

  • chamilton911
    WELL it seems the general concensus here is that I don't have to eat breakfast to be healthy and lose weight! To each his own right? I just wanted to make sure there wasn't some "hidden breakfast secret" I was unaware of! Thanks for all the advice!
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    The only possible caveat I could add to what others have said is that if you have a medical condition that requires you to eat first thing in the morning - or if your metabolism is severely damaged and you are working with a nutritionist to repair the damage and get it to begin performing again - then you might truly *need* to eat as soon as you get up.

    If you're meeting your metrics and you are happy with your progress toward your health goals, you're doing great!

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have always felt better after having breakfast, but that doesn't mean its for everyone. I have to have my meds with food anyway. :)
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    There is one reason to eat breakfast. A good breakfast tends to decrease your hunger for the rest of the day. But, if you can work around it, who cares.

    This is exactly, why I eat breakfast. Works great for me.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Eating breakfast is a personal decision and has nothing to do with jump starting metabolism. Some people will do better later in the day by having something in the morning. If you're not a breakfast person and skipping it doesn't cause you to binge later, then there really is no advantage to eating it since you're getting in all your calories and macronutrients throughout the day.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I almost never eat breakfast, either. I do have a friend who works out with me, and she gives me a look if I come to the gym without eating first (which is rare. I usually go after lunch, just because I'm too damn lazy to go to the gym early). As for it making you less hungry throughout the day, if you're still not going over your calorie goal, I don't see that as a huge advantage. I'm not a big eater otherwise (got fat because I was depressed, thus eating when I'm not hungry, and eating horrible food) so that's really not advantageous to me.
  • thpeek
    thpeek Posts: 76
    I guess then I am also a Intermittent Eater since I eat about 9 hours of the day and fast the rest. Like 12:30pm to 9:30pm. It works well for me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    I eat late at night and skip breakfast daily. It's not a necessity.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I've discovered that if I eat anything before 10Am my stomach gets upset. It's not worth it. I can drink coffee, orange juice, etc..., but I cannot eat anything.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I never ate breakfast until I started working out and losing weight. Now I"m hungry so I eat.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    most will say its impo cause the more u eat earlier on, the better off u will be! i love me some fruit and cereal so idk but as long as ur meeting ur goals, dont sweat it gurlie!!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I've discovered I hav trouble with breakfast in winter cos I usually want something that requires cooking. Coffee is enuff. In summer if I hav bfast it's any time b4 lunch - yoghurt n bran is my fave.
  • mrob81
    mrob81 Posts: 36
    Wow. Meal timing has everything to do with weight loss. Your daily intake should be spread evenly throughout the day. Anyone thinking that you can simply eat all of your required calories late in the evening or early in the day is wrong. Read up on things like protein breakdown and how it will effect your kidneys and liver trying to breakdown too much protein at once.

    Breakfast as the most important meal of the day is not a saying because it sounds catchy. It is a saying because it is true. The earlier you start eating, the faster your calorie burning and digestive system will start working for the day.

    When you skip meals, your body goes into survival mode and your metabolism slows. Just think. If you eat your last meal at 8 p.m, and then sleep until 6 a.m and then don't eat anything until noon, your body just went 16 hours without a source of energy.

    Edit: This scenario above is for the typical 9to5 person. If an individual simply shifts their daily clock and typically starts their days eating late, and finishes their meals later than normal, they are effectively on the same cycle as the rest of the planet. They just have their "first meal" later than everyone else and their last meal later than everyone else. That scenario is not considered "skipping breakfast". Your schedule is just different, and you don't call your meals that you eat at lunch time breakfast because of the time. Actually, it is "your" breakfast.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    Wow. Meal timing has everything to do with weight loss. Your daily intake should be spread evenly throughout the day. Anyone thinking that you can simply eat all of your required calories late in the evening or early in the day is wrong. Read up on things like protein breakdown and how it will effect your kidneys and liver trying to breakdown too much protein at once.
    Please link any actual peer reviewed medical studies that support this. Haven't found one yet. This is repeated "broscience" information that gets picked up in gyms.
    Breakfast as the most important meal of the day is not a saying because it sounds catchy. It is a saying because it is true. The earlier you start eating, the faster your calorie burning and digestive system will start working for the day.
    The body doesn't discriminate what a meal is. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner or anything it will digest it with the same relevance as any other meal.
    When you skip meals, your body goes into survival mode and your metabolism slows. Just think. If you eat your last meal at 8 p.m, and then sleep until 6 a.m and then don't eat anything until noon, your body just went 16 hours without a source of energy.
    Who says you have to stop eating after 8pm? Personally I eat after 10pm practically all the time and don't eat another meal till after 12pm. Have been doing this for years and consequently have basically kept the same weight level.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mrob81
    mrob81 Posts: 36
    Wow. Meal timing has everything to do with weight loss. Your daily intake should be spread evenly throughout the day. Anyone thinking that you can simply eat all of your required calories late in the evening or early in the day is wrong. Read up on things like protein breakdown and how it will effect your kidneys and liver trying to breakdown too much protein at once.
    Please link any actual peer reviewed medical studies that support this. Haven't found one yet. This is repeated "broscience" information that gets picked up in gyms.
    Breakfast as the most important meal of the day is not a saying because it sounds catchy. It is a saying because it is true. The earlier you start eating, the faster your calorie burning and digestive system will start working for the day.
    The body doesn't discriminate what a meal is. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner or anything it will digest it with the same relevance as any other meal.
    When you skip meals, your body goes into survival mode and your metabolism slows. Just think. If you eat your last meal at 8 p.m, and then sleep until 6 a.m and then don't eat anything until noon, your body just went 16 hours without a source of energy.
    Who says you have to stop eating after 8pm? Personally I eat after 10pm practically all the time and don't eat another meal till after 12pm. Have been doing this for years and consequently have basically kept the same weight level.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    My edit was specifically for people in your situation that stop eating much later than the average person. We said the same things if you read it. You kind of supported what I said. Your breakfast is at 12pm instead of in the morning hours. Your dinner is at 10pm vice 6pm. You are on a different cycle, but completing the same goal: spreading calories throughout multiple meals.
    You are also correct when you say that a person's body doesn't know what type of meal it is consuming. The terms "Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner" are popular terms used by American society. My left bicep is unaware of these terms.

