dropping body Fat - macros?



  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    I like how you move the goalposts. You used the words "terrible shape". Both those guys are in good shape for their age and fitness goals (Lyle is a skater - look at Apolo Ohno and try to tell me how jacked he is).

    Judging someone's level of knowledge based on their physique is nonsense anyway. Like another poster pointed out, if you want to judge knowledge based on physique look at the clients, not the trainer.

    By your rationale, nobody should take weightlifting advice from this guy:


    You can keep taking advice from people with no results, I'll continue to take advice from people in great shape and continue to be a shining example of that myself. :happy:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    @Acg, I have bad news for you. Your buddy RonSwanson66 is gone.

    More bad news for the rest of forum as they lost a very knowledgeable guy vs some of the nonsense that is posted here
  • LesterBlackstone
    LesterBlackstone Posts: 291 Member
    I like how you move the goalposts. You used the words "terrible shape". Both those guys are in good shape for their age and fitness goals (Lyle is a skater - look at Apolo Ohno and try to tell me how jacked he is).

    Judging someone's level of knowledge based on their physique is nonsense anyway. Like another poster pointed out, if you want to judge knowledge based on physique look at the clients, not the trainer.

    By your rationale, nobody should take weightlifting advice from this guy:


    Awww so you're one of those people who take everything at face value, I get it. If you can look at them and tell me that they're in great shape then you're lying to yourself. It's funny how you talk about their fitness goals also, as if you actually know what their goals are. LOL

    When someone posts about their skating experience on their website and forum, it's a pretty good bet that the person is a speed skater.

    You can keep taking advice from fat people with no results, I'll continue to take advice from people in great shape and continue to be a shining example of that myself. :happy:

    LOL. Tell that to this guy:


    You go ahead and base your opinions on steroids and airbrushing. I'll take actual knowledge. KTHXBYE
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    The polygraph is still garbage and no discussion about it being an effective tool can be taken seriously.

    HAHAHAHAHA okay if you say so, since your opinion matters and everything. I guess professional natural bodybuilders must be on gear then since international spies can pass the test and because it's not used in courtroom decisions. Thanks for the good laugh :laugh:

    And this coming from someone who would choose broscience over real science.

    And anybody who is comfortable lying can pass one.
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    The polygraph is still garbage and no discussion about it being an effective tool can be taken seriously.

    HAHAHAHAHA okay if you say so, since your opinion matters and everything. I guess professional natural bodybuilders must be on gear then since international spies can pass the test and because it's not used in courtroom decisions. Thanks for the good laugh :laugh:

    And this coming from someone who would choose broscience over real science.

    And anybody who is comfortable lying can pass one.

    How is "real science" working out for you over there when you can't even handle uploading a pic of yourself? Seems like broscience has worked pretty well for me :wink:
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    The polygraph is still garbage and no discussion about it being an effective tool can be taken seriously.

    HAHAHAHAHA okay if you say so, since your opinion matters and everything. I guess professional natural bodybuilders must be on gear then since international spies can pass the test and because it's not used in courtroom decisions. Thanks for the good laugh :laugh:

    And this coming from someone who would choose broscience over real science.

    And anybody who is comfortable lying can pass one.

    How is "real science" working out for you over there when you can't even handle uploading a pic of yourself? Seems like broscience has worked pretty well for me :wink:

    I'm an endurance athlete who isn't so focused on how I look, but my performance. Back when I was in high school, I played football and I followed the same strength training program as the other teammates. Some of them were benching 300-350, while I capped out at 250. Probably because a lot of this program was based on broscience. Some of the more genetically gifted got much stronger and others didn't. If I were to focus on building muscle, I'd most certainly follow a more scientific approach knowing what I know about my own genetics.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Does anyone else wish they could unsubscribe to a thread they posted in?
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Does anyone else wish they could unsubscribe to a thread they posted in?

    Not only that, but I wish that all the nearly naked man trolls would go away.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    @Acg, I have bad news for you. Your buddy RonSwanson66 is gone.

