Bad mom......



  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    We barely watched tv when I was a child cause we actually played outside all day. Watching tv was a privilege in our home while growing up. I don't want my future kids to know what is happening in the world.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    You need a license to watch TV now?!?!?

    In countries like Britain you have a license. It's not like in N America where you just buy cable/satellite...etc.
    Freaky eh?
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    I have a tv, but I refuse to pay for cable or satellite that isn't watched all that much. I have the free local channels and THAT'S IT. My son has a much better imagination now that he doesn't it in front of cartoons all the time, and he's more active. Plus, I save $80/month. WIN.
  • _Stampede_
    _Stampede_ Posts: 66
    You need a license to watch TV now?!?!?

    In countries like Britain you have a license. It's not like in N America where you just buy cable/satellite...etc.
    Freaky eh?
    I don't know how to respond to this. I'll just be cowering in the corner with my rifle.
  • BriskisGrl
    BriskisGrl Posts: 461
    Wow seriously you were called a bad mom for not having a t.v.???? I would be speechless as well..

    Yes, I do think it's unusual these days not to have one, but in no way does that make you a bad mother. Your children will actually play instead of parking themselves on a couch.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    You need a license to watch TV now?!?!?

    In countries like Britain you have a license. It's not like in N America where you just buy cable/satellite...etc.
    Freaky eh?
    I don't know how to respond to this. I'll just be cowering in the corner with my rifle.

    License for tv, free channels, can get freeview with a box too. Pay for cruddy sky channels which don't have anything on. Not that the others have anything on for me either :laugh:

    The license funds the bbc, which are the only channels that seems to have something on I'd want to watch every few months.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I personally don't understand it. I have a 5 year old daughter and we have always encouraged tv watching as a family and have also made sure she gets exercise outside and does fun things most days too. She is one of the smartest kids in her class, best reader, etc. Tv's in moderation don't stunt brain development.

    You aren't unusual though as I've heard of others not having tvs too. You live how you want, it doesn't make you a bad mom.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    growing up we only go to watch tv for the news...or got to watch a show or two if we finished our i never did since i was always up late doing my no, i don't think its bad that there is no tv at home. to this day i watch very little tv...i love reading more and being a nerd.

    the world doesn't need to revovle around what those danm jersey shore kids are
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    also when I have kids they will not be set in front of a tv or game station they will get books and toys and told to play outside when its nice like you should do! I never wanted to watch tv when I was small unless it was raining ((( how the times have changed lol)))

    I used to say that then I became a mom. Now I dont let the tv "babysit" my kids but sometimes cartoons are a life saver when I'm trying to clean house and they are consistantly fighting. Two boys 3yrs apart...... fighting is what they do best!!! I dont feel bad about it either. They watch Nick Jr, those shows do teach something, sharing, eating your veggies, problem solving, etc. I DO NOT ALLOW SPONGEBOB!!!! Or anything like it.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Everything on there is garbage.

    There are some kids shows that are considered "age appropriate" that I still won't let my boy watch.

    You are better off without a TV. Its evil
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    This! I should follow suti myself
    You might be raising children that are at their correct weight and actually have an imagination. Good for YOU!:smile:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I have a TV but no cable. I was thinking about getting cable, but I don't know. There is just so much garbage that I don't want to bother with. There is quality programming there, but is it enough for me to be willing to make the trade off. I just don't know.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    How can you not have a TV when you have children? I really have to agree with having one.
    How else is the government going to look in on my children? Its like good old Uncle Sam in my living room watching over my family to make sure we are all safe and protected.
    Really I just go out and like my publicly funded baby sitting service watch over my toddler. Looking at communist propaganda little one? I don't think so!!
    So please either get a TV, or call up your local FBI office and just let them know what is going on in your life. Think of the children.

  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    You might be raising children that are at their correct weight and actually have an imagination. Good for YOU!:smile:

  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    Wish I had been that bad of a Mom., Good on you.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    What an idiotic thing to say
    We have a Tv my kids (7 and 8) get 1 hr a night..and boy do I admit I CHERISH that one hour....bad bur true
    But after that tv goes off and we listen to music, dance, play board about our days etc

    TV is so not necessary and just a crutch for both myself and kids
    bad but true
    I als dont think 1 hr a day will kill I am Ok with it for me
  • tabbygeorge
    That is a ridiculous statement! I am a single mom of a 4y.o and 6 y.o, We dont have a tv. However we do have music constantly playing. There is no point for tv it is a waste of money that i cannot afford on my income. There is sooo much more to do than watch tv :) PS Im happy to know that their are others that do not have a tv in their household. Especially cause everyone around me rolls their eyes and shakes their heads about it
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 149 Member
    One of the most STUPIDEST statements I think Ive ever heard. Bravo to you for not having one in your house!!!!

    I actually think it makes you a stellar parent!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    Your co-worker is an idiot.

    I have a tv but no cable or satellite. I do have Netflix but I bet I don't turn it on but maybe once a month. I haven't watched "tv" in years and I don't miss it at all. I WISH I hadn't had a tv in the house when my son was growing up.

    All tv is is advertising anyway. From the shows to the commercials to the news, it's all just a parade of products that is supposed to make us go out and consume. No thanks.

    ETA: I was watching the Biggest Loser on Netflix for a while but I got so disgusted with the blatant product placement and the mini-infomercials (like I'm supposed to believe that all those little "spontaneous conversations" about Quaker oatmeal and other products were not scripted?) that I quit watching after the third season.