anyone slightly overweight like me?



  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    Did it take you a few days/weeks to get to your highest weight? Probably not so all your weight ain't gonna come off in a few days/weeks.

    yeah!! LOL! I don't recall saying that it will come off quickly or that I expect it to!!
  • dmwiseman
    dmwiseman Posts: 34 Member
  • dmwiseman
    dmwiseman Posts: 34 Member

    I was never a chocolate lover, but started eating more of it in recent months. I chose 85% lindt, and it was good. Now I get 99% and my brain fools me into thinking it's a bit sweet. You can also create better snack for yourself. Then you'll feel good when you're eating something yummy.

  • stelsher
    stelsher Posts: 21
    Yep, in the same boat here aswell - was in great shape up until about 18 months ago where I suffered two quite bad injuries which really hit me hard (cruciate knee tear and broken scaphoid in my wrist). Both injuries left me in a bad place as up until that point my fitness level was very high. The results is a 25 pound gain which has left me looking a bit bulky where as before was quite muscular.

    Got the all clear to start full training about 3 weeks ago so I've started back in earnest, lost 5lbs so far hoping the rest will come off as quickly as it did before.

    Sometimes its hard not being too much overweight as you don't see the massive drops that a bigger person would.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    absolutely agree with you there, much more frustrating too as staying motivated is harder for the same reason you just mentioned there... and when you say how much you need to lose and how desperate you are people just put you down saying that maybe we are overreacting as "it's not that bad or not that much" :) so hopefully we can all support one another on this thread.
  • I remember doing my first diet at 16 and losing up to 5 pounds per week. I do miss those days!

    Just trying to be positive now: its not a race, its a marathon :)
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I was slightly overweight, at 165, when I started out here in February. It was the first time in my life that I was even that much overweight. I've lost about 11 pounds, and now I've been kind of stuck around 151-153 for a few weeks. My ultimate goal is 135.
    I recently purchased a jump rope and thought this'll be easy... NO WAY, I was planning on jumping for 15 minutes, I hardly managed 1.5 minutes, lol, I'll get there I suppose!

    I've been jumping rope in intervals. I downloaded a HIIT timer app for my phone and set it to do 30 seconds of jumping and 30 seconds of marching in place. I'm up to 11 minutes that way (though right now I'm taking a break to do C25K with my son). You can find other jump rope enthusiasts in the Jump Rope group:

    As for working out with kids around, I let mine do it with me. They jump on my bed while I jump rope (LOL, or sometimes I make them jump on the floor, if I've already made my bed); they do push-ups and sit-ups (my 8yo can do more than I can!); and they do all the motions while I workout with my kettlebell (though I make them keep a distance, because I occasionally drop the kettlebell, and I don't want to break anybody's toes). My 10yo son is even doing C25K with me, while my teenaged daughter watches the baby.
  • haines99
    haines99 Posts: 14
    I am in the same boat...
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I totally understand everyone here. I have a BMI of 27. Losing weight used to be so easy. I would just stop eating bread for two weeks and lose 10lbs. Now I am 20lbs overweight. I tried everything, Atkins, Dr. Ians Fat Smash, Insanity and nothing, finally getting some results with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I not only want to get to a healthy BMI, but to my normal weight of 145-155, which means a total weight loss of about 50lbs. Also trying to conceive so the weight loss even more important.
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    absolutely agree with you there, much more frustrating too as staying motivated is harder for the same reason you just mentioned there... and when you say how much you need to lose and how desperate you are people just put you down saying that maybe we are overreacting as "it's not that bad or not that much" :) so hopefully we can all support one another on this thread.

    ^^ So true. I've been flamed by people who are seemingly pissed off that I "only" have 10-15 pounds to lose. As if it would be better and more acceptable to have let myself get 200 pounds overweight instead. *sigh* Maybe I'm wrong, but it would seem to me that a person's goal to get back in shape should not be slammed, regardless of how far they have to go to get there.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    So!! How's everyone doing??? what's for breakfast? I had a yummy small bowl of honey corn flakes with milk and a egg and peas ciabatta sandwich for lunch!!! I'm planning on jumping some rope today and this time doing reps instead of trying to do it impossibly all at once for 15 minutes LOL!
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    Well I guess i'm in this category now my bmi is currently at 27.2 but only after losing 27lbs. Hope to get it down to 23.8 which would be 161lbs so I've another 23 lbs to go. I can't imagine the last 23 coming off as fast as the first 27 though lol.

