So which Gym Guy are YOU?



  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I'm surprised everyone at my gym doesn't hate my guts, but I'm actually a nice person and so are the people who go to my gym, so we get along fine.

    But I am the girl who has to look cute all the time. I am also super competitive in the fitness classes I take, but only when it comes to flexibility. I am the girl who does crazy stretches in the corner after workouts.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    People would probably view me as crazy cardio, Treadmill running lady. I'm always on the treadmill and running for a long time. the treadmill is mainly all i do at the gym. I noticed that no one stays on the treadmill as long as i do. tons of people get on and off the machines next to me,, and i'm still on for over an hour. i'm a treadmill girl. i love to run.

    You must be the one who pays more for the membership that allows you to use the equipment for longer than the designated 30 min limit. Nice to keep people waiting.............

    Not all gyms have that policy. Only one row at my gym has a time limit. And the machines are never full.
    Mine has no limit too. You can be on it for as long as you would like. Which gym limits you to only 30 mins?
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I don't think I'm any kind of gym guy. I'm pretty chill.

    I just do my thing.
    Load up 10lbs of plates on the olympic bar on the squat rack and do 5 sets of 15 curls. I always unload the 10lb plates when I'm done curling. It's nice being able to put the bar level with my arms so I don't have to wear my shoulders out picking it up off the floor.

    I can also get a really good snort/warface on being able to see myself in the mirror while curling. The downside is I can't really see my pump so well in the squat rack, so I have to step out of it to flex in the mirror and make sure it looks OK.

    I keep my rest breaks SHORT at 2 minutes and lean on the rack so no one trips over me. I like to watch all the ladies exercising to make sure they have good form. Especially ladies on the adductor machine, as wrong form can really cause hip problems.

    I also keep my protein shake with a gallon of milk with me and an extra shaker bottle in case anyone wants to share. I like to think I'm the most courteous guy there.

    You had me going until that last line about the protein shakes.

    Well played, sir...well played, indeed.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I don't think I fall into any of the stereotypes that were listed on the other threads. I like to do a mixture of and you will find me at Zumba, in the pool swimming laps, on the elliptical, or in the weights area lifting the heaviest I can (which is still pretty light). I typically stay away from free weights because they intimidate me and I'm afraid of hurting myself, so I usually am on the free motion machines or doing basic curls/squats with kettlebells.

    I can say with confidence that people are probably pigeonholing me into the "attention wh*re" category by comments I see around here though. I typically have make-up on and my hair done, because I come straight from work and see no need to grunge myself up to go to the gym. My hair is short and can't be tossed in a ponytail. I also don't own men's gym shorts or grungy tee-shirts, so I work out in brightly colored whicking tops and form fitting capris. I am pretty sure not giving up my personal style doesn't make my work-outs less effective, so, judge away :-)

    This is pretty much exactly who I am at the gym, except I wear black yoga pants and whatever the thinnest, most comfy tank I can find. Once I lose my first 20-40lbs or so, I will certainly be buying some cute and comfy new workout clothes, and if anyone wants to stare I will welcome it. ;)
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    The hurry up and go gym guy, combined with the interior designer.

    I spend time in between sets on my phone browsing the internet or texting, though I realize people often think you should be able to lift and go with 5 seconds between reps. I never move from a rack/bench while resting because the people at my gym are notorious thieves when it comes to equipment.

    I also spend a good amount of time looking around for plates before I start because my gym is so messy. I then spend time racking and unracking weights in between sets because I'm on 5/3/1, and you change weights after each set.

    So yeah, I do a lot of fidgeting when I'm not lifting.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    the - is that a girl in the dungeon? - girl

    Its 11 at night. Im in all black skin tight compression clothing with maybe a grey or olive green loose tank over all of it to catch the sweat from my hair/face/neck that drips. My white hair is in some crazy daenerys targaryen tangle of braids so all the layers are permanently out of my face, which is beet red and shining from perspiration.

    Im the only girl in the basement weight room, surrounded by 30 to 40 men in what looks like a college football lockerroom situation. No earbuds, no phone, just a bottle of water and my towel. Im in the dead center of the left side of the rom, up against the mirror wall. Counting out my 4x8s, facing the mirror, gritting my teeth, lifting as hard as I can, trying to finish my last set, and all I can hear in my head is, cmon starbuck, show me whatcha got.

    I ignore all the catcalls and the attempts to pull me into conversation, drag my heavy shakey limbs to the lockerroom, grab my electric pink bag, snap a picture of myself in the mirror as proof of effort. Jump in the tanning bed for 6 minutes and fall down the stairs to the subway.

