Smoking :(



  • Patches are a lifesaver. The only method that works in my opinion. And chewing lots of regular (not nicotine) sugar free gum.

    totally agree!!! I have been smoke free for almost 5 months, and patch free for over 2 weeks, and I feel awesome! awesome doesn’t mean easy, but awarding..and my lungs feel sooo much better. I CAN BREATHE!!! Just try it!! take it a moment at a time..
  • My boyfriend and I just quit smoking cold turkey 2 weeks ago, and we were at about a pack a day as well. Honestly, he has turned to snacking but his body can afford to do that where as I cannot. For me, all I have been able to do is to really stay busy, chew on some tooth picks, or drink water through straws. After a meal I started taking a walk instead of smoking so I still get to enjoy going outside. Working out often has really made me feel so much better, just the fact that I can breathe easier has been such a relief!! Oh, and I never go inside the gas station anymore, I only pay at the pump.

    In complete truth, it's really about how badly you want it. Coming off smoking is one of the hardest things to do, but I try to remember that I'm no different than any drug addict and I need to be serious. We spend so much money each yeah on these stupid things, why not put that money away for a vacation instead?

    Write down the best reasons for you to quit smoking and write them down, keep them in your pocket or wallet so you can let it skip your mind as easily.

    You're not the only one I promise :)

  • mini72
    mini72 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 7 weeks cigarette free today.

    I bought E-lites and electronic cigarette and used that for the first 5 weeks but its has been at least 5 days now since I have even used that.It looks like a cigarette,I still was getting the hand to mouth action,there is nicotine in them so I was getting a hit and I was exhaling vapour.I wasnt however getting all the tar,carbon monoxide etc etc etc

    In those 7 weeks I have lost weight and taken up running and feel great.

    I love not being a smoker now!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Allen Carr's "Easy Way" book. Read it. Worked for me and if not its only a few quid wasted. I've gone from 1 pack a day to nothing overnight and it was not that hard. That was 1 year ago.

    You can do it.

    I second this. As far as I'm concerned this book saved my life. It goes against a lot of the stop smoking theories but makes utter sense. It also makes it really clear that nicotine replacements such as patches might stop you from smoking but they do nothing to stop the addiction. Read the book, accept that the first three days will be tough as the nicotine leaves your body - then just keep kicking the nicotine monster.

    If you like getting support from forums (being on MFP I suspect you do) then get support online. This forum was a lifeline when I stopped smoking: It's a UK forum but free for anyone of any nationality.

    I went from being a 40-a-day smoker to stopping cold turkey - that was more than three years ago and the Allen Carr method means I never even crave a cigarette any more. For the first few months I kept a pocket version of his book in my bag and flicked through it whenever I was having doubts.

    Stopping smoking is an amazing feeling - I'm rooting for you!