5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my goal weight is 150lbs. Seems heavy but it works for me. I'm now at 163 and very comfortably wearing a size 10. At 150, my 8s will be comfy and that is good enough for me. Any thinner than 150 is very difficult for me to maintain and people start telling me I look too skinny. I laugh and tell them they have no idea how much I weigh!
  • grandma365
    grandma365 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am 5'4 and i am 220. My goal is to lose weight and inches. I would like to get back down to at least 150 if possible.
  • I'm 5'4. My goal is 118lbs. Started out at 145lbs.
  • I am 5'4 and my goal is 145
  • 5'5 (ish)
    SW: 218
    CW: 210

    My original starting weight was 262, that was over a decade ago. Lost 60 pounds on WW and almost 20 have snuck on since. So here I am! Haven't been at a truly health body weight since my teens so aiming for 160-ish and plan on going from there.
  • strina42
    strina42 Posts: 2
    I am 42 years old, 5'4 and 223lbs...I just started the program yesterday with the help and encouragement of my daughter who started a week ago. My goal is to get down to 170lbs one day...but mainly to get healthy from a recent diagnosis of diabetes. In need of all the help and encouragement I can get...good luck reaching your goals everyone.
  • dmwilbur
    dmwilbur Posts: 1
    I'm 5'3" and I'm about 136 pounds. I'm hoping to loose about ten pounds, but most importantly gain some muscle!
    2 years ago I was going to the gym at least 3 times a week, eating healthy, gaining muscle and then I just had a really tough year in 2011 and without realizing it I starting eating as a way of relief. Sounds cliche but it's what happening and I didn't even notice. It's time to get back on track!
    I want to be about 120-125, but more importantly I want to feel good!!!
  • QueenRenee603
    QueenRenee603 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm 34 years old, 5 foot 3 and a half, and currently at 162 pounds (down from 200!!!) and my ideal goal is 130-140 pounds. I started this journey mid January and am hoping to accomplish my goal by the end of Summer/ Fall. I'm over 1/2 way there!!
  • plbrown81
    plbrown81 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5' 2.5" (yes, I hold onto that 1/2 inch as hard as I can, haha) and weigh about 163 lbs. This time last year I weight about 135 lbs and I'd like to get back to it! I was in a bad car accident last July which injured both my head and my back, and took me out of being able to really work out for a few months. Toss vet school on top of that (spring semester was miserable) and I just blew up like a marshmallow!

    I know what I *SHOULD* do to lose weight, but I've re-developed all a bunch of bad habits that I need to break again. The cravings and withdrawls just totally kill me. I'm trying to focus more on things like inches, and fitness goals rather than body weight but it's tough!
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm 5'3, my current weight is 157, first goal is 150, second is 140, goal weight is 135.
  • I'm 5'3" and my CW is 202 my GW is roughly 155. I've been at that weight before and know I can do it, just going to take a lot of motivation and dedication on my part.
  • 5'3'' and 225, currently. My starter goal is 175; I was a brick house in high school at 175 and 20% body fat, curvy. Lord knows it's not high school anymore- I may have to adjust this goal to look how I want to.
  • jlbram03
    jlbram03 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my goal is 140. I'm top heavy so the smaller I get the the weirder it looks.
    All of this goes for me too! :)
  • DeborahSueBrooks
    DeborahSueBrooks Posts: 21 Member
    5'5" - 5'6"

    Gw: 145

    I think it's perfect and curvy and never found straight up and down women with no hips to be that attractive. I think at 145, you still get to keep some meat, depending on your frame!
  • kmyates
    kmyates Posts: 7
    I'm 5'3 1/2. My short term goal is 145. My long term goal is 115. At 115-120 I am at my ideal size. Not too skinny or big just toned and healthy.
  • mimi860
    mimi860 Posts: 1
    5'4.5", goal weight 135-140, 18 lbs. to go!
  • 5 ft 3 in.
    Goal is 140 lbs
    Current is 245, give or take (dont own a scale)
    Time span: 3 months.
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    I'm 5'3" and my goal is to get to 150 lbs. When I get to that I am thinking of going for another 15.

    Just taking it one day at a time!
  • Jentaylor0295
    Jentaylor0295 Posts: 93 Member
    SW: 217
    CW: 212
    GW: 135

    I'm 5'5"
  • My goal is 140. I am 175 right now. Ultimately I would love 135.
    If anyone has any great fatburning tips that worked for you get in touch!