
  • myjetta3
    myjetta3 Posts: 12
    you can get great deals on ebay!
  • bluejones
    bluejones Posts: 25
    Just started this week... it's tough, but I'm hanging in there. There is an INSANITY Group on here as well, very motivating!!
  • MissTD
    MissTD Posts: 40
    Hey. Today is day 2 for me... Tough but I'm loving it, so intrigued. :-) it's great to hear you see results after a month. That's exciting. Great job!
  • Just finished Day 2 and all I can say is I'M SO SORE!!!! But in a good way. I have a friend who started and is in her 3rd week and she is wearing clothes she hasn't worn in a few years... that is all the motivation I needed. I can't even come close to completing the work out, but not all the people in the background of the video can either. Doing my best & committed to the 60 days. My only issue is at week 7 I am to leave on vacation.... going to put the videos on my IPAD and try to continue that way... I want to get all 60 days in! Anyone else try to make it portable? I didn't want to wait until after vacation, but I also don't want to stop in the middle.
  • mamacita4life
    mamacita4life Posts: 12 Member
    I am doing insanity. For the life of me I don't know what possessed me to do it. My daughter started doing it and shes really fit and shes like mom your doing it. I bawled like a baby the first week. I am 43 and I have about 70 lbs to lose. Not going to lie it hurts my joints and right now my body is screaming from pain. I am in week three. The flip side is I do feel my body changing. My body is toning up. I am losing inches. My concern is phase one is still extremely hard for me. I am still doing some modified versions of the exercises so I don't hurt myself. I have no idea how I am going to get through phase II. But, I am sure going to try. At this point, I want that ugly shirt just to say I did it. Good luck to everyone starting it and congrats to those that finished. I know personally, how hard this is. Would love new friends here for some support. Please friend me and we can support each other. :)
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    hey there today is my rest day of week 2. so week 3 for me tommorow and measurments :) im absalutly addicted to it and have not missed a day yet even with a stinking cold lol
  • tracymnx
    tracymnx Posts: 105
    Hi All

    Today is my last workout of month one then I go into recovery week. I havent actually lost much weight but ive lost loads of inches already and my arms and legs are like steel! Everyone I know have said they can see a difference so that is hugely motivational! The workouts are hard but short, they are killer but now I just go through the motions and do them.. Day 60 will be the day before my wedding, I better be shredded lol!

    Please add me! I welcome new like minded friends!

  • glenavonkate
    glenavonkate Posts: 7 Member
    Guess I have to google "insanity workout" and see what you are all talking about!!! I'm certainly intrigued...
  • outspan87
    outspan87 Posts: 98 Member
    What similar workout programs would you suggest, with NO equipment, for someone who used to be fit, but just starting to get back in shape? (I can do 2 45-min sessions of stationary bike 5 days a week, but that's it)
  • iv'e just done my 3rd day and im addicted to it im looking forward to doing it every morning even tho im hurting all over!! i cant wait to see results
  • jmm27
    jmm27 Posts: 34
    Im in my 2nd round of Insanity! I would love to have some more motivational INSANE friends. Feel free to add me and we can support each other! :)
  • I just finished my first week, and I love it! I would love to have some more insane friends as well, so feel free to add me. :)
  • great to hear everyone story!!! yay im still in recovery week and cant wait to start month 2. Add me if anyone would like, love to hear everyones progress through insanity!
  • Guess I have to google "insanity workout" and see what you are all talking about!!! I'm certainly intrigued...

    Here you go :

    You'll love it!
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Week 1 is going great! I have to say my power jumps are not very "powerful" but at least I'm getting off the ground, lol!
  • I am starting insanity today and could really use some encouragement! I've tried doing it but gave up after a week. I'm serious about losing weight now so add me if you're serious too and need a friend! :)
  • kbrooks323
    kbrooks323 Posts: 22
    I absolutely LOVE Beachbody's Insanity Workout! It seriously is INSANE. I couldn't walk after my first day doing Insanity! Anyone else have that problem?
  • lizardmtz
    lizardmtz Posts: 1
    hi you guys! i am starting the insanity program today again! i tried time ago but just completet a month since the workout becomes very hard the second one,
    but now im serious about this and i we should encourage each other! after all, summer is here and bikinis too!
  • OnMyWay4
    OnMyWay4 Posts: 264
    I love love love Insanity...Shaun T is pretty nice to look at too! I have been using Insanity for 3 months now and OMG! LOL! Get fit or get out : )
  • Heevenlee
    Heevenlee Posts: 35
    I am just starting today::)