    My first statement which you label as "broscience" is supported by research. I dropped a specific statement that I have in fact researched. Your body can only effectively breakdown so much protein at one time. Is this untrue? Maybe the context of my statement is misunderstood. I wrote in the context of skipping meals, and then trying to force all of the daily nutrients into 1 or 2 large meals. Once again, in your particular situation, you aren't doing this. You just start eating later, and finish eating later.

    Additionally, no one says that you have to stop eating after 8pm. That was a hypothetical scenario in order to provide an example.

    Considering that you pretty much stated the same things, and you are backed by your A.C.E certification, I think we restored some order to this thread.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    Wow. Meal timing has everything to do with weight loss. Your daily intake should be spread evenly throughout the day. Anyone thinking that you can simply eat all of your required calories late in the evening or early in the day is wrong. Read up on things like protein breakdown and how it will effect your kidneys and liver trying to breakdown too much protein at once.
    Please link any actual peer reviewed medical studies that support this. Haven't found one yet. This is repeated "broscience" information that gets picked up in gyms.
    Breakfast as the most important meal of the day is not a saying because it sounds catchy. It is a saying because it is true. The earlier you start eating, the faster your calorie burning and digestive system will start working for the day.
    The body doesn't discriminate what a meal is. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner or anything it will digest it with the same relevance as any other meal.
    When you skip meals, your body goes into survival mode and your metabolism slows. Just think. If you eat your last meal at 8 p.m, and then sleep until 6 a.m and then don't eat anything until noon, your body just went 16 hours without a source of energy.
    Who says you have to stop eating after 8pm? Personally I eat after 10pm practically all the time and don't eat another meal till after 12pm. Have been doing this for years and consequently have basically kept the same weight level.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    My edit was specifically for people in your situation that stop eating much later than the average person. We said the same things if you read it. You kind of supported what I said. Your breakfast is at 12pm instead of in the morning hours. Your dinner is at 10pm vice 6pm. You are on a different cycle, but completing the same goal: spreading calories throughout multiple meals.
    Well I wouldn't call eating fruit and "junk" dinner at 10pm. In fact right now I'm eating a pear. I train fasted each morning and don't replenish till my first meal which is after 12:00pm and usually considered "lunch" by this time.

    My first statement which you label as "broscience" is supported by research.
    I'd love to see peer reviewed clinical study research from a University, medical Journal of Medicine (like Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism) and not just research from an article written by a non doctor if you could supply it.
    Considering that you pretty much stated the same things, and you are backed by your A.C.E certification, I think we restored some order to this thread.
    I think traditionally the myth that breakfast "jumpstarts" your metabolism or even raises it still is being emphasized by many people who really haven't researched it.
    There is correlation that people who are obese/overweight have a good percentage that skip breakfast, but it also fails to prove that skipping it is that actual cause.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • nooo_47
    nooo_47 Posts: 14
    My daughter has preached to me many times to eat a good breakfast 15 minutes after you wake up!! She states that it will boost your energy and it will help speed up your metabolism for the day. I personally hate breakfast and I can not eat 15 minutes after I wake up. ( I need at least one hour after I wake up to be civil person, I am not a happy person the first thing in the morning or afternoon when I work the night shift) I know how you feel and I think that there should be some simple answers for us
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I eat late at night and skip breakfast daily. It's not a necessity.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Me too - exactly this with the addition that I sometimes eat something during the night if I get up
  • notnormallyacaloriecounter
    A lot of people say that the breakfast rule is a myth. Maybe for them it is. However, for me it's true. A few years ago I decided that I was going to eat breakfast every morning, this was before I decided to try to lose weight, no matter what time I got up (I work night shifts) I made myself eat breakfast. I permanently lost 10 pounds. It kick starts your metabolism for the rest of the day, so that you have calories/energy to burn. Now, if I don't feel like eating breakfast, I won't, but I do make myself a cup of coffee so there is something in my body to get my lazy metabolism going. Like I said, for some it's a myth, but for me it's a fact. Hope you figure it out for yourself :smile: