Thoughts on Soda.



  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    It's not soda, it's pop. Y'all must be from the south. We drink our iced tea un-sweetened up here and put oil in our engines, not ole. I haven't been drinking very much pop lately. I used to like coke, but not pepsi.

    Actually people from the south calls it "cold drink" , I'm from the South but I am the only one that I know that calls it Soda. I think "cold drink" sounds silly. Anyway, I love soda, but since I have been trying to lose weight I have given them up. I may only drink 1 a month and that is it! Pepsi and Coke are my weakness, but I have willpower!!
  • soontobeskinnysara
    soontobeskinnysara Posts: 177 Member
    I use soda as a treat; I only order it when I eat at a restaurant and even then, it's always diet. I stopped drinking it a while ago and really lost a taste for it. Now my weakness is sugar free red bull! mmmm....
  • KimBerLaE
    KimBerLaE Posts: 17
    I love Diet Dr. Pepper too (and Diet Cream Soda). Seems more like a treat!
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    I'll echo the sentiment of I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. I don't think there's anything wrong with treating yourself to a regular soda from time to time, but man - the calories and sugar add up in those things!!!
  • myraknits
    myraknits Posts: 81 Member
    when I really have a craving for bubbles, I use plain seltzer and a few drops of Root-beer liquid Stevia
    or I have a Zevia or Cascal ( )
    Yummy and guilt free...but only on occasion.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I drank it in high school. My parents bought it. I lived off the stuff. It ruined my teeth. My kids don't get pop. It's evil.
  • Spendy21
    Spendy21 Posts: 4
    Diet Soda is not always good for you either sometimes depending on the soda, regular soda will be better. Using mfp we should know or we are exposed that its not all about the calories its about sodium, sugars, cholesterol...
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    I drink regular soda. Its starting to make me sad because when I look at my food diary the soda really kills me being able to eat more when I add the calories in. We have tried cutting it out before by not buying it for the house, but every time we keep it out of the house we end up leaning more towards eating out which is total calorie overkill. I have always tried to avoid artificial sweeteners especially when I was pregnant but when I was pregnant with my son I supposedly had gestational diabetes and after a couple of months of trying to not drink diet soda I ended up drinking some in the end.

    I have read a few different books that have all said if you HAVE to drink soda then regular is better then diet. For the people who worry about HFCS there is always Pepsi and Mountain Dew throwback which has the old fashioned real sugar formula.

    As a side note you could always make your own root beer. Apparently thats a big thing out here where I live in Utah. They even had a grocery sale in the ad a few weeks ago on dry ice, root beer extract and sugar and a recipe to go with it (which included a 5 gallon bucket :huh: ) At least then you know there aren't added chemicals and preservatives except what might be in the extract itself.
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    Speaking of ice tea, sweet and unsweet, Trader Joe's latest newsletter came out today. Apparently the "powers that be" made a trip to Dixie and enjoyed some Southern living. They have decided to sell sweet tea in their stores. It was a nice article.


  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    As a side note you could always make your own root beer. Apparently thats a big thing out here where I live in Utah. They even had a grocery sale in the ad a few weeks ago on dry ice, root beer extract and sugar and a recipe to go with it (which included a 5 gallon bucket :huh: ) At least then you know there aren't added chemicals and preservatives except what might be in the extract itself.

    Actually, this reminded me of this TV gadget to make your own soda out of juice, tea, coffee, whatever:
    I thought this might be fun to get one of these days (not that it's real high on my "must buy" list, but maybe one day if I get some extra cash...)

    I also love making juices/smoothies in my Vita-Mix, and saw a note on a juicing Web site that said that you could easily make soda by making your favorite juice or smoothie and then adding seltzer. I think I may try this over the summer.