Why can't I eat at night?



  • Joy2hymn
    Joy2hymn Posts: 16
    I believe it is because your bin produces melatonin at night and melatonin unlike seratonin or Testosterone, melatonin induce the cycles of sleep called REM. While in REM your body heals and burns calories, muscles grow, muscles burn the calories while sleeping! In fact sleeping is the best thing for your muscles after a workout! A personal trainer once told me that a good 8 hrs of sleep is better than a stretch before working out. Anyways melatonin doesn't break down food. Hormones however play a huge role in weight lose. It is true you burn calories while sleeping, but really if you eat late make it light because while you do burn calories while sleeping, as you get closer to bed you have few calories in your stomach and so that is less work your body had to do and also. Calories is energy! At bed time you don't need energy.

    I was an RN for 2 years I might be wrong, but this does play a role in the why it's not good to eat before bed time
  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    Personally I sleep better if I have a carb about an hour to an hour and a half before I go to bed. I'm not a big carb eater, more proteins in my diet, but a piece of toast before bed (and not even every night) often will help me sleep better.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I dont believe every thing every one up here say. I eat at nite sometimes n I am still losing, so why not I think, but the thing is, if you get indigestion you should wait for a bit. Dont lay down right after eating cus then your indigestion can most likely act up. I see a gastro specialist cus I have bad gerd.
    Oddly enough I find this to be the most interesting reply. You said you don't believe everyone 'up here'. This has me fascinated. Do you see the Internet as up? And no I'm not trying to be an *kitten*. I just tend to focus on things that catch my attention.

    Haha I missed that one too. But I don't even believe in the Internet. If it's there, then how come you can't see it?

    (seriously a girl I was at school with actually said that!)
  • Sheilav330
    Sheilav330 Posts: 57
    You can eat at night your body can't tell time!! i always eat a bowl of cereal least an hr or so before bed and it has not affected me in anyway so the not eating at night thing is just a myth.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    But I am under the impression that my calorie burning aliens work 24/7/365. Maybe other people's calorie burning aliens come from another planet where they don't have such a rigorous work schedule?

    Apparently, some people have diurnal calorie-burning aliens.

    The insulin-fairie, on the other hand? That b!tch never sleeps!

    I think in my case, the insulin-fairie is terrified of my dogs. I can't say I blame her-but they clearly are protecting me from her evil witchery.
  • lilbpixie
    lilbpixie Posts: 51 Member
    This is why:


    HaHaHa This^^^^^^^^
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I usually eat a serving of peanut butter within 30 minutes of going to bed. Doesn't seem to have a big effect on my weight loss.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    This is why:


    HaHaHa This^^^^^^^^

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (most people born after 1984 don't get the joke, though!)
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    This link has an answer to the question, and some other interesting things. Ignore the racy photos. Although the muscle bound hunk got my attention lol
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I've spent WAY too much time on these forums today, but I've seen at least 7 people emphatically state that you shouldn't eat x number of hours before you go to bed (x being 2/3 hrs or a cutoff of 7/8pm which I'm assuming translates to 2/3/4 hrs before bed). I will eat a total of 1500 calories today. I'm eating about 650 of those now (it's 9pm where I am), and I'll probably have another 200-300 in my pj's in my bed in a couple of hours. I'll go to "bed" around 11.

    This is my daily routine-except I'm eating dinner earlier than usual. I'm not terribly interested in changing my schedule (unless there is a compelling reason to do so)-I'm just curious why I "can't" successfully lose weight eating at night. Since I've seen it posted several times today-I'm hoping someone can chime in and let me know the physiological reasoning behind why eating at night is bad for me.

    Not eating at night because you will gain weight is an old tail. Digestion takes place ALL the time, in fact digestion IS the Aging process...whatever that means to you, maybe eat less -age less? Anyway, eat whenever you can tolerate it. Everyone can't eat at night before laying down because of digestion problems as well as stomach problems. When I was younger, I could eat anytime and hop right in the bed...NOW, the food might come back up in My throat and I HATE laying down on a full stomach. NOT to mention that a full stomach is NOT conducive to sex-making or Love-making. Whatever, Do what You can Tolerate. It's NOT good staying on MFP Forums to much, Tales and Shyt Flies here with all kind of weight and health myths...you may blow your success if you follow forum advice to much. Forums are READ and FOLLOW AT YOUR OWN RISK!
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I agree with the digestion thing I had acid reflux and its very painful. My doctor told me eating before going to bed is the time when I could get an attack and he was right. I was told to sleep with my head elevated as not to allow the food to injest back up and to produce the acid reflux to occur. I quit eating too much late, but may still have a light snack if I am hungry. I have read that you do burn some calories while sleeping thus explains the BMR resting state I believe.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Your body does not shut down at night. Your body is very active at night digesting food, breathing, heart beating and such. You burn calories just sitting when your awake why would your body just stop at night. You burn about 500 cals while sleeping not a lot but your body is still working.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    Blame her:


    Well, that is a problem for me also. After working all day, I usually do a workout before coming home. So by the time I get home its between 7p and 9p if I rush through my workout. What i do is usually eat a little more at lunch or eat something at work an hour or so before leaving for my workout. When I get home, I just have a little something. Usually tired when I get home, so shower and a little something to eat. Just can eat a meal and lay down on it. The acid reflux is terrible with me.:laugh:
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    This is why:


    HaHaHa This^^^^^^^^

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (most people born after 1984 don't get the joke, though!)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    This is why:


    literally LOL
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Dr. Oz says that "eating at night makes you gain weight" is...a MYTH!! *whew* Glad that's cleared up. NEXT!! :laugh:

    Wait... If Dr. Oz says it, then I have to start questioning it. :tongue:

    I worked at a natural food store a lady came in she was about 60 and she asked me where the green tea was because Dr. Oz said it was naturally decaffeinated. I told her that was not true and it was naturally caffeinated. She didn't believe me and bought it anyway. I hope she was up all night long!
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I have a habit of eating at maybe 8-9pm sometimes later and i'm usually in bed by 10:30-11pm...but so far so good on the weight loss front. Same with exercise calories i dont dwell on eating those back all the time, so essentially its really on finding what works for you, and when it doesnt change up
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    i dont think tis a huge deal at what time we eat i think its the overall picture. i never eat at night, i tend to eat mainly during the day and dont eat after 6pm, but thats just me, im not normally hungry after 6 probably because im so used to just..... i dont use this site for weight loss, im more for fitness but yeah from things i have read and heard over the years i doubt theres any difference, just as long as you dont over eat you should be right!

    also if its any help me and my family are all very thin naturally, but like my mum and every one will eat heaps at night and jusst astays the same.... sorry i cant be more helpfull but yeah i really dont see how the time of day can affect it other than the fact youre not really moving so not shifting the food etc but yeah nahh i doubt it would have a big impact.....
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    Eating at night hasn't stopped me losing weight. I have always tended to do most of my snacking at night and still do - I just take a bit more care with what I snack on.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'm pretty sure it has to do with your activity level during those hours. During the day when you're up and moving around, your body allows you to burn the calories that you're consuming. At night, most people just sit around and then when you go to bed your body is completely still and shut down. That was always my take on it.

    Your body isn't shut down EVER unless you are dead.

    It doesn't matter when you eat those calories.