    More bad news for the rest of forum as they lost a very knowledgeable guy vs some of the nonsense that is posted here

    Was he banned or something? Problem was RonSwanson had very poor communication skills so much of his good knowledge was probably ignored.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Does anyone else wish they could unsubscribe to a thread they posted in?

    Not only that, but I wish that all the nearly naked man trolls would go away.

    Actually, the one showing the most skin (which I have absolutely no problem with at all) is the one with the most knowledge on this thread and is in no way a troll.
  • kellylara93
    kellylara93 Posts: 228
    I tried

    Protein 50%
    Fat 35%
    Carbs 15%

    and went from 27.6% BF to 24% in 2 weeks, with no lifting, and hardly any cardio..
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I'm saying I would follow a scientific approach if my goal was to build muscle and look good. Since that is not my goal, showing a picture of me with my 13" biceps isn't going to make any difference.

    Broscience may work for some, but if it turns out to be the optimal method than its likely by chance. Most people would probably see more optimal results if they followed an approach with more scientific backing.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I actually can't tell ANYTHING from your profile picture dude. I see one arm, at an angle. And the rest of your photos aren't visible to anyone other than your friends. Some people don't want an actual profile picture for reasons that have nothing to do with results or the lack thereof. It's called privacy.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    55% fat sounds like a recipe for disaster, I would think that if your going to follow a specific macro agenda you would want one thats sustainable. That much fat daily would be detrimental to your health in the long term.

    That much fat is satiating and it's complete mythology that high fat, moderate protein, low carb diets are detrimental to cholesterol and blood pressure profiles. On the contrary, they result in the best cholesterol and blood pressure profiles. Fat is harmless in the absence of carbohydrates. Science is clear in that regard.

    Unless you have gallbladder issues.

    Since my gallbladder was removed, if I ate that much fat, I'd live on the toilet.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Does anyone else wish they could unsubscribe to a thread they posted in?

    Not only that, but I wish that all the nearly naked man trolls would go away.

    Actually, the one showing the most skin (which I have absolutely no problem with at all) is the one with the most knowledge on this thread and is in no way a troll.

    It's amazing that many of them know more than the entire medical community combined.

    It's important to keep in mind that we know very little about the body in general, and what works for one many not and will not work for everyone. So I say to the original poster - trial and error. Formulate a plan, be patient, adjust periodically as needed.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I actually can't tell ANYTHING from your profile picture dude. I see one arm, at an angle. And the rest of your photos aren't visible to anyone other than your friends. Some people don't want an actual profile picture for reasons that have nothing to do with results or the lack thereof. It's called privacy.

    The last thing I need is for future employers to turn me down for a job because they don't like my opinion about diet and nutrition.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    My macros are 55% fat, 30% protein, and 15% carbohydrates. On December 3, 2011, I was 6'0", 300 lbs. and 35.4% body fat. As of this morning, 6 months later, I'm 6'0", 213, and 18.7% body fat. Within the next three months, I'll be 185 lbs. and under 12% body fat, without any question.

    As for exercise, I walk 3 miles each day at a leisurely pace, 3.0 to 3.5 mph. Six days a week, I strength train, doing only the major lifts: deadlifts and squats, along with pushups, dips, and pullups.

    My average blood pressure over the last two months, sample size of 32, is 110/70, with a resting heart rate of 61. Six months ago, it was 140/85, with a resting heart rate of 95.

    I'm 46-years old.

    For body composition, science is overwhelmingly on the side of low carbohydrate, high fat, moderate protein diets: just ask the President of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians.

    55% Fats? That's ridiculous...

    You were morbidly obese, that's why you lost weight so fast. Don't expect the last 20 to be as easy as the first 20 pounds you lost...

    that's not so ridiculous -- check out the Paleo and Primal groups. Lots of people with those macros.
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    I actually do a 40/30/30. So my carbs are my highest. I do heavy lifting, and average around 1 g of protein per body weight.
