Do you deprive yourself of...??



  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    When I first started this lifestyle change, I quit it cold turkey. No sweets, no soda. That was 88 pounds and 8 months ago. Now, I still don't drink soda, but if I want something during the week, it HAS to fit into my calories. I don't usually log on the weekends so if there is something I want, I have it (I still don't over eat...if I want a slice of pizza, I'll have one slice of pizza etc). I know, I know BAD...but I have yet to hit a plateu in 8 months and I'm losing consistently so do what works right? That being said, because I had some whoppers yesterday, I won't have anything like that today....even though I could really go for a mcflurry right now. I also do drink a few times a week and have yet to see my weightloss slow down. I know I'm lucky. Once my weight loss slows down, or stops, I will have to become strict again. Until then, I'm continuing what I'm doing becasue it seems to be working. I do think no one should deprive themselves of something or else they will overindulge and it won't be pretty.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I still have a treat, sometimes it back fires and makes me want more, but I'm getting better and better at moderation. X
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I am a chocolate addict. I try to avoid it. But when a carving comes, I eat just s tiny bit, enough to satisfy my craving and then I stay away again.

    See, this ^ is what I wish I could do LOL
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I eat all the same things as before, just in moderation. I think its much easier to stick with it that way.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Everything in moderation. While I am typically eating healthier, I do let myself have some of my favorite treats, but I stick with portion size, or try to find a "healthier" alternative. Like right now, I really really really want a Dutch Cocoa Archway cookie and they're on sale at my grocery store 10 for $10. I'm obviously not going to buy 10 packages, but I might buy one and allow myself a cookie here and there until the package is gone. I find if I'm craving something for a few days, I eat it and get it over with and move on.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The ONLY thing I completely cut out for the time being is alcohol- and that is because I can't be trusted to make good decisions once I've started drinking- and the day after even.
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    Alright. I need to stop dieting and make a lifestyle change!!! No more diets!!! Lol
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    No, I do not. That being said I don't go out and gorge myself on chocolate and donuts either. I have it in moderation and within my calorie range. If I just quit eating stuff I like, I would never stop craving it and then i would really overindulge.
  • darlingkaya
    If i have been eating sweets for some time i start getting addicted to it... so the next day ill be craving it again for sure ... if thats the case then YES i deny myself of it JUST because i think, i want to get off the addiction... it usually takes about 2-3 days for me to stop craving it and then i dont even want it =) unless i have it again just because, and then its on my head again :P
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    everything in moderation
    including moderation
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    As long as I have the calories, I do indulge.
  • kimmieyr1
    kimmieyr1 Posts: 189
    I have it in moderation. I have been able to make a Milky Way last almost a whole week by cutting off a small piece at a time. This is actually a NSV for me!
  • raindance_maggie
    There should be no such thing as depriving yourself. This is life. Enjoy it. Scale it back. You can still enjoy it :)
  • raindance_maggie
    I have it in moderation. I have been able to make a Milky Way last almost a whole week by cutting off a small piece at a time. This is actually a NSV for me!

    Crap a whole week?! You're awesome!! It's be an NSV for me if I didn't scarf it down in one breath :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I try not to deprive myself of anything. I have cut out soda and ranch dressing completely though. That's not necessarily because I had to, but more because after eating more healthy and controlling my calories, I don't like them anymore. I'd rather save the calories / sugar / sodium / fat / etc. for other things I like a lot more and that fill me up better. :) I've tried treating myself to a soda a few times since I gave it up, but it's just gross to me and I choke on it. lol

    I don't think you should give up anything, especially if you really love it. There is nothing wrong with enjoying food, it's actually really nice imo to treat myself at the end of a hard week with a nice dinner or night out with ice cream and a burger. Or just having a hearty family meal at home without skimping on any of the good stuff! hehe. Just make room for it when you can, and if you have to, make your other meals throughout the day lighter on the calories. :)
  • T_Marie4
    T_Marie4 Posts: 104 Member
    I also asked this question a few weeks ago - all the same responses! I think we are more prone to failure when we limit EVERYTHING that is bad for us for the sake of 'good' choices. We tend to crave them even more, then end up binging when we finally cave in and allow ourselves to eat whatever 'it' is. Enjoy a treat, budget in your calories, don't feel guilty about it! I know there are people on here who told me they eat ice cream every single night and still lose!
  • emom3boys
    emom3boys Posts: 84 Member
    I can't have it in the house. I messed up yesterday and made Cake Batter Buddies (corn chex covered with melted white chocolate tossed with dry cake mix), then I figured out the calories after I had already eaten way too much of it. I messed up big time and had to ride the stationary bike for over an hour last night to even make a dent in the calories. It's just easier not to have it in the house.

    I had no problem though the other day going into the frozen yogurt shop and making good choices, so something small as a little treat seems to help the sweet craving.