    Today like every other morning i had weetabix (2 biscuits) with semi skimmed milk. I'm having 2 boiled eggs for lunch with 2 slices of toast with the crusts cut off! Exercise today will be a 10km walk!
  • ClareWantsProgress
    ClareWantsProgress Posts: 173 Member
    Wow. I eat more than you girls! :) This morning's breakfast was a cup and a half of Mom's Best Shredded Wheatfuls with skim milk, a half glass of cranberry pomegranite juice to wash down the vitamin, and a Pepperidge Farm mini cinnamon raisin bagel. (400 cal)

    Lunch will be my usual work lunch: Yoplait light yogurt, fat free chocolate pudding cup, 2 slices 35 cal & delicious wheat bread and 4 slices of Oscar Meyer turkey lunch meat with a smidge of cranberry sauce on it. (also 400 cal)

    Snacks: red delicious apple and 24 Teddy Grahams. (about 200 cal)

    Dinner will probably be leftover sloppy joe mix on wheat bread and a banana, plus some carrot sticks and a cookie or two to bring me near my 1600 daily allotment.

    I'll also walk 20 minutes before lunch at a fast clip and ride our exercise bike (with the elliptical-type arms) for 30 minutes after work. (My Mon-Wed-Fri workout schedule.) Tues-Thurs-Sun I lift weights for 20-30 minutes. Walk just about every day.
  • lukadu
    lukadu Posts: 12
    I was stuck on my weight for the longest time at 160 lbs for about 9 years. I wanted to lose the weight fast and satrted Insanity. I am on day 51 today and I have lost 17 lbs and 5" inches in my stomach. I'm 10 years older than you and not fit in any way. But even though it was hard to push play everyday, I have been doing it and it shows. Everyone notices when you lose almost 20 lbs in less than 2 months. I highly recommend it. It is hard, it will make you sore, it will make you curse at the TV, it will push you to your limits, but it works and you see results week after week. I have also followed the Insanity meal plan pretty closely and with MFP I keep track of my calories and exersize. The only thing you need to do Insanity s a heart rate monitor and perseverance. You can do it.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    The insanity workouts seem really hard!
  • invisiblemonster
    invisiblemonster Posts: 35 Member
    i'm about 10lbs overweight. i never thought of myself as even slightly overweight before, it's just strange!
    i'm finding this so difficult though, please, anyone feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    i'm about 10lbs overweight. i never thought of myself as even slightly overweight before, it's just strange!
    i'm finding this so difficult though, please, anyone feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!

    Welcome ash!!! Thanks for the add!
  • inkandsheep
    inkandsheep Posts: 101 Member
    I'm in the same boat! My BMI was 26 when I started on MFP, it's now 24.7.

    I noticed this spring that my old clothes were too tight and my usual size in shops no longer fitted. So I want to lose about 12-16 pounds to get back to the weight I was a couple of years ago. Progress seems really slow - I've only lost 6 pounds in 50 days so far! On the other hand, that's nearly halfway to my target, so... But it feels discouraging to see bigger MFP users lose several pounds every week and that not happening to me.

    Oh, and I'm 29 and definitely agree that it seems to be easier to put weight on and harder to lose it now than it was in my teens/early twenties!
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    im 26 years old. i have 2 kids. I have never had a problem with my weight until after kids. My bmi is 27.1. my first goal is toget down to 150....then see where i am at. ultimate goal is to be 140-145...but as i said we will see how much fat i have on my body then. i want to be fit and toned! Add me so we can help each other through the thick and thin!
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I'm almost 23. BMI I think is like 32 (yikes!). I started at 173 and am down to 171.6. I'd like to lose about 38lbs total by Christmas. It would be awesome to be able to put the sandbags in my trunk for winter by myself. :tongue: