Afraid to be seen working out..



  • no matter how fit or unfit you are their is going to be people looking to bring you down no matter where or what time you go you just gotta dig deep and do it knowing your trying to better yourself. even tho i am pretty fit i still get dirty looks from some people when im out running most of the times its from the people that wish they could do it i always get some real nasty looks from the mcdonalds crowd at lunch when i run by lol
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    just go for it. you can do it. you will feel so much better about yourself for having done it. get some good trainers., some comfy head phones , and sunglasses / cap and go for it.
    good luck
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Whenever I see someone running, I think they're awesome. Doesn't matter what they're wearing.
    i used to look at runners and think * crazy* but that was only because I couldn't do it and i was giving myself an excuse. no I am a runner and I feel great.
    so i guess IMO anybody who judges is coming from a place deep within their on insecurities and need be given a better example so some day they too may break free and change their lives for the better
    so go on be that example

    also there is an amazing guy at my local park - he is huge but every day he walks around the park tobegin with he couldn't go far and it was obviously very hard and painful and I looked at him and thought good luck you are trying
    over the last year he has halved in size, and is walking further and longer ,
    so i look at him, and think he is amazing. his dedication and willpower to make a change is inspiring

    I guess what I am trying to say is it doesn't matter who you are, what you look like or how much you can do - just doing something is inspirational
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    yeah, i think anyone i see exercising is awesome. if it's someone older i think 'i want to be like that'. if it's someone fatter i think 'i want to be like that' because they are showing strength and determination. Spending time outside is definitely not some elite activity for the young and slender - it's for the youthful and active!
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    I know what you mean ... I take my walks after the sun goes down! I know I shouldn't care but I am afraid - afraid of someone shouting out something that would embarrass me. I seen it happen - I was driving behind a car with some rather young guys in it who shouted out insults to a large woman who was out walking. Disgusting behavior! Of course, if she's resilient, one day she'll be slimmer AND stronger for the experience ... those guys will likely always be jerks! I may be out in dark but at least I'm out :)
  • seamadden
    seamadden Posts: 46 Member
    I used to be absolutely terrified of running in public, but when I actually went out I realised that people don't care at all about what anyone else is doing! I like to go early in the morning to avoid teenagers in the area, who I feel would be the ones who would be giving me trouble for it. Most people out at the same time as me are runners too, and we all just let each other get on with our workout.
    Just grab your mp3 player, a good pair of running shoes and get out there! :-)
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Whenever I see someone run in public, I wish I had the nerve to do it......maybe they will be inspired by you.:)
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    wear sunglasses, makeup, comfortable gym clothes, pop in your headphones, and dont think about it---just do it! no excuses :) everybody needs exercise and has to start somewhere. often people think they have to get in shape to be seen at the gym or outside, but *kitten* the world if anyone has a problem with your healthy running habits!!

    ^^ I agree completely. Head phones might really help. You can turn up the music concentrate on your breathing and the beat, you won't even notice the people around you. To be honest chances are most of them aren't paying any attention to you and the ones that are, are probably are problably wishing they were out running too.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    All I want to do is attempt to go for a run outside. If it's not me worried about people I know seeing me, its me worrying about myself looking stupid trying to run and workout in public... I shouldn't worry about what people think but I do.. It gets me so nervous and anxious.
    What do I do... >.<

    Okay I saw this on a posting somewhere and I stole it, I want to share it with you in the hopes that it will help, I know it has helped me.

    I have to share this --- I hope it motivates someone else like it does me:

    Hey Fat Girl ...
    Posted on 06/01/2012 by emmaleigh47
    Yes, you. The one feigning to not see me when we cross paths on the running track. The one not even wearing sports gear, breathing heavy. You’re slow, you breathe hard and your efforts at moving forward make you cringe.

    You cling shyly to the furthest corridor, sometimes making larger loops on the gravel ring by the track just so you’re not on it. You sweat so much that your hair is all wet. You rarely stay for more than 20 minutes at a time, and you look exhausted when you leave to go back home. You never talk to anyone. I’ve got something I’d like to say to you.

    You are awesome.

    If you’d look me in the eye only for an instant, you would notice the reverence and respect I have for you. The adventure you have started is tremendous; it leads to a better health, to renewed confidence and to a brand new kind of freedom. The gifts you will receive from running will far exceed the gigantic effort it takes you to show up here, to face your fears and to bravely set yourself in motion, in front of others.

