Where you all hiding ?! Uk peeps



  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    I'm Marika from North-East England and i'm sending you a request now.
    I've still got a stone to lose this year so if anyone would like to add me feel free x
  • Hey .... im new to this too....finding it really hard to keep on the 'straight and narrow' :)
  • Ceffy
    Ceffy Posts: 235
    *sneaks from under the duvet*

    I wasn't hiding really!!!

    Hi! 26 from Nr Manchester, 3 & 1/2 stone lost so far slighlty nuts, its all good :laugh:
  • Sylv93
    Sylv93 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, South checking in! (Bristol/Kent/Devon) feel free to add me, I do my best to be supportive and check in every day :)
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    Hi there, not really hiding. 46 years old from West Wales. Lost 16lb already but another 30 to go (approx). Sent a friend request.
  • kateyrog
    kateyrog Posts: 15 Member
    Hi All - I'm sitting in my office in very soggy and wet Littlehampton here on the south coast - I've been on here a while after losing 30lbs - last 14 to go and they are so hard - I have been losing the same 2lbs for months now! Looking for lots of UK friends to help me on my way! :-)) Kate
  • Mewcenary
    Mewcenary Posts: 66 Member
    Right here if anyone wants me ;-)

    34 from Surrey. Just over a stone lost so far. I've always exercised primarily, be that from judo or running about, but over the last couple of years just ate far too much!

    Now combining the exercise with a 2000 kcal diet and it is working wonders!
  • amortize20
    amortize20 Posts: 62 Member
    i'm Rick and i've been on here since Feb. Almost reached my gw but i'll still be around here working out what maintenance looks like. ive just started running again after 3 years off and swimming also after an even longer period of absense.
    Oh and i'm from Chesterfield in the not so sunny north of derbyshire. both food and exercise diary are open to public view so please feel free to add me :)
  • Hi! Im 32 and from West Yorkshire (for my sins!)

    I want to loose weight and need as much support and encouragement as I can get, and will give as much as I can in return! please feel free to add me! :happy:
  • bexterbee
    bexterbee Posts: 7
    Hi there, I'm from Scotland :) I just came back to MFP yesterday after a long while. Hoping to shed around 44lbs! Will add you & good luck
  • hellsbells999
    hellsbells999 Posts: 4 Member
    Hiya!! I am no fitness expert but am also looking for more friends. I started MFP a couple of months ago and have lost 20lb :-) (and thats even with cheating nearly every weekend LOL)!!
    I have got about half a stone till I'm within a healthy BMI (Target 11 stone, Im 5'7) but might well continue a bit more after that as ideally I'd like to be in the middle of the healthy weight band.
    I am loving MFP, it really keeps me motivated, esp the phone app!! I also love the graphs :-)
    My username is hellsbells999 please ANYONE feel free to add me :-)
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Hi there, am from Bucks and please feel free to add me, I am on every day and very focussed. 45 single mum with two young boys, lost 8 stones 4 years ago and keeping it off!!!
    Best of luck.
    Jules xx
  • Hi All, i'm from Hertfordshire (UK), been here six days now, due for my first weekly weigh in tomorrow, divorced Mum to a teenage daughter who I have a very close relationship with. I have "Mother" issues (just started a blog as well) hence my excessively cuddly self. Have give myself a rather huge kick up the *kitten* and decided to get my life started for me as I truly don't want to end up like The Mother.

    Please have read of my profile and if you wan to be friends go ahead, we all need all the support we can get.

    Good Luck finding your way

  • donnab83
    donnab83 Posts: 105 Member
    HI! I'm from Kent, been doing this properly (with a few cheats) since january. Would also love to have some more friends to motivate me & me to motivate you! Add me! X :flowerforyou:
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hi, *waves* im from Coventry, west mids :)
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    Hi i'm from West Yorkshire, feel free to add me. I've been on MFP about a year, it is a great place for inspiration and motivation
  • I was hiding behind the sofa... sorry!

    I'm from Portsmouth :) Feel free to add me!
  • ruksha123
    ruksha123 Posts: 42 Member

    I am from London and am looking to be happy with myself ie: loose some weight.
    CW 154
    GW 140
    Ultimate Goal 126
  • markyp33
    markyp33 Posts: 25

    Welcome from Strangeways! I'm not from Manchester - I'm just visiting for a couple of years. If I stand on tiptoes so I can see out of the window in my room I can just about see some rooftops.

    I would like to lose weight so that people stop calling me names, and then I wouldn't have to hurt them anymore. People can be so cruel. I would also like to be able to run faster, as I think that would be a good asset. If I can shed a few pounds I might take up climbing - there's this really big fence not so far away and I see it every day; it has become like a personal chellenge to be able to scale it, I don't know why.

    I've got some friends down your way in London, who live in a place called Wandsworth - have you been there, is it nice?

    Well good luck in your weight loss endeavours, and welcome to MFP (anyone would think it stood for My First Prison or something stupid like that! lol)

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm in London too. Working just off Bond Street. x