Healthy Snacks

What are some low cal good snacks besides fruit and veggies? I need some new ideas! Even different things to incorperate w/ the fruit and veggies would be nice! :wink:


  • christinastokes3
    christinastokes3 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been snacking alot on baby carrots and blueberries. They take longer to eat therefore I feel like I 'm getting more and keeping my hands busy too.

    You could try a smoothie with yogurt. Takes time to make and is filling. I've seen it made with green tea, fruit and yogurt therefore light in the caloric department.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    Keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge. I eat just the whites.
    I also like nuts. Portion them out. They are higher in calories but have healthy fat and are filling.
    Dried fruit.
    Hummus is yummy.
    Low fat cheese.
  • Great ideas! Thank you!
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    I like to snack on plain (with out milk) cereal. My favorites are plain cheerios and fiber one. I like to eat them one or two at a time - they take forever to eat and I feel like I get more food than eating a 100 calorie cereal bar.
  • Ooo the cereal is a good idea! Thanks!
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    Hummus! its delicious with veggies...almonds....back to nature stoneground wheat crackers with flaxseed are DELICIOUS
  • drcrimson
    drcrimson Posts: 20 Member
    Cheerios are one of my favorites. I also like Jack Links beef jerky. The beef jerky is tough enough that it takes effort to eat, which sometimes satisfies the snacking desire.
  • Brennaohh
    Brennaohh Posts: 47
    almonds, they have cinnamon roast 100 calorie bags which are great. or just natural almonds.
    low fat cheese sticks
    you could make your own trail mix- healthy cereal, nuts, raisins, few chocolate chips etc
    i usually like protein bars because they hold me over longer and Im not too hungry

    you could get a small pita and add hummus and shredded carrots and spinach and cucumbers, etc for like 150 calories too
  • bbchickpea
    bbchickpea Posts: 48 Member
    Both fruit and veggie ones, but I never feel as though they are..

    Celery stick with Peanut butter (I sometimes eat pre workout instead of a banana)

    and Frozen grapes - they seem more like a treat frozen.

    Sorry if these are two you already have : )
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I usually snack on a few almonds and a string cheese...quick and easy to take to work and no mess no fuss
  • art3mislecter
    art3mislecter Posts: 57 Member
    I've added lots of fruit-- apples, grapes, kiwi-- but when I need a treat of some sort, I reach for Reduced Fat Cheezits. They're kinda my guilty pleasure, and 27 of them is 130 calories. I also have cheese sticks and Kashi bars.
  • Irnwkr392
    Irnwkr392 Posts: 9
    I love the Special K cracker chips-110 calories for 27 chips 30 grams
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    Spicy (or not) pickled vegetables.
    Roasted, salted (or not) sunflower seeds (shell on).
    Natural low fat yoghurt mixed with garlic, chilli flakes, mint or any other aromatic and raw veg to dip.
    Fat & sugar free Fizzy Yoghurt Jelly.
    Frozen grapes, melon balls, orange segments.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I love the Special K cracker chips-110 calories for 27 chips 30 grams

    I love those things. The best part is if you lose track and end up putting away the whole box (Yes, I've done it!) It's STILL under 400 calories.
  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    cottage cheese, hard boiled egg whites, fiber one cereal, protein shakes and smoothies. I also spread some PB2 on a magic pop and slice up a banana to go on top. Some of my favorite recipes are berry protein cheesecakes, cauliflower pizza bites, and homemade popcicles (I try to use greek yogurt so it's high in protein too!)
  • Non added sugar jelly pot. 3 calories.
    Twister ice Lolly only 85 cals (had one for first time in years today
    Couldn't believe how low in cals.)
    Weight watcher biscuits my fave are oat and choc chip
    Cookies. 2 for 80 cals or raspberry and white choc.
    Weight watcher yogs start at 50 cals and are gorgeous!!
    Weight watcher cheese triangles 21 calories.
  • JaneNoir
    JaneNoir Posts: 7 Member
    I bought a bag of Way Better Snacks tortilla chips from the healthfood store in town. They are 130 cals for 11 chips and just FULL of seeds and taste salty and are thick and crunchy! So satisfying. I ate mine with medium salsa and I was at about 160 cals and felt so full.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Animal crackers, pudding cups, jello cups, almonds, cliff bar, special K bars, Go Lean Bars, and Fiber One Bars just off the top of my head.
  • Popcorn! :) Surprisingly low in calories, if you pop it yourself and are careful with the flavourings, plus it's a wholegrain :D
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    My regular snacks include: cherries, bananas, apples, pistachios, baby carrots/grape tomatoes with hummus, and pieces of chicken breast. I eat kind of a ridiculous amount of chicken, but it keeps me full and I can cook up a bunch at once and snack on it over a few days. And every once in a while, I'll have some Pop Chips because they're just so damn good (and not terrible for you).