Absolutely Gutted :'(



  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    You know what the biggest difference is? Confidence. You're sexy and you know it in the first set of photos. Your posture says something completely different in the 2nd set. Ham it up for the camera. Pose like you're gonna be on the cover of Maxim's Hot 100. You deserve to feel as beautiful as you are.

    I have asked the bf to do some photos for me tomorrow :)
    Also, these are posed for this website only whereas the older ones really wernt :P
    You are a beautiful girl.....

    My opinion.....Get some of that pizza out of your diet...and the cheese.....Eat lots more veggies, lettuce is not nutrition dense...Get some more water down you....And I wish you the best....

    It has literally been the past week that I have eaten bad- I ate well for 3 months before hand. The cheese is 30% fat reduced and with my breakfast milk is the only calcium i get :) I have used it throughout as without it I wouldnt get the calories i need :) it just looks bad now because of my bad week :) X

    I usually log all my water too and didnt today! I drink 1.5 litres a day x

    Thanks guys.. im gonna try. Im just impatient!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Hopefully tomorrow you will feel differently, but it is hard when you look back. I find as I get older the things I was once critical about just don't matter any more. We are all different and most of us see ourselves as imperfect in one way or another but most of the time it's in a way that nobody else would notice or care about. Chin up and be strong.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Nah, ive felt like this for a while :S Ill feel better once I hit the 140's i think... 3lbs away from that right now, which seems like forever when the weight has stopped dropping!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    You will get there if you want to get there enough. I gained a lot of weight when I was with my ex partner, seems to be a theme once you get settled down, you tend to relax and gain weight, although I was never overweight for my height even at my most. Puzza is okay, if it is just a once a week sort of thing, and you eat healthy in between. Cheese is fine, I eat cheese most days, in moderation, whether it be a bit of stilton, feta or wensleydale with cranberry. It has not affected my maintaining my current weight.

    Learn to love healthy foods, if you don't already. and the less healthy foods will slot into place as treats.
    And remember, you are more than your body, whatever your weight.
    Love the tattoo by the way.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    You really do look beautiful, and you're so close to your goal! As for the marks you mentioned, the only ones I noticed were those gorgeous tattoos... honestly, that's the first time in my life I ever wished I had a tattoo, because yours are so lovely and complimentary to you. If you do have stretch marks, I'm thinking they are not as noticeable as you think, and are definitely not where the eye is drawn!

    Don't get discouraged! You don't say how much you weighed in those old photos, but it does look like you are close. I bet a few more pounds and some new photos with sexy poses and you will be thrilled with yourself! :) Also, you said that it feels like you are so far from the 140s because you've stopped losing. I read today that, commonly when you plateau, as soon as you come off it you lose like 3-4 lbs. overnight. You're past the slow, steady loss stage, and into fits and bursts. It's hard when you're waiting, but you'll have a burst sooner or later!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    You will get there if you want to get there enough. I gained a lot of weight when I was with my ex partner, seems to be a theme once you get settled down, you tend to relax and gain weight, although I was never overweight for my height even at my most. Puzza is okay, if it is just a once a week sort of thing, and you eat healthy in between. Cheese is fine, I eat cheese most days, in moderation, whether it be a bit of stilton, feta or wensleydale with cranberry. It has not affected my maintaining my current weight.

    Learn to love healthy foods, if you don't already. and the less healthy foods will slot into place as treats.
    And remember, you are more than your body, whatever your weight.
    Love the tattoo by the way.

    I wish I could edit my OP now! I eat 30g cheese a day usually, reduced fat cheese and the pizza n stuff was literally this week only because the bf is off etc etc x
    I LOVE healthy foods- my diary shows this after u get past the crapy week :) Low sugar cereals, veggies, berries, salad wraps, chicken, fish etc :)

    Ive started strength training too so HOPEFULLY ill get where i want to soon enough :)
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    You really do look beautiful, and you're so close to your goal! As for the marks you mentioned, the only ones I noticed were those gorgeous tattoos... honestly, that's the first time in my life I ever wished I had a tattoo, because yours are so lovely and complimentary to you. If you do have stretch marks, I'm thinking they are not as noticeable as you think, and are definitely not where the eye is drawn!

    Don't get discouraged! You don't say how much you weighed in those old photos, but it does look like you are close. I bet a few more pounds and some new photos with sexy poses and you will be thrilled with yourself! :) Also, you said that it feels like you are so far from the 140s because you've stopped losing. I read today that, commonly when you plateau, as soon as you come off it you lose like 3-4 lbs. overnight. You're past the slow, steady loss stage, and into fits and bursts. It's hard when you're waiting, but you'll have a burst sooner or later!

