119lbs Lost 74.5 Since September Picture heavy

TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
My story:

Started weight: 250lbs
Restart weight: 205.5lbs
Current weight: 131lbs
Goal weight: 115-120lbs (which ever I like best)
Ultimate body image achieved weight: 130
Height: 5'3
Age: 30

My story has been around on this site so long now but I'll go ahead and cover it all.

Started MFP 2 years ago, closer to 3 year's ago, it was in late 2009, I lost the access information for that account and didn't feel like trying to find it, so I made this account. Started this account I believe in Feb of 2011. In September of 2011 is when I really pushed to start all this. Let's back up to 2009. I was 250lbs and in complete denial of my weight. What I seen in the mirror and what was really there, were 2 totally different things. I seen a girl who was chunky but not fat, a girl who was mildly obese not morbidly obese. I did not believe how big I was till I saw a photo of myself, than I thought the girl who took the photo just put my face on someone elses body and some how photo shopped 3 chins to me. I refused to believe it was me.

I'm a mother of 2 and have had 2 c-sections


Early 2010 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I thought "Oh freaking great, if I really am 250lbs I'm gonna be 300 after this is over with." Well little did I know I was a diabetic, I knew before I was pregnant I was a diabetic but I refused to get tested so I didn't really know, ya know? Stupid me that's all that was. Well I get tested for Gestational diabetes in first trimester because my dad is a diabetic. Sure enough I had it. I thought my world was flipped upside down. It was a real blessing to be honest. I lost 70lbs in my pregnancy, because for the first time in my life I put myself first and took care of myself before everyone else, and my unborn child. I believe I did it for her more than I did it for myself. Either way it came off and after she was born I put 25.5lbs of it back on. Looking in the mirror seeing it, all I wanted to do is dig a hole and not let the world see me. I hated how I looked I hate everything there was about me. I remembered how great I did under doctor care, I remembered how it felt to get that support and the "Well done, great job" from them. I needed that. So I begged my husband to let me go see a weight loss doctor. I felt I couldn't do it without someone pushing me and guiding me. So I started seeing him in September of 2011.

This was the day before I went to see the weight loss doctor.

I first thought the man was off his chain, he did blood work and other things, we also found out that the reason my hair is falling out and I'm so tired and feel faint like sometimes, and the reason
I am always short of breath (I thought it was over weight thing)the reason I bruse so easily, get dizzy all the time and my periods would last nearly 2 weeks, was because I have a b12 deficiency. So I get a b12 shot once a week with my weekly visit. It's helped with so much. No I do not think it helped me with my weight loss but it has helped me with my energy and my hair doesn't fall out like it did. Periods are straighten out, instead of nearly 2 weeks, its about 4-5 days. I no longer feel faint like or dizzy. Everything seems better. When he told me that I needed 1200 calories and to not eat back my workout calories, I thought he was off his chain. I said "Ok" but for the first month I didn't listen to him, I came on MFP and followed MFP's guidlines for me and ate back my workout calories, that didn't work I gained, so decided to just eat 1200 and eat back my workout calories. Did that for a month and gained. So I quit eating back my calories and I have lost.

Since Sept 2011, I have lost 74.5 lbs. I have not hit a plateu. I thought I did, but I didn't, I started reading around on the forum and trying to follow the advice of others and tried upping my calories and I stopped losing and stopped gaining. So I was stuck, but than I decided to go back to 1200 and it's moving and hasn't stopped moving. I now lose between 1 and 2 pounds a week. Once in awhile I won't even lose a pound. It just depends on how my week has been. This is proof that not everyone can eat back their workout calories and not everyone can eat more to weigh less. If that were so than I should have never had weigh issues lol. I use to consume a lot of calories before I lost weight. Anyways, my workout started out with just walking and zumba, than I started doing 30 day shred.Than I did some yoga, now I jog and Monday I'm starting p90. I have gained some noticable muscles. So again the "You can't gain lean muscle on 1200 calories and not eating back your workout calories" is bolonie. I am not saying it works for everyone but it works for me. I believe we are all created differently and all our metabolisms run differently.


Here is me after pregnancy with my daughter









Yup that's about it... Question's?

If you add me to your friends I don't mind adding new people but please read my profile and please leave a message on the request.


  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Congrats on your weightloss...You look great!!
  • Richardson62617
    Richardson62617 Posts: 69 Member
    As if I havent said it several times before im going to say it again..your AMAZING!!..Your hard work truely has paid off and you look GREAT!!..I cant wait til I can say the same..You keep me motivated everyday..You ROCK!!:)
  • pandasmama3
    pandasmama3 Posts: 114 Member
    great job!!
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    You look fabulous!
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    How have your family and friends responed to your weight loss?
  • JimWink
    JimWink Posts: 15 Member
    Congratulations!! That took a lot of work. You look amazing.
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    OMG, you look fantastic!!!! so inspiring. You rock!:smile:
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Thanks everyone
    How have your family and friends responed to your weight loss?

