and I don't HATE it, but I'd much rather be doing something else. Just like I'd much rather put sour cream on my baked potato instead of non-fat yogurt.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I love working out and always have, it's just easier and more fun now that I've lost weight.
    I refuse to eat food I don't totally enjoy, otherwise to me it's unhappy calories. lol I have however, learned to like things I didn't before. For instance, carrots tasted soooo blahhhh before I started my new lifestlye. Now they taste sweet and delicious. I feel the same way about cauliflower and not so much for broccoli. Yuck. I guess it's what you get used to, for me anyway! I do have a Snickers blizzard once in a while too but I make room for it in my diary. :)
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    Actually... I like working out, I always feel awesome... The best part is, I can eat pretty much whatever the frak I want if I work out hard enough too... I want an extra cheeseburger? BAM! I spaz out on the elliptical... 1000 calories? No problem.

    It's just a big game. Also, I like to pick up heavy things and put them down again... who doesn't?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    sexercise FTW!

    and yeah....if you limit yourself TOO much on your intake...chances are you will miss the things you used to enjoy.

    i like to sweat...so whether it's playing drums for 2 hours in the 95degree studio, helping a buddy move, or whatever....it's all a workout, and i dont necessarily hate it. :)
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I REALLY like to do Zumba. I actually look forward to it. I like to ride my bike places. I do NOT like to do strength training, that is a chore.
  • favrow812
    favrow812 Posts: 28
    I love weightlifting. I don't eat small portions of food. I don't see your problem :P

    Oh shusssh up! I am jealous. Let me be bitter! :tongue:

  • favrow812
    favrow812 Posts: 28
    sexercise FTW!

    OH YES!!! ;)
  • ToniSG
    ToniSG Posts: 12
    I hated any kind of exercising in the beginning but I love seeing the results at the end of each week. Now I can hardly wait to get started every day...seriously! Something about sweating that does the body good :-)
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    Depends on the exercise. I love to ride my bike. I love to dance (as long as no one is watching). I love to walk. I love to hike.

    However...I have been trying to run for 5 months now and I SUCK at it. I hate it. And I wonder if the world will come to an end if I never try again. My husband tells me I am not going to lose my "gut" as he lovingly puts it, unless I run. He said I am not burning enough calories and need to up it to 1,000 per day. I hate it. Honestly, I would rather just eat one pea a day if it meant never having to look like a fool running again.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I don't love to exercise. I love the endorphin high I get after I work out.

    I also love to read. So as a motivation, I pick out a really good book. And the only time I allow myself to read that book is when I'm on the elliptical or bike. I find that 30 minutes into it, I bump my time by about 15 because I don't want to stop reading.

    But this is what works for me.

    I also exercise so I can eat more. Because I cannot stay at the 1,260 MFP has me at (I've set myself at 1,400 - Please don't jump all over me MFP community about eating 1,200 calories a day - I DON'T. I always go over - everyone is so SENSITIVE lately. I hesitate to post this!). I exercise daily, burning about 400 calories a day, which gives me about 1,600 - 1,800 calories a day.
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    I love the habit of working out. It is easy to skip the gym and just go home or sleep in, but when you are in the habitof working out you crave it. You become very disappointed in yourself when you miss the gym.

    Going to the gym is my time away where i can strech my muscles and TRY as hard as possible to move the weight. It's heavy and with practice I lift like the big guys at the gym. To me it feels good I need this exercise in my life. It is also a tremendous stress reliever. Plus everyone wants to look sexy !!! :o)

    Think of it like a beuatifull painting. Your body is the canvas, every painting starts with one. The paint is like your food. everybody eats so every painting has paint, but the weights are like the artist that perfectly sculpt your body into a masterpiece!!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I DO! But I wanted to love it, so I trained myself to love it and then somewhere in there I started loving training myself for it and now, well, now I honestly would be miserable without it.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I love working out!! And I like a lot of healthy foods and they way they make me feel BUT......yea I wish I could eat unlimited amounts of ice cream and cheetos lol!!!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I like to exercise, but I love to eat unhealthy delicious foods too. I frowned at my lunch today because it looked repulsive bc it was so healthy.
  • Asharee011
    Asharee011 Posts: 129 Member
    I don't mind exercising. But I hate having to cut out some food and whatnot.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Love to exercise, I actually hate to eat and hate to cook. If I had a private chef that made me delicious food I could graze on all day I would easily be skinnier having someone else do the work so I could play all day.