Tapout XT or Insanity??



  • ChristineZenk
    ChristineZenk Posts: 10 Member
    I had also experience the fluid build up on the knee but once my knees got use to the pounding it went away. I am finishing my 3rd week in insanity and plan on trying the tapout next to mix it up.
  • Thanks for all your insight and help guys!!
  • Hasu
    Hasu Posts: 67
    What equipment do you need for Tapout besides bands?
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    You only need the resistant bands (you may want to get more than the one they send you b/c you'll need more resistance on some moves) and the little stretchy band that they send you. There is a ton of plank work so I would recommend a comfortable surface since you'll be on your elbows a lot! I had to invest in floor padding since my carpet was tearing up my elbows.
  • Hasu
    Hasu Posts: 67
    You only need the resistant bands (you may want to get more than the one they send you b/c you'll need more resistance on some moves) and the little stretchy band that they send you. There is a ton of plank work so I would recommend a comfortable surface since you'll be on your elbows a lot! I had to invest in floor padding since my carpet was tearing up my elbows.

    I've seen the promos for Tapout and have been toying with the idea. I'm currently doing Insanity but always looking to see what could be next ^_^
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    If you're looking into TapouT XT I strongly recommend you look at Georges St. Pierre's Rushfit. It's a little bit more equipment intensive because you NEED dumbbells (bands won't do) and they HAVE to be the hex sided kind like what's used in many gyms because there are numerous instances where they make you do pushup rows with them. Aside from that though I think it is the better designed program and the workouts aren't as long.
  • erinmel00
    erinmel00 Posts: 18 Member
    TapoutXT is amazing! I'm 4 days away from the 90 days and I feel awesome. It has really made me into the best shape of my life. The workouts grow with you as you get stronger. I still get a great workout because I can do more. Previously, I had a problem with getting bored with my workouts, but that's not the case with Tapout. It's actually fun for me. I would definitely recommend it.
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    I have completed P90X twice and P90X2 and also tried Insanity but couldn't get into it. Too much repetition. Right now I am 5 days into Tapout and love it!

    These are REAL MMA moves which don't feel forced like the P90X Kenpo workouts. You work the core in every workout and only need bands which is a big plus for me. I work out in a gym with friends and hated lugging all the equipment needed for P90X2.

    I shredded my elbows (made me feel like a badass, lol) because I wasn't using a mat for all the plank moves so get a good soft surface.

    Lastly, I developed some pretty strong abs with P90X and P90X2 so I intend to throw in an additional Tapout Abs day so I don't regress. Not sure who posted that they don't like the Tapout Abs but I disagree - they are hardcore and very effective.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Not sure who posted that they don't like the Tapout Abs but I disagree - they are hardcore and very effective.

    That was me. I didn't say I don't like it. I just said that because the base workouts are so core intensive there's no reason from a functionality standpoint to add in an extra dedicated ab workout. Shows poor planning in the schedule.
  • erinmel00
    erinmel00 Posts: 18 Member
    I've never felt like I worked my abs too much with TapoutXT. When you do the 17 minute abs workout DVD, he pairs it with a workout that isn't ab intensive. And to quote Mike Karpenko, "If you want abs, you got to work them." The way he planned the workouts make sense to me and it got me the results I wanted. This saturday is the 90th day for me on TapoutXT and the end of the first round BUT I'm going to do another round!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've never felt like I worked my abs too much with TapoutXT. When you do the 17 minute abs workout DVD, he pairs it with a workout that isn't ab intensive. And to quote Mike Karpenko, "If you want abs, you got to work them." The way he planned the workouts make sense to me and it got me the results I wanted. This saturday is the 90th day for me on TapoutXT and the end of the first round BUT I'm going to do another round!

    It's not about what you "feel" like:

    The reason that, in P90X, they have you do Ab Ripper X 3 days a week is because the regular workouts don't hit the core. In TapouT XT they do. And yes you do have to work for them if you want them, but there comes a point where it basically becomes pointless. This is why powerlifters who do compound lifts, crossfit athletes, and gymnasts will never do a single situp or crunch or any ab-specific exercise. Their core gets plenty of training through total body movements.
  • wizzy333
    wizzy333 Posts: 1
    I'm doing program for 6 weeks now and I don't agree it is badly planned. I think it focuses nicely on different parts of the body. 2 workouts are dedicated on core and most have some core workouts, but it is ok to have a dedicated ab workout once or twice per week, after workouts where there is a bigger focus on lower back.
    Only in first week I scheduled 2nd legs workout one day later, because I was still sore from Plyo, but otherwise the cycles are great imo.
    I'm doing sports all my life even professional level, I'm not fitness expert though I admit that, although I know a thing or two. But I alawys advocate how you "feel".
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I've done Insanity, asylum, p90x, great results with those, along with JM wk-outs

    now started end of wk one Tap Out Xt, liking it a lot, working on the results, it's a 90day program and so far great calories burn and I really love it
  • outspan87
    outspan87 Posts: 98 Member
    Insanity is mostly cardio... if you want to build some muscle too, there's another MMA-based workout that only requires dumbbells: George St Pierre's Rushfit, check that out too.
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    I have been considering Insanity...so all of these posts also give me some ideas! Thanks for posting the topic!
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 221 Member
    I'm in my 5th week of Insanity right now. While I like it a lot, I think I'll be doing Tapout XT next, if I can afford it, that is.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Did a round of Insanity which I loved. Now doing TurboFire. I like TurboFire but am not so good at keeping up with the choreography therefore my burn is not as high as I would like it. Might have to check out Tapout.
  • shimacrema
    shimacrema Posts: 87
    Tapout XT will be the next program I purchase. I love Turbo Fire and I had a hard time keeping up at first but I made sure to do the new to class in the beginning. It allowed me to get use to the steps and gave me a break to catch my breath at the same time. It also made me burn more because it was a little longer. Turbo Fire is my go to workout. I love it.

    From all the reviews that I have read about TapOut, is that because of the use of the bands you actually build a little muscle along with burning fat from the cardio aspect. That's exactly what I'm looking for.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 308 Member
    I've heard from a few people who have done Insanity and TapouTXT that TapouTXT is better because they felt like they geared the workout towards a higher percentage of people, whereas Insanity is limited to a certain small group of people. I am almost done with Month 1 of Insanity, I am going to finish the program and then take a week off and go into TapouTXT. Once I have been doing TapouTXT, I will do a comparison on my blog on here and give my opinion.

    I honestly haven't noticed much of a weight loss with Insanity so far. My weight has shifted between 2-3 pounds. But we'll see what happens as I get into month 2.
  • I've tried Insanity twice, am going through tapout now, and have done p90X before. Only thing I will say without hesitation is if you have knee issues (I have osteoarthritis in knees) Insanity, especially month two, is TOUGH on your knees. Tapout so far I love because as mentioned before it's very core intensive, and it's easier on your knees than Insanity because it's more a full body workout, but I will say it's not the same full intensity level as Insanity.

    Regardless, best of luck on whatever you do!