Anyone else working on couch to 5K?



  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    Stacey its a training programme for non runners. In a 9wk programme it aims to get you running 5k....! It's really good. I might start mine today! Have you got an iPhone / iPod?? The app is free xx

    Is it only free for iPhone? I have an android and can't seem to find a free one :grumble:

    Ooh I'm not sure, I use my iPod and it was free on there... x
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Stacey its a training programme for non runners. In a 9wk programme it aims to get you running 5k....! It's really good. I might start mine today! Have you got an iPhone / iPod?? The app is free xx

    Is it only free for iPhone? I have an android and can't seem to find a free one :grumble:

    I have a droid and the app I have and use is free it's C25Klite.
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    I love reading everyone's experience stories. Thanks for sharing everyone!!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I just started today! I originally recommended it to my teenaged daughter, because she needs to get active and I know her BFF likes to run. But then my 10yo son overheard, and convinced me to do it with him.

    Our first day was tough going! I was surprised, because I didn't think either of us was *that* out of shape. We did skip the second to last running phase, because my son just really needed a break, but otherwise we made it through!

    I'm using the Android app from, and I really like it. The only problem I noticed was that when I got a text message at the exact time the app was going to tell me to start walking, I only heard the text message sound, so we ran for about 45 seconds too long.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Can I just ask everyone who has started this a few questions?

    Have you all bought expensive running shoes? I'm thinking of getting a cheap pair of running shoes ( my trainers are the cheap supermarket ones so are ok for walking in)?

    Ladies I presume its a good idea to invest in a good sports bra?

    And what are people running it - i was just going to go in joggers and a t-shirt esp as I dont see the point of paying out too much as I'm losing weight. Want to treat myself to some nice stuff once the weight goes down.

    Also would it be suitable for a fit teenage to do - my son is almost 13 and runs for the school. Thought he might come with me.

    I am using a pair of Sketchers that I bought when I first started working out. I bought them for jumping rope, but they were advertised as running shoes. They were like $40.

    Wear whatever clothes you feel comfortable in. I am wearing expensive workout clothes, but that's because my mom bought them for me and they've been sitting in my closet going to waste, LOL. When I workout at home, I wear a t-shirt and boxer shorts, and I don't see *any* advantage to the expensive stuff, except that my neighbors wouldn't much like me running around the neighborhood in men's underwear, LOL.

    I definitely think the program would be suitable to do with your 13yo. I only started C25K in the first place because my 10yo wants me to do it with him.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I've started week 2 and I will honestly say I'm having a hard time! I don't always have the days to commit to it and then if too many days go by in between then of course it's harder. I think I might start over also and really try and commit to it. I would love to run a 5K with my husband when he gets back from overseas! :)

    i'm with you- i'm doing it but having a hard time. I'm on week 2 day 3 on Saturday. I've been pretty consistent in the every other day thing, but it's still tough. I'm like "when will it get easy?!" I still can't stop thinking about wanting to stop running. I'm committed though, i'm signed up for a 4 mile mud run in August, it's mostly an obstacle course, so I just need to KEEP RUNNING!! I'm donig my won rough version of the couch to 5k program, following it exactly (90 secs running. What? That's too much clock watching) I'm just unching up each week. I'm pretty cardiovascularly fit, so the running's not TOO hard. I started at 2 mins running, 2 mins walking and this week i've been doing 3 mins running 2 mins walking, next week i'll try 4 mins running, 2 mins walking. etc etc. It's a good program though, and I have MFPeeps that are runners that just keep encouraging me to stick with it, so i'm doing it! Just gotta keep comitted. :o)
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    Ooh I'm not sure, I use my iPod and it was free on there... x

    Which do you have on your iPod? I have a Chubby someone or other and I don't really care for it, she talks too much. I would like to find one that is mostly music and just lets you know when to switch from walk to run
  • ptg_
    ptg_ Posts: 15
    where is the couch to 5k listed please?

    You can find it here.
  • I just started the couch to 5K program today. I am 45 and very out of shape. I am a little intimidated, but optomistic.
  • dmolnaraz
    dmolnaraz Posts: 127 Member

    Which do you have on your iPod? I have a Chubby someone or other and I don't really care for it, she talks too much. I would like to find one that is mostly music and just lets you know when to switch from walk to run

    I found podcasts by Robert Ullrey for my ipod. The music isn't too bad and he doesn't talk much. I've done the first 4 weeks with those.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I started yesterday with the free iphone app. (Have trained twice now)

    I have NEVER been able to run - I hope this programe works for me.

    I don't intend to have any rest days.
  • galaxysue
    galaxysue Posts: 83 Member
    started on Sunday just done W1 Day2 feeling good
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Started today with week 1 day 1. Felt really good running again and was able to keep a faster pace then previous attempts. Will do day 2 on Sunday.

    I've just started and am wondering what pace you run at? I'm running 6 mph but am worried that might be too ambitious when run times increase? Would love to know what others are able to do! Thanks!

    I have been running at a 5.5. I know I can do faster for week 2 stuff but was also worried about the longer distances. If I have to, I'll run it at a 5.2 and adjust accordingly.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member

    1) I don't have any expensive running shoes. I'm sure they are good to get - but I can't afford them. My regular New Balance tennis shoes have seemed to do the job so far :)

    2) I bought a good sports bra on clearance at Target (again...I'm cheap :wink: )

    3) I had to purchase some shorts to run in because it's getting hot and my knee length running pants weren't cutting it. I just wear older t-shirts or cheap men's undershirts to run in. Definitely wouldn't spend a lot of money on nice active wear yet, though!

    4. My healthy and fit sister (she's 21) runs with me on each of my runs. It's such a great motivator for me and it helps to have someone join me. If your son is willing to run with you, I'm sure it would be great for you both!!

    Good luck!!

    Um yes, I wish we could be running buddies because I am with you 100% on 1,2,and 3. Cheap sports bra, cheap shoes, and old t-shirts and shorts.....But everyone at the gym looks at me like I'm nuts! HAH. They are all in their expensive "breathable" workout clothes!