how often and when do you weigh yourself



  • meliad
    meliad Posts: 71
    I do it every day, several times a day. The morning is always lowest so I do it naked or undies and tank after a pee. I might weigh myself later after a work out or just to see what happens after a salty meal etc. Only once have I been lighter at the end of a day than at the beginning.
  • ZForce915
    ZForce915 Posts: 23
    Every morning.

    It's the best way to really learn just how ridiculously volatile your scale weight can be. After witnessing a few +/-5 pound swings in 24-48 hours, you realize...(or at least you *should*)...that the scale can be misleading whether you're weighing daily, weekly, or monthly because those variations are still potentially in there.

    Sounds like someone needs a better scale!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Every morning.

    It's the best way to really learn just how ridiculously volatile your scale weight can be. After witnessing a few +/-5 pound swings in 24-48 hours, you realize...(or at least you *should*)...that the scale can be misleading whether you're weighing daily, weekly, or monthly because those variations are still potentially in there.

    Sounds like someone needs a better scale!

    Nope, this scale, and others I own, are fine. Probably more to do with my hydration level, timing of my 3k daily calories (at the time) and other factors.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    I weigh myself every day. First thing in the morning; au natural.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Too often and getting ready to throw the dammed thing out the window!! :grumble: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    In the morning, before food & in a tshirt & pyjama bottoms usually. Try to do it once a week but usually end up doing it every day.
    Same Here
  • AllieBug25
    AllieBug25 Posts: 61
    I usually weight every morning, without clothes, after usual bathroom stuff. I only record what I weigh on Thursday's, though. I keep a chart on the back of my bathroom door so I am constantly reminded of which direction I need to go! :)
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    I weigh myself daily, in the morning, post pee, with minimal clothing.
  • Roberta81055
    Roberta81055 Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh after I get up in the morning, usually naked and after I have relieved my bladder..
  • myeca77
    myeca77 Posts: 18
    That is really good advice you gave. You were spot on!
  • cattraxs
    cattraxs Posts: 47 Member
    Each morning, before showering, after peeing and naked as a jaybird (old grandma saying). Since I belong to a weight loss program, I only *record* my loss once a week on Monday nights.
  • myeca77
    myeca77 Posts: 18
    Every Sunday morning, naked before the coffee and after a pee :)

    Can also do measurements every 2 or 3 weeks. You may not see differences in the scales but you will with the measurements :)

    If there is ever a temptation to do it more often, put the scales out of sight and try to with hold the temptation as results from daily weighing can have a negative effect on motivation. Digital scales can often give different readings 3 times in a row as you aren't able to step on the exact same spot, might have arms in a different spot, can be leaning forward or back. Just do it once and record it then wait for a week to go by.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    I just bought new scales (a few weeks ago)
    And I weigh myself all the time. Before I go to the bathroom, after I go, when I wake up, when I go to bed.
    (I'm easily entertained.)

    But I only document it once a week, first thing in the morning.
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    I weigh in in the mornings au-natural. Yes the fluxations irritate me(gain) and motivate me(loss)-lol. I also weigh in before and after working out-kinda like seeing the loss, even though I know it's water weight from working out in the hot garage and sweating like crazy!
  • SibylDiane
    SibylDiane Posts: 177 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (nekkid) and write it down it on a little pad of paper. Each Saturday I calculate my average weight for the week and that's what I use to record official progress. That way I don't get hung up on minor fluctuations that have to do with water retention or random body weirdness.