250 vs. 120 in picture



  • SWink06
    SWink06 Posts: 73 Member
    I need to keep a copy of this somewhere. I think this will really help me when I get a craving for junk food late at night. Thanks!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Great motivation
  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    nightmares for life ... thanks I guess lol
  • africaa
    africaa Posts: 228
    Wow all that visceral fat is scary.

  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
  • lavvender
    lavvender Posts: 9 Member
    I recognize those rolls.... Eeee gads!!! :noway:
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    I never do this but....BUMP.
  • Woah that is nothing short of scary!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Yuck. Scurred.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Also scary what all the extra weight is doing to the ankle joints :noway:
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    Great motivation
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    Wow, I should never have opened this while I was eating breakfast.
    Everytime I think if having seconds, or having a doughnut this will pop into my mind.
  • dawson555
    dawson555 Posts: 26
    yeah disturbing might not have a McDonalds tonight lol

    I used to be 310lbs scary
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Anyone know where a 380-400 pound one is? I used to be 373 pounds.
  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    What I find scary are the misalignment of the bones in the fat person, look at the ankles. Go try pick up 100pounds. Bet you can't yet that person's ankles are supposed to carry it. :(
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    IS this a before and after shot ? The fat around the heart is very sad.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I was debating whether to put this pic up or not since its borderline extreme disturbing and I don't believe in weight-loss via grossing yourself out but I think there is some motivation in trying to get rid of some the bad in our body after we see how much its clogging us. I'm glad that most of you find it motivating rather than offensive.
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    S C A R Y! Thanks for the wakeup call.

  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I've seen this before...creepy. I just set it to be my desktop background. You need to see what is going on, on the inside...
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Disturbing. Scary. I pray for the day I can get to 120-ish and not have all that visceral fat around my organs.