belly fat anyone?



  • PAZlady
    PAZlady Posts: 59 Member
    I find it also helps to cut out alcohol.
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 898 Member
    I don't believe you can tell your body from where to burn fat. You need to lower your overall bodyfat % and it will come off all over, including your stomach. Certainly do some abs exercises so when the fat melts away you have a shaply tummy to look at. :-)

    ES is right..........cause if you could, that would be the first thing I would have GO!
  • spk2me
    spk2me Posts: 3
    Read the Abs Diet book.
  • Spice_4_Life
    Spice_4_Life Posts: 225
    Lift heavy and eat right. You can't spot reduce but you can leave your body no other option.

    What if you can't lift heavy because of medical problems??? and I don't want to lose any more weight. 141 and 5'8 here...

    Eat a very moderate defacit to preserve muscle mass. You're saying you don't want to lose more weight yet you want to lose belly fat and can't lift weights, I see lots of 'tricks' in this thread that don't convince me.

    Ya know what. There are no tricks. I don't want to be a stick figure. I have back issues that will never go away. I have already lost almost 15 by eating at a defict and eating Very healthy. I eat plenty of protein 130-140 g, carbs between 95-115, around 25 g fiber, and eat only heathy fats. No processed crap, drink 22 glasses of water a day, and I my keep sodium under 1500. .I walk because that's what I can do. So I was just asking if there are any other things to do. Like I said before...I'm 5'8 and 141.5 pounds. I DON'T want to lose any more weight.
  • brandee1212
    brandee1212 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't believe you can tell your body from where to burn fat. You need to lower your overall bodyfat % and it will come off all over, including your stomach. Certainly do some abs exercises so when the fat melts away you have a shaply tummy to look at. :-)

    gseburn is correct. You can't dictate where your body loses its fat. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a snakeoil salesman. General weight loss plus toning of your core will help it look flatter and tighter.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    This has been my issue since my teens and made worse by having kids..! I sometimes think some people aren't meant to have washboard stomachs and I refuse to do 100's of sit ups a day in the hope of it getting flatter! (my back wouldn't let me do that now without giving me grief LOL)
    Ok cutting calories definately helps, as does exercising but other than a tummy tuck or lipsuction my tummy aint going anywhere and I'm ok with that! Its best to do what we can to lose excess weight, be healthy and happy and dress for our shapes so we feel and look great! :)
  • oopshowdidigethere
    oopshowdidigethere Posts: 6 Member
    You really can't spot reduce, you need cardio to lose fat from all over the body. But one tip i know of for building abdominal muscles is to hold your stomach in while exercising, especially during those ab exercises. Make sure you do not hold your breath..just draw your navel into your spine as if you were buttoning it together. If you do not do this you will build fat over the muscles making it even harder to lose it. Its a basic pilates principle...Navel to spine you will do fine.
  • Shafon
    Shafon Posts: 1
    I cut out eating sugar and white rice and bread. I saw the most drastic changes in my stomach after eliminating these. And my thighs got slimmer and more toned as well.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You really can't spot reduce, you need cardio to lose fat from all over the body. But one tip i know of for building abdominal muscles is to hold your stomach in while exercising, especially during those ab exercises. Make sure you do not hold your breath..just draw your navel into your spine as if you were buttoning it together. If you do not do this you will build fat over the muscles making it even harder to lose it. Its a basic pilates principle...Navel to spine you will do fine.

    The the 100th time, you don't need cardio. You just need a slight caloric deficit and time. Cardio just allows you to eat more while maintaining the same deficit that you can get from diet alone.

    Cardio is great for a lot of things, but fat loss is not one of them.
  • mobrlike
    mobrlike Posts: 1
    I just got that book too. It seems really hard to take to cut out all the wheat, since it seems to be in so much of what we eat. I am super impressed that you are seeing some results already. Congrats.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    does anyone know any ways to eliminate belly fat? i really need to tone my mid-section.
    Try doing Kegels...Google it...They won't get rid of fat, but will build up stomach muscles

    Seriously???? I think you may be confusing ab muscles with other muscles.