    You have already begun your transformation. You no longer accept this physical state of numbness and passivity. You have taken a difficult decision, but one that holds so much promise. Every hard breath you take is actually a tad easier than the one before, and every step is ever so slightly lighter. Each push forward leaves the former person you were in your wake, creating room for an improved version, one that is stronger, healthier and forward-looking, one who knows that anything is possible.

    You’re a hero to me. And, if you’d take off the blaring headphones and put your head up for more than a second or two, you would notice that the other runners you cross, the ones that probably make you feel so inadequate, stare in awe at your determination. They, of all people, know best where you are coming from. They heard the resolutions of so many others, who vowed to pick up running and improve their health, “starting next week”. Yet, it is YOU who runs alongside, who digs from deep inside to find the strength to come here, and to come back again.

    You are a runner, and no one can take that away from you. You are relentlessly moving forward. You are stronger than even you think, and you are about to be amazed by what you can do. One day, very soon, maybe tomorrow, you’ll step outside and marvel at your capabilities. You will not believe your own body, you will realize that you can do this. And a new horizon will open up for you. You are a true inspiration.

    I bow to you.

    ** taken from a blog I found online at **
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I ran all last summer - 6 days a week. I felt the same way at first. I remedied it by running at 5 a.m. and wearing a baseball hat. I never really made eye contact with people because I was still so embarrassed running outside. Eventually, I got more comfortable and people got to know me because I took the same 4-mile run. They would wave or smile at me. Sometimes I even ran into people I knew from our town and I saw I wasn't the only one exercising outdoors. No one is really giving you but a passing glance, honestly.
  • Everytime I see someone working out outside I am automatically proud of them for doing it and am a bit jealous I am not doing it as well.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I felt this way at first, especially since I am large chested and when I run people stare. One thing I noticed if you go early on a Saturday everyone who is out is usually exercising too and they will wave and smile. After awhile I had to tune them out. I run the same path and see the same people. I ran at a local park the other day and it was the same thing as on Saturday, other joggers that would smile and wave. No one cared that the fat girl was out there jiggling away. They were all just pleased to see me doing it.
  • sameosameo1
    sameosameo1 Posts: 9 Member
    I can sooo relate. I joined a gym for 55 and over (age) And even then I don't like working out when there are people there and most of them are like 100 yrs old. They are pretty fit tho :) I bought a beginners yoga dvd online for 12 bucks on amazon and I do that daily in the privacy of my own home. I love it and it makes me feel like I got a good workout for 55 min and no one see's my fat *kitten* jigglin!
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
  • MandyZacherl79
    MandyZacherl79 Posts: 31 Member
    Anytime I see a person working out I am always like GOOD FOR YOU!! They are trying to better themselves and frankly it inspires me to get my butt moving! So go for it and GOOD FOR YOU for bettering yourself!!!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Everytime I see someone working out outside I am automatically proud of them for doing it and am a bit jealous I am not doing it as well.

  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    you gotta do whatever you're comfortable doing because if you feel weird or self-conscious, you won't be as inclined to keep doing it... at least that's the way I see it.

    This ^^^

    I don't want to be seen in public either - until I feel good enough about how much I've accomplished to get out there and show it off... I don't wanna be seen with my giant chest juggling faster than my legs are going - or the sweat pouring down my body, or the gross noises my shoes make when the sweat pools in them

    I don't have a gym membership because I can't afford it or the gas to get there.

    I can't afford weights either, so I use items from my cupboard... started with two 16 oz cans of baked beans - (1 in each hand) - now onto two 42 oz Arizona ice tea jugs (they have a great handle grip on them) - next two 64 oz ketchup bottles (waiting for my son to finish the last 1/4 cup in the second one to rinse it out) = If I fill the empty containers with water - they weigh what the label reads ;p And lots of circuit training videos for free on youtube...

    If there's a will... there's a way.
  • vijisrik
    vijisrik Posts: 11
    I agree. I leave to work early morning and when i see people jogging i envy them actually :)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    I use to be that way myself. Then I learn to just put on my head phones and don't think about who is watching you but more of those who are jealous that they are not out there doing what you do. Zone out, jam out and just run
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Go for a short drive somewhere and work out there... I love going for the odd drive into a suburb near the city and working out there along the river etc.