Hi, kinda new and need some oomph!



  • Zombie_X
    Zombie_X Posts: 13
    Thanks everyone, hopefully I can't stick at it and before I know it be happy again :)
  • claireb12
    claireb12 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I live near Manchester in the UK & I’m looking for new MFP friends to help motivate me as I’m finding this healthy eating difficult to stick to, I’ve got 12 weeks left before my holiday (this Thursday) and I need a bikini bod.

    I started my exercise regime in January with doing lots of cardio however I’m now looking to tone up and I’m going to start weight training plus do cardio. I’ve just had 2 weeks off work, annual leave and I’m back in work this Tuesday but for the past 2 weeks I’ve not done much in the way of exercise and eaten what I wanted so I really need additional support right now.

    If you would like to add me that’d be great and we can be there to support and motivate each other
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    I am a person who hates exercise. Even after the 5 months I've been exercising and changing my life I still hate it, but I like how it makes me feel and the difference I see in myself. Give yourself time and just stick with it. Once you see those little changes you will be more and more motivated to do it and stick with it. I also agree with variety helps a boatload, keeps you from getting too bored. Along with a variety of exerices I also change things up with music, or audiobooks or movies while I'm on the machines.

    Good luck!
  • Zombie_X
    Zombie_X Posts: 13
    So anyone got any suggestions of what I can make myself for dinner? I'm not very skilled nor do I have a lot of food plus I'm real picky with food! Might just settle for quorn spaghetti bolognaise.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    So anyone got any suggestions of what I can make myself for dinner? I'm not very skilled nor do I have a lot of food plus I'm real picky with food! Might just settle for quorn spaghetti bolognaise.

    Lots of great options out there! Cooking Light is a great magazine with tons of healthy recipes online for FREE!

    I made this last night and it was so delicious!


    Takes 20 minutes and puts the usual unhealthy chinese food to SHAME.
  • Zombie_X
    Zombie_X Posts: 13
    So anyone got any suggestions of what I can make myself for dinner? I'm not very skilled nor do I have a lot of food plus I'm real picky with food! Might just settle for quorn spaghetti bolognaise.

    Lots of great options out there! Cooking Light is a great magazine with tons of healthy recipes online for FREE!

    I made this last night and it was so delicious!


    Takes 20 minutes and puts the usual unhealthy chinese food to SHAME.

    Ooooh that looks yummy!! Unfortunately I don't think I have any chicken :(
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    I am currently in the process of a job rota where I do some exercise and a house job every day and at the end of the week get a treat if I complete most of it.

    By treat, do you mean food? If so, that's a dangerous route to go down - don't get into the mindset that makes you associate depriving yourself of food / working out (i.e. dieting) with rewarding yourself with food. Chances are high you'll get carried away (particularly if you struggle with willpower), and it'll all get terribly counter-productive. But if the treat isn't food, then by all means, carry on - although I'd try to replace "most of it" with "all of it"!

    Most helpful advice I can give - try to plan out your meals (i.e. entire days), and try not to deviate. Will take some organisation on your part, but if you have a "checklist" of things to eat in advance, I find it makes a diet far easier to stick to than logging your food after you've eaten it (and being unpleasantly surprised), or by preparing meals on the fly.
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    Don't be the idiot that regrets not sticking to this. That might sound harsh but things are going to get in the way of this. Any fool can keep to a plan when there's no obstacles, this plan has many. Food is a big part of modern life, it's always available, makes you feel great and breathes life into you... on top of that it's social. Bottom line is that you're going to fall at some point, everyone does, vow from this day forward that no matter how many times you find yourself on your backside, you get back up and keep fighting.

    This is a war of attrition.
  • xilef76
    xilef76 Posts: 5
    I hope this helps: You burn the same amount of calories walking a mile than running a mile. But you don't get a cardio workout by just walking. So taking that walk around the block helps
  • I am only mildly oomphy, but I do log on every day and log 97% of my month. I am just getting started myself and looking for a few good friends!
  • jennynewbury
    jennynewbury Posts: 48 Member
    I'm also getting married (29th June this year!) and we have been planning this for a while but I still had no motivation to lose weight.... until I went dress shopping. That smacked me in the face - all these gorgeous dresses and how did I want to look in them - not overweight and squeezed in! I picked a beautiful dress and ordered it in 2 sizes smaller - having been that size before I could picture how it would fit and look and that was a helluva motivation. Pleased to say dress now fits with 18days to go :)
    Happy to friend/motivate anyone - I log on everyday!
  • FatCopThinCop
    FatCopThinCop Posts: 40 Member
    Zoombi, 1st off, you need to try and change your name. Zoombie is no name for boosting yourself up. Change your name to FAST1 or Quicker than Quick.. Something that will want you to move fast.

    Back Problems. OK, What Kind of Back Problems and are they caused from sitting around? Do you walk everyday for 30-60 min. If not, try this. Get that 10 LBS back off. Honey, you are only 19 years old. If you are lasy, well get un-lazy. Because after marrage, life get crazy and within a few years, you will have little once to take care of and they will look up to you. It is up to you. It's your body and you can't give up..

    Get bizzy and start by learning to walk. Go to my BLOG area and there is Step by Step How to Walk and Streach information to share. I will also be posting Food that will help you lose weight that is good for you and does not cost a lot of money to eat them. Your food bill may even go down because you will not feel like eating as much as you do now because these food will keep you full longer.

    So, Zoombie, Gett you OOMPH back and Join me and others that will help you get the pep back in your step for life, not just to size ? that you want to be.. Thi is a life think not a diet.

    Paul C.,
    West Sacramento, Ca
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Don't need the chicken! Add more cashews for protein and healthy fats. :)
  • FatCopThinCop
    FatCopThinCop Posts: 40 Member
    What do you liike? What do you not like?
  • Zombie_X
    Zombie_X Posts: 13
    Thakns again everyone.

    I have a back problem from an accident I had when I was younger. Doesn't help when I'm on my period as the doctor recons my womb has moved or some *kitten* and it hurts more then which is atm.

    I have found my dress just don't physically have it so I think when I order it and try it on and see it on I'll feel better to try and make it fit.

    I know I have no excuses just tough getting going as I have never done this before. I think soon as I can get myself into a routine and know what I can and can't do it'll be easy. I want to change my life but as this is all I've known it hard!

    I think you'll all be pleased to hear I've got a job interview this friday at a tea rooms! So I'll be on my feet all day rather than sitting down doing nothing.

    @paulcrews; my username is zombie because it's my stage name :) I'm a singer and it's from one of my favourite songs zombie by the cranberries :P Nothing like that.