    My mom has been so inspired that she 2 is doing this and is a member here on MFP. She has lost 21lbs since her last weigh in. My friends well most my friends I didn't get till after the weight was off. I didn't get out much when I was obese. The friends I went to school with, I've seen a few recently and I'm smaller now than I was in high school so they have responded quite nicely about it. I've had a few people who seem to be jealous I guess that's the word? Like they will pick apart things like "Great weight loss, but you're gonna gain it back" or "Great weight loss, but you still need to fix this." than I have had the "You look good and all but you still have a gut." and also was told once "You can lose as much weight as you want, but you are still ugly" so yeah I get a little bit of harsh and a lot of good compliments. I find people are ruder to me now than before when I was over weight. Also my husband is loving it. He thinks I"m gorgeous and can't keep his hands off me lol.
  • vaneguz87
    vaneguz87 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone
    How have your family and friends responed to your weight loss?

    My mom has been so inspired that she 2 is doing this and is a member here on MFP. She has lost 21lbs since her last weigh in. My friends well most my friends I didn't get till after the weight was off. I didn't get out much when I was obese. The friends I went to school with, I've seen a few recently and I'm smaller now than I was in high school so they have responded quite nicely about it. I've had a few people who seem to be jealous I guess that's the word? Like they will pick apart things like "Great weight loss, but you're gonna gain it back" or "Great weight loss, but you still need to fix this." than I have had the "You look good and all but you still have a gut." and also was told once "You can lose as much weight as you want, but you are still ugly" so yeah I get a little bit of harsh and a lot of good compliments. I find people are ruder to me now than before when I was over weight. Also my husband is loving it. He thinks I"m gorgeous and can't keep his hands off me lol.

    OMG I can't believe someone can be that rude to you!! (or anyone else). I think it might be a little jealousy too, that u achieved so much, and that you look great. keep it up!
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    WOW!!! You look great! Congrats!!
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    WOW! You look great! Congrats!
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    You look fantastic-- keep up the good work! And don't let the b@stards grind you down-- their jealousy is showing!
  • fdixie
    fdixie Posts: 21 Member
    You look amazing! Keep up the good work!
  • brentdaniels
    brentdaniels Posts: 127
    Impressive....especially that pink and black striped dress....I mean that in a totally non-creepy way....lol
  • Fairyfli
    Fairyfli Posts: 13
    I have to say that I love reading your success and I love all of your pics... so inspirational... I do have a question about the b12 why do you get a shot and not just take a supplement? Just curious that is all.. I wonder sometimes if I couldn't use a bit of an extra boost and have thought about taking a b12 supplement.
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    you go girl!

    I'm already your friend, but I don't think I've told you, you inspire me! everytime I think I can't do this, I might not make it, I see your post and know, this strong woman did it, and I'm going to be like her! I wanna be an inspiration to my child like she is to hers! and I keep on truckin it after. =D
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I have to say that I love reading your success and I love all of your pics... so inspirational... I do have a question about the b12 why do you get a shot and not just take a supplement? Just curious that is all.. I wonder sometimes if I couldn't use a bit of an extra boost and have thought about taking a b12 supplement.

    I get the shots because my doctor includes it in my doctor visit's. I only go once a week though, so after 2 or 3 day's I take the tablets as well. No real reason why I get a shot, it just doesn't bother me to get it. Honestly I much rather a shot than take a pill but I still take the b12 pills when I go without my shot.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Impressive....especially that pink and black striped dress....I mean that in a totally non-creepy way....lol

    :blushing: Lol you're cute :wink: ..
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    you go girl!

    I'm already your friend, but I don't think I've told you, you inspire me! everytime I think I can't do this, I might not make it, I see your post and know, this strong woman did it, and I'm going to be like her! I wanna be an inspiration to my child like she is to hers! and I keep on truckin it after. =D

    aww that's so sweet. Glad to know I'm not annoying haha.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Thanks everyone
    How have your family and friends responed to your weight loss?

    My mom has been so inspired that she 2 is doing this and is a member here on MFP. She has lost 21lbs since her last weigh in. My friends well most my friends I didn't get till after the weight was off. I didn't get out much when I was obese. The friends I went to school with, I've seen a few recently and I'm smaller now than I was in high school so they have responded quite nicely about it. I've had a few people who seem to be jealous I guess that's the word? Like they will pick apart things like "Great weight loss, but you're gonna gain it back" or "Great weight loss, but you still need to fix this." than I have had the "You look good and all but you still have a gut." and also was told once "You can lose as much weight as you want, but you are still ugly" so yeah I get a little bit of harsh and a lot of good compliments. I find people are ruder to me now than before when I was over weight. Also my husband is loving it. He thinks I"m gorgeous and can't keep his hands off me lol.

    OMG I can't believe someone can be that rude to you!! (or anyone else). I think it might be a little jealousy too, that u achieved so much, and that you look great. keep it up!

    Yeah it's been awhile since that was made, but I find people more rude to me now that I'm thinner, but I also find that I don't care much like I use to. I use to let it get me down. Now I shrug it off and not let them get to me. This entire process has been a learning process. I've learned that the people who truly matter to me won't say hateful things and be so rude, those who don't matter who say those things, I don't let it get to me.
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