What do you do when you don't like vegtables!



  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    There's gotta be at least a couple you like... just keep trying some until you find them. I'm a picky eater myself and only eat a couple kinds, but it's better than not eating any. Experiment with different ways of preparing them. If you can't get yourself to eat them, search for recipes aimed towards parents with picky eaters who sneak veggies in other things (like pasta sauce).
  • I have been interested in roasting/broiling veggies, and I know this sounds dumb but I don't know how to go about doing it. Any tips/tricks/advice/recipes to share?
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Keep trying new ones. Prepare them in different ways. Get a new vegetable from the produce department, come home and look up several recipes, and try them over and over until you've exhausted all the possibilities for that particular vegetable.

    Seriously, there is SUCH a huge variety of vegetables that you're bound to find something you enjoy.
  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    There are cookbooks designed for kids on how to hide fruits and vegetables into everyday items. I steam and purée a lot of my veggies and sneak it into different foods. Pumpkin purée in muffins, squash in chili I use apple sauce instead of an egg in all my baked goods. Also just keep eating them, just keep trying, cooking diffent ways, using spices. If you have an Indian restaurant near you most of their choices are loaded with vegetables and you would never know. I also love Odwalla green smoothies find it in the produce refridgerator case. So yummy and vegetables what vegetables?!?
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Eat them anyway... at least that's what I do :)
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    I do not like raw veggies at all and used to only like certain cooked ones, but honestly, my tastes have changed over the past 6 months since I started this and am now finding that I like ones that I haven't in the past. Are there any that you can tolerate at all? Stick to those for now and challenge yourself to try a new veggie each week.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Keep on trying different fruits and vegetables until you find some you like. Change the way you cook them too as that can change or even disguise the taste.
    (I'm a fruit and vegetable hating vegetarian)
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    Some veggies are better raw. Some cooked. For instanced, I love steamed carrots, it brings the sweetness out. But I dislike cooked spinach, I'd rather eat that raw. Spinach salads with mushrooms, thinly sliced onions and tomatoes are great. We just have to find the method we enjoy the best for each one. Roasted beets, cooked on the grill, or in the oven, are excellent.
    Sugar snap peas I can eat a whole bag raw. Yummy and sweet. Just find what you like. Only eat corn in moderation, its a grain, not a veggie.

    Its ok if you dont like brussel sprouts, cauliflower, brocolli or asparagus. There are alternatives. Don't force something down if you just don't like the texture.
  • I feel for you!

    I truly hate most green vegetables and most of the time my gag reflex starts when I go near them haha...

    I know this is bad though as greens are probably one of the most healthy things one can eat.

    Lately, I have found a few things that work for better for me though...although calories go higher when prepared to my liking.

    Lately I have been sauteeing string beans "lightly" in coconut oil.
    I have also been able to stomach spinach salad with a non-vinegar (as I don't like vinegar either) dressing on salad.
    Young early peas in a can...they are super sweet and salty.

    These are just a few suggestions, they are obviously not as healthy as eating RAW.
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 217 Member
    I dont love vegs but I dont hate them either...I eat them when I can...there are some days I so dont want them that if I try to eat them I gag.
  • deblc6836
    deblc6836 Posts: 59
    How do you cook them? I find a lot of times people (my dad for example) overcook their veggies A LOT so they're soggy and sour and taste awful. I like to steam mine for a couple minutes or sautee them with herbs. MUCH BETTER. I love crispy veggies so all the time I thought I hated them, I actually just hated the way they were cooked (sorry, dad).

    You could also try adding sauces or something to them. I know sauces are awesome for you but I find that adding a teaspoon of BBQ sauce adds a lot of flavour but you don't get a lot of calories for it. I add it in when sauteeing and so it flavours all the veggies- don't just add it to the top once they're on your plate.

    I find bell peppers are good raw because they're so crunchy. You could dip them in salsa or hummus or something. Just experiment!

    This!! I grew up on frozen vegetables boiled to death and thought I hated all vegetables...that is just how people cooked them in the 70s. If you have texture issues (like I do), I think leaving a lot of crunch in the vegetables is key. Use fresh veggies, and don't get them anywhere near water for cooking -- saute (I use extra virgin coconut oil for this) or broil them until they are just barely cooked, 2-4 minutes in my experience. Find an Asian sauce recipe you like and make a stir fry. Haricots verts, sugar snap peas, and colored bell peppers are my favorites. Broccoli is great in a stir fry, but my husband HATES it, so I don't make that as often.
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    I find if I don't like them whole, chopping them very fine and sticking them in a dish is a good way for me to get a variety of veggies. Also, I'm picky about texture and prefer my veggies raw or just barely cooked. Find some you like and eat those!
  • I love vegetables, especially spinach, eggplant, peppers (red and orange), cucumbers, fennel, celery root, turnips, etc. Have found different ways of prepping them to make them heavenly. Try spicing them up a bit. I love raw carrots for example but not a fan of cooked ones.

    Have to just suck it up sometimes and eat them.
  • rrbd
    rrbd Posts: 7
    What do you do? You eat them anyway.

    I used to despise raw tomatoes (yeah, I know it's a fruit), but I made myself eat them because I knew they were good for me. At first I would cut them up really small and bury that in a salad. Over time I have come to like them and will always have tomato on a sandwich or burger when I can.

    I am the same. I have hated tomatoes forever, and now I'm really trying to like them. I can now do cherry tomatoes and cooked tomatoes. It's been 3 years, it's a loooooonnngggg process!
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I can't imagine my life without broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and peppers. Honestly I can't. Funny though, I hated all of it when I was a kid. Hope you change your mind soon....your taste buds need a good kick in the pants:glasses:

    Try sugar snap peas! Raw...they are TDF!
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    Doesn't matter if you like them or not. I don't like them...I eat tons of them every day anyway. Because I dislike being fat MORE than I dislike vegetables. It's that simple.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree that it may be the way you're used to having them prepared. I was raised having to eat canned veggies half the year (we live in the Northeast - it used to be too tough/expensive to get good fresh veggies in the winter/spring). Now that I'm responsible for taking care of my own needs, I buy either fresh or frozen (no sauce) veggies. And try different ways of cooking them - boil them, eat them raw, roast them, saute them, etc. And if you still can't stand them, try that pureeing and hiding them in things method.
  • rrbd
    rrbd Posts: 7
    You can throw a butt load of spinach into a blender with fruit and ice and not be able to taste it at all.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 221 Member
    Suck it up. Plug your nose and chew. Quite crying.
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    I buy green veggie supplements.

    What brand of veggie supplements do you use?

    I also buy a veggie supplement since I dont always get in my complete servings of veggies. It has 8+ servings of veggies, has a natural citrus taste and only cost's me about $28 a month. I mainly got it for those members in my household who dont eat any veggies and they love this.