    ^ me at the gym.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    I am the type of guy who only speaks when absolutely necessary and get my stuff done ASAP. No chit-chat whatsoever unless it involves equipment. I do not make any noise (no plate slamming, weight dropping, grunting, etc.), just fast and efficient always cleaning stuff up after using
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I usually have my hair in a bun on top of my head, a fitted tank or a sport bra with a cut up t-shirt and I also usually have make up on. But don't let that fool ya... I am also the one who has to wait for the guys to be done with the weights I need :bigsmile: I use the squat rack, the bench, the cables but typically not the machines. I lift heavy and love the looks I get when I'm doing hanging straight leg lifts. The little compact size and cute clothes can be deceiving, but I know what I'm doing and I always mean business! :wink:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I guess I'm a "cardio bunny." I hate lifting weights or doing weight machines. I only go to the gym to use a stationary bike, and I go at it really hard for 30-40 minutes (usually 8-12 miles) and I get disgustingly sweaty (like sweat dripping from my face onto the floor... gross). Or I'll run a mile or two on the indoor track if I have to run indoors due to weather. But I usually am gym-bound 1-2 days a week because the rest of the time I'm outside :)
  • ChristySeeksBalance
    ChristySeeksBalance Posts: 43 Member
    I'm that one that turns bright red, looks like I may drop dead at any minute, and has sweat just dripping off of me. I am NOT the one that leaves her nastiness behind though...I clean whatever machines I use when I'm done. Because ewwww! At least that's me when I'm doing cardio. When I'm doing weights I just do my thing. Sometimes exchange a word or two with the other regulars. I work out from 6-7am, and it's pretty much the same people every day.

    Oh, and in spin class I'm the grumpy old lady complaining that the music is too loud. I'm going to have to either get used to working out with ear plugs, or quit taking classes. They have it turned up so loud I can't hear a word the teacher says (and they're yelling AND amplified!), and it just downright hurts. Darn kids need to get off my lawn.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    This is ME!! In fact I have perfected my ***** face to the point that only the "hound-dog" will talk to me let alone look at me. But I smile when I need something LOL.

    (Just traded in my old t-shirt for a tank. It's hot)
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    the quiet guy in the corner hogging the squat rack. Its always empty, thats what kinda gym i go to....
  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    That's a good question?

    Well im the type of gymer that does what he goes for the gym for... to work his butt off and to be better. Im focused in what i am doing while im there.

    But that does not mean, if someone ever comes up to me (which happens often) with a question or a comment, i will take the time to talk to them, I dont really like to, but ignoring them would be rude. I try to answer their questions to the best of my abilities.

    On the other hand, i never really talk to anybody or start up general conversation myself because i do not want to get in their way of their workout.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    skinny girl with noodle arms lifting really embarrassingly light weights in the weight room.... I think that describes me pretty well... can't wait until I get stronger.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    the - is that a girl in the dungeon? - girl

    Its 11 at night. Im in all black skin tight compression clothing with maybe a grey or olive green loose tank over all of it to catch the sweat from my hair/face/neck that drips. My white hair is in some crazy daenerys targaryen tangle of braids so all the layers are permanently out of my face, which is beet red and shining from perspiration.

    Im the only girl in the basement weight room, surrounded by 30 to 40 men in what looks like a college football lockerroom situation. No earbuds, no phone, just a bottle of water and my towel. Im in the dead center of the left side of the rom, up against the mirror wall. Counting out my 4x8s, facing the mirror, gritting my teeth, lifting as hard as I can, trying to finish my last set, and all I can hear in my head is, cmon starbuck, show me whatcha got.

    I ignore all the catcalls and the attempts to pull me into conversation, drag my heavy shakey limbs to the lockerroom, grab my electric pink bag, snap a picture of myself in the mirror as proof of effort. Jump in the tanning bed for 6 minutes and fall down the stairs to the subway.

    ^ me at the gym.

    Lmao. I especially love the "snap a picture of myself in the mirror as proof of effort" lol
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I'm the guy dragging myself out of bed at 5am and shoving myself out the door to get my run done before sun up, trying my best to have eyes in the back of my head and watching the shadows because my neighborhood is sketchy. I'm the guy that comes home from a long day at the office to strip down and cover myself in sweat doing P90X. Oh, and I'm the guy with big boobs and hips... because I'm a girl :happy:
  • robbieheslop
    robbieheslop Posts: 23 Member
    Honestly ... i'm the "shy" guy who looks around at all these muscle-ripped men and think .... wow i'm totally never going to be like that ....
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    I'm the quiet guy usually wearing all black like I'm some kind of gym ninja, baseball cap that actually has a curved brim (I know, that's rare isn't it?) that's worn so low that it's almost as if I don't have eyes. I have a pissed off expression on my face but that's just me "in the zone" and/or "pumped" for my workout. Usually breathing heavy after every set because I push myself real hard, but not hard enough that I feel the need to scream or loud grunt like some kind of gym ogre.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    The grunting, deadlift-dropping caveman that doesn't talk other than to ask if you're done with the next piece of heavy *kitten* he wants to lift.
  • hthrld
    hthrld Posts: 125 Member
    Tank tops. Yoga pants. Underboob sweat.

    I do circuit training 3 days per week. I like to rock it out on the elliptical, but recently discovered a love for the Arc Trainer. I may stare a little, but it's typically because you are doing something fancy that I wish I could do. Usually. I also like to dance on the elliptical machine. Don't judge me.

    I leave dripping in sweat and with a huge smile on my face.