    I really hope so!! This is something i am striving towards! Id love to see eve a pound off the number or an inch frm the measurements :)

    I weighed around 10 stone i think, I am currently 10.13 -- though im not too sure.. i never really weighed much then! My goal is ten stone to start with, then a little more after--- i think i smiled reading this :)

    and the marks:

  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    You will get there if you want to get there enough. I gained a lot of weight when I was with my ex partner, seems to be a theme once you get settled down, you tend to relax and gain weight, although I was never overweight for my height even at my most. Puzza is okay, if it is just a once a week sort of thing, and you eat healthy in between. Cheese is fine, I eat cheese most days, in moderation, whether it be a bit of stilton, feta or wensleydale with cranberry. It has not affected my maintaining my current weight.

    Learn to love healthy foods, if you don't already. and the less healthy foods will slot into place as treats.
    And remember, you are more than your body, whatever your weight.
    Love the tattoo by the way.

    I wish I could edit my OP now! I eat 30g cheese a day usually, reduced fat cheese and the pizza n stuff was literally this week only because the bf is off etc etc x
    I LOVE healthy foods- my diary shows this after u get past the crapy week :) Low sugar cereals, veggies, berries, salad wraps, chicken, fish etc :)

    Ive started strength training too so HOPEFULLY ill get where i want to soon enough :)

    Eh, everyone has a bad week now and again. I have runs of really bad days, like 1000+ calories over, but it balances out. It is what you do in the main that counts the most. not the odd week or day you fall off...as long as you get back on. I eat about 30g cheese a day too...odd thing is, I used to not like it much even. I avoid cereals, as I find I cannot control myself around those, but the rest sounds great. I fit in some dark chocolate or marshmallows daily too, among my fruit, but it is personal choice as to whether you take the have a treat daily route, or the have a cheat meal weekly route. I certainly couldn't live for life with no treats ever. Uk too here, by the way :)
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    You can definitely get back there!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Yeah cereals can be bad :) Luckily i found one with less than 3g per bowl :) x Used to hate cereal!

    Thanks again for the support- hopefully ill be postin on here the improvement to those pics!
  • honghaodinh
    don't be silly my dear! You look so sexy and beautiful indeed, don't look bad at all. By the way, your tattoos are so cool! Love them ^^
  • SingeSange
    SingeSange Posts: 98 Member
    Its really getting to me, readin every comment here is nearly getting me in tears :( I wanna try hard, but i always fail to! Ive done well so far, and bet im gonna stop now :( not because Im giving up, just because my body is like that.

    Tough love here.... Why does everyone else's replies make you want to cry?
    And why would you stop if you see pictures of yourself where you hate your body?
    If you hate what you see in those pictures, feel upset and stuff, sure, of course... and then pick yourself up and do something about it.
    If you do nothing, you'll get nothing.... except maybe some more weight gain when you go to the cupboards to eat your sorrows way and then you'll hate your pictures (and your body) even more.
    This isn't coming from a mean place, I'm not a mean person, I just really don't want you to quit. I don't even know you, but I really want you to try your best and not give up on yourself.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Honestly...I think you look pretty darn good right now.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member

    Why does everyone else's replies make you want to cry?
    And why would you stop if you see pictures of yourself where you hate your body?

    If you do nothing, you'll get nothing.... except maybe some more weight gain when you go to the cupboards to eat your sorrows way and then you'll hate your pictures (and your body) even more.

    The comments make me upset - happy upset-- because of the amount of support! Im not used to it... Im usually left to feel sorry for myself lol
    I hate my body in comparison to when i was smaller, but love it compared to how I got at my biggest--

    Its because ive not lost in a while that I got in the mind set that I cant do it anymore! But im a weird one... when im happy with my body i think i can eat some rubbish but when i feel bad I wont eat bad stuff cus i can see me gettin fatter! Im trying to fix it dont worry :D
  • brighteyes31143
    I was browsing my old Laptop and came across my old photographs and found these... (not appropriate for here)

    I actually hate myself right now because I let myself go completely. I am actually sat here in complete awe at my own old photographs.. and I used to think I was fat in these!! I want the real me back. Its so hard :(

    Not sure how long this image will last but ill try:

    Now I look lie this :|


    Really need a proper kick up the bum to get me going again :(

    I absolutely LOVE these pics!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE them!!!!!!!!!!! Put em up on your fridge or make them your screen saver on your computer!!! :) It will give you something to work towards!!!!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Nah- I know I am not gonna be this anymore! Ill aim for a simlar weight, but ill never have the clearer skin!
    Ill just aim little by little and head on from there :) Been much more positive today
  • art3mislecter
    art3mislecter Posts: 57 Member
    I think you're beautiful. Hang in there-- it sounds like you've been doing a wonderful job.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Thanks :) been a couple days now and im a little happier- took some progress pics even though I have gained a little and i feel ok :)
  • Sneakypeek1972
    I started to accept myself as I am, and then the past week I have gained weight and found these pics... Such a bummer!! :/

    Dont give up now, your not failing at all your doing really well and you have had a baby i take it since you had your previous pics taken, i have had 5 babes and my belly loks a whole lot worse than yours let me tell you hehe and im determined just think positive thoughts and carry on you look lovely :D x
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    What makes u think I had a baby??? none at all.... just fat and marked :|

    But thanks